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Sunday, December 04, 2011

China Hits Back At US - China tells U.S. that it should "objectively analyse why some of its solar panel firms lack competitiveness."

A decision rendered Friday by the US Trade Commission has sparked heated response from Chinese officials about America's solar industry - and other US Industries in general.
The U.S. trade commission voted 6-0 that there was a reasonable indication that SolarWorld Industries America and other U.S. producers had been harmed by the imports or could have been.
However, China claims that; "China is deeply concerned with the decision, which does not tally with facts and highlights the United States' strong tendency for trade protectionism."

(Authors note) - Maybe the time has finally come to examine why all of the exodus of US businesses from our Country. Locally - our area has lost almost 100 mainstream businesses as a result of over-regulation, or as what most people would describe as a 'hostile' US business enviroment. From the EPA, to OSHA, MOSHA, etc. - our new found 'Keynesian economy' now resembles the former soviet block republic.

Click here for more . . . . .


  1. That is exactly why our nations unemployment has been so high for so long.

    Until the government corrects the uncompetitive condition - the symtoms will remain the same.
    I agree with the chinese observation. Now if we could just get our elected representatives onboard and just acknowledge what the problem is.

  2. Here in the US there are just to many rules and regulations on businesses. China, India, Brazil, Tiawan and others will eventually digress to the current US state. For now - they should enjoy their growth and new found wealth as long as they can.

  3. US competitive? Better look again - there are no US manufacturers.

  4. I do not believe anyone will have to worry about the Chinese. When the chinese learn just how corrupt our government and particularly this administration - they'll soon learn to stay clear of the US.

  5. 2:31 - I agree

    When the chinese investigate the connection regarding the US government loans to Solyndra, Evergreen, A-1, the US will not have a leg to stand on in defending the sanctions.

  6. 2:31-Absolutely correct.However,we are now so indebted to China that they have no choice.It appears they are protecting their interests.


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