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Saturday, December 03, 2011

Gingrich Accepts Trump Debate Invitation

Newt Gingrich accepted an invitation to appear at a Dec. debate moderated by bombastic TV personality Donald Trump, smilingly as he asked reporters, "Who can resist The Donald?"



  1. Ron Paul already announced he is not going to this circus. So that means his supporters will also agree that Donald is a moron, right?

  2. Trump is a carnival show.

  3. Debating about who's the biggest crook!

  4. Anonymous said...

    Trump is a carnival show.

    December 3, 2011 9:43 PM

    And WTF do you think Obama is!!!

  5. @9:43 PM

    And Obama is a consummate gentleman??

  6. Obama's biggest ally is the republican leadership, folks like bonehead and mccain. They all the same except Ron Paul.

  7. They all the same except Ron Paul.

    December 4, 2011 11:50 AM

    What makes you or anybody else think Paul is so different from anyone else? His words and speeches?

    Everybody says what they think the people want to hear and quickly change their tune when they get what they want.

    Washington D.C., and the people in it, and just like Hollywood CA.

    They put on a show and collect as much money as they can, as often as they can.

    I have yet to see anyone of them care about this country or anyone else.

    They want your vote so they can get the power and the money that goes with it.

    Stop fooling yourselves.


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