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Friday, July 15, 2011

Humane Society Needs to Be Transparent

This morning’s Daily Times op-ed, as usual, attempts to walk a tight rope without offending too many people. While I won’t argue for being offensive, I do wish that our local paper would take a stand!

The chain emails were also directed at county officials, drawing more scrutiny. Acting County Administrator Sharon Morris has scheduled a meeting with Humane Society Director of Development Linda Lugo to get the other side of the story -- something those who sent nasty emails or letters did not bother to do. And the County Council has also expressed interest in meeting with Humane Society leadership.

In the past, both the council and County Executive Rick Pollitt have sought meetings with the Humane Society’s board. In a profanity laced (on Ms. Lugo’s part) meeting with Humane Society Executive Director Linda Lugo, both Pollitt and council members were basically told to pound salt. This incident was recently related again at a council meeting.

Now the Humane Society has little choice but to meet with Pollitt and the county council. The fate of this dog has brought international attention to our little slice of heaven AND the Wicomico County Humane Society. But – one thing the Humane Society seems unwilling to do is meet with our elected officials in public. As we reported Wednesday (and something that has been left out of the DT op-ed), the Humane Society and acting County Administrator Sharon Morris arranged for a meeting that only allows for three members of the council to attend. The only purpose for such a specific arrangement is to not trigger the Maryland Open Meetings Act.

It’s a little disingenuous of the paper to chastise the public for not meeting with the Humane Society when the Humane Society will not meet with the public and is only meeting with (SOME of) our elected officials because of the harsh light recently shined on them by SBYNews.

For the record, I have no dog in this hunt (forgive the pun). I love animals, but have more than enough pets at home. I’ve only met Ms. Lugo once and spoke with her on the phone another time. I have had a bad experience with the Humane Society, but it had nothing to do with animal care. My experience had to do with the mindless bureaucratic attitude I encountered when I was forced to visit the Humane Society. To be fair, this is far too common when dealing with government and non-profits; so I have no reason to have anymore prejudice against them than government in general and half of the non-profits I deal with.

I honestly believe that I am an objective agent in this debate. As such I have a quarrel with what appears to be an attempt by the DT to whitewash this matter:

This incident should be seen as an opportunity for all parties to come together and have an open, honest discussion about what is happening --strengths and weaknesses, needs that are being met and shortfalls. People who are passionate about these animals should focus squarely on helping the Humane Society meet the needs of the animals --and residents -- it serves.

All parties can’t have an open, honest discussion. The discussion to which the DT refers will be held in the proverbial back room. All of our elected officials will not be present. As for asking “people who are passionate about these animals” to focus on helping the Humane Society, why would people volunteer their time, talent, and treasure when this organization refuses to do meet with the public and explain themselves?


  1. First,and foremost,I believe the council & Executive should be meeting with the Humane Society Board members and not Ms. Lugo. The head of that board is Bonnie Gordy and I'm not sure how many are on the board. They are the ones who are accountable & make the decisions of how the non-profit organization is suppose to operate. I think EJ FOX from Cat County is on the board, too, but I'm not sure. Maybe someone needs to get the names of everyone on the board and hold them accountable. Just a thought.

  2. They refuse to meet with the council because they are still trying to figure out what there cover is going to be for killing an innocent dog. No excuses, the HUmane Society was created in the interest of preserving animals, how is killing a homeless dog a help to animals at all? There is no justifiable excuse for executing a dog when plenty of other offered to take him/her in.

  3. All government agencies that serve the public, of which this is one, be totally open to questions as to how they are run and the decisions they make. Our tax dollars help fund this organization and so we should be allowed to question anything we feel needs to be questioned. I have visited the Humane Society on numerout occasions and always see an excess of staff standing around doing nothing. I work in private industry and if we stood around and did nothing that way, our positions would be cut. I feel there is alot of wasted money in that organization.

  4. Someone who uses profanity at city council,( their boss?), is not fit to serve in my humble opinion.

    Seems like there needs to be someone in charge who will be responsible, proactive and responsive.

  5. I googled:

    Humane Society Board:
    Bonnie Gordy Pres
    Charlotte Littleton VP
    Bill Givans Treasurer
    Kristi Truitt Secretary
    At Large
    Marryanne Brown
    EJ Foxx
    T.A. Phillips
    Jody Morrison

    Hope this helps

  6. Everyone is always bashing the WCHS. I recently adopted a dog from there and I have nothing but good things to say about the adoption process and the attitudes of the people there towards me. I do not know how they treat those animals behind closed doors; however,every dog and cat I saw there had food and water and looked clean and healthy. I know they recently put the animal down and I know it is a sad thing but no one knows the reason. Everyone is simply speculating. I wish the WCHS would just tell us why they put the dog down instead of letting rumors run rampant. I have heard nothing but horror stories from many people which completely clashes with my recent experience with them. I admire them for what they do. They do a job that I would not have the heart to do (e.g. make necessary calls to put animals down that are either not wanted, sick, or they just do not have any more room). It was the previous owner of that dog that needs to be blamed for its condition and its demise. I saw that dog and it looked absolutely pitiful. Somebody let it get that way and not one whisper is being mentioned of that. All I hear is people complaining over the WCHS taking care of that problem. Yes, problem. That dog could have been dying for all I know. Overall, there are negative aspects and things that can be said of EVERY business. WCHS needs some improvement true but they are not as horrific as everyone seems to be painting them. It seems to be a vendetta against Linda Lugo and everyone is just painting the humane society as such.

  7. They need to have directors on the Board who do not view the County Council as the enemy. It is going to take a total change in approach for this to work out for the benefit of the animals. Isn't there somebody who could help by volunteering to be on the Board? If the Humane Society can't afford an Executive Director (job now open) and a Director of Development (job created for Linda Lugo), one director's job has to be cut.

  8. What are the requirements for this position. Maybe this site can recruit a new person to take lugo's place. It seems that craigs list cant find someone. (a hello of a place to advertize for an employee).

  9. All I hear is people complaining over the WCHS taking care of that problem. Yes, problem. That dog could have been dying for all I know

    To use YOUR own words:

    Everyone is simply speculating.

    From what I have read, WCHS told the agency that WANTED THE DOG, that it was fine and had a ten day hold on it.

    If the dog was ill or needed to be put down, why would they say that?

  10. Lastword I am not saying the WCHS is right or wrong in how they handled the dog so there is no need for you to be an a**. I said that MY experience with them was perfectly fine. If you re-read what I wrote I said that I wish they would issue some kind of statement addressing this issue. As for them promising a 10 day window to whoever wanted the dog, I believe you are correct in that they would not have said that had the dog been healthy; HOWEVER why would they just go and put the dog down? For no reason? Bull**** they can't be that heartless or they wouldn't have the job they do. Whether it was a mistake or due to a reason found out after the fact they should come out and at least say WHY. My point is there has to be a LOGICAL REASON. I refuse to believe that Linda Lugo or one of her minions simply spazzed out and put the dog down for kicks. That is the way they are being portrayed by some. As if they enjoyed the killing. It makes no sense. If people of Wicomico County have such an issue with the humane society DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Talk, write, call, email, text your politicians of Salisbury or even the State of Maryland. But sitting back on a blog crying about how it is and what should be done isn't getting it done. I have said I have no problem with what goes on there but apparently alot do. I urge you to do something!

  11. u all can thank Ed from the City of Salisbury.he's wanna-b animal control for the whole county.the city should take care of city and the county take care of the county.some people should just learn to mind their own damn buisness.what about Ed shooting stray dogs & cats while on the City time clock instead of doing whats best for the animal. i think Ed needs to go.

  12. Ed happens to be a very good animal control officer with 13 years experience in AC. He would never shoot a dog or cat doesn't even carry a gun. The only reason he has to pick up animals in the county is because county animal control won't go. Take for Instance the reservation it is county territory. They won't go there. Lake street park has dog fights going on. Guess what again county animal control does not go. All they do is pick and choose where they want to go and leave animals to suffer in the neighborhoods they have chosen not to. Who else is going to rescue those but Ed. The sheriffs dept gets the call they call Ed because the county won't come. Frankly I think they take much pleasure in deciding which places in the county they choose not to go

  13. bonnie gordy and scarelet littleton need to resign over this!!!!!! what a couple of fakes they are

  14. You need to know that the less animals they have there----the More Money they have----go figure it out for yourself.

    The Rescue , as seen on TV, had been told when they said they would take him, that the dog was in no danger.

    The Pres. of that Rescue posted exactly what was told her by Ms Lugo on this Site.

    The "Powers that Be" have the info as to how to get up with these Rescues from Channel 47 News!

    This time Ms Lugo has really got to concock a really good story!!

  15. 2:14 PM

    To quote you, you are the a**.

    Your experience with them has no bearing on what they did to that dog.

    My point is there has to be a LOGICAL REASON.

    Why? Since when does any government agency has to have a reason for anything it does, much less a logical one.

    Talk, write, call, email, text your politicians of Salisbury or even the State of Maryland. But sitting back on a blog crying about how it is and what should be done isn't getting it done

    People are talking, contacting politicians, etc. You prefer to call it crying but we adults like to think of it as discussion.

    I have said I have no problem with what goes on there but apparently alot do. I urge you to do something!

    If you have no problem with them putting a dog down for no known reason, AFTER they said they would not, why are YOU on here CRYING?

    Again, if you have no problem with it, why would you care if ANYONE did something about it?

    Or are you just sticking up for your buddy?

  16. A "normal" humane society does not deal with this BS. Controlling animals is a county problem, not the humane society's. Wicomico County needs to hire animal control officers who are trained and equiped. WC should also provide shelter, food and vetinary care for animals for the 5 days they are required to be held. The humane society should not receive any county money (200K)!! They would of course double their donations by being a non-kill shelter. To me, problem solved!


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