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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Public Not Turning In Bath Salts

Delaware State Police report residents are not turning in the now-banned drug known as 'bath salts.'

Sgt. Paul G. Shavack, director of public information for Delaware State Police, said residents have not taken advantage of the offer to turn over bath salts they have in their possession. He urges all residents to stay away from the now-illegal drug.

"The Delaware State Police are continuing to work in coordination with the Attorney General's Office to develop an effective enforcement strategy but will continue to respond to any complaints regarding bath salts," Shavack said. "We would hope and encourage those that possess bath salts, including stores, to turn them in at any of our stations to become compliant with the ban."



  1. Stay out of out lives and stop trying to tell us what we may eat drink or smoke.


  2. I'm keeping mine.
    They actually make for quite a nice bath.

  3. What in the hell is this? Are we talking about regular store bought bath salt that is poured into the bath tub? How can that make a person violent? This is beyond me.


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