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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Buffett's Berkshire Owes $1 Billion In Back Taxes

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett triggered a major debate over taxes recently when he wrote in The New York Times that he should be paying more to the federal government. He called on Washington lawmakers to up tax rates on the rich.

But it turns out that Buffett’s own company, Berkshire Hathaway, has had every opportunity to pay more taxes over the last decade. Instead, it’s been mired in a protracted legal battle with the Internal Revenue Service over a bill that one analyst estimates may total $1 billion.

Yes, that’s right: while Warren Buffett complains that the rich aren’t paying their fair share his own company has been fighting tooth and nail to avoid paying a larger share.



  1. Gotta love the do as I say not as I do liberals.

  2. Thats right 4:34 liberals equal scum of of the earth

  3. He just stated that he SHOULD. He never said that he WOULD. It's the "Buffet Rule" as the President explained to everyone.

  4. And Obama should be thrown out for backing a tax cheat!

  5. HELLO
    don't you new Republicans know any real ones ?
    ya don't pay taxes until you absolutely have to and then not nearly what they want from you
    you hold out and make your money work for you
    file extends again and again and then make a deal to give up a token settlement
    it's unpatriotic to roll over and let them take what's yours
    but then I don't tithe the church either
    Buffet is not as liberal as you think


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