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Friday, April 08, 2011

Robin Hood In Reverse In The US: Seven Examples

The rich have been getting richer and the poor and the middle class have been getting poorer in the US recently. Here are seven examples that show how the US is going through "Robin Hood in Reverse."

Between 1948 and 1979, the richest 10 percent of families in the US claimed 33 percent of average income growth. Between 2000 and 2007, the richest 10 percent claimed a full 100 percent of average income growth in the US, according to the Economic Policy Institute.

Business taxes were cut from 46 to 34 percent 25 years ago, according to ProPublica. But today, 115 of the big 500 companies listed on Standard and Poor's stock index paid federal and other taxes of less than 20 percent over the last five years, according to David Leonhardt of The New York Times.

General Electric's tax rate for last year was seven percent, according to ProPublica.

The top five percent of US households claim 63 percent of the entire country's wealth. The bottom 80 percent hold just 13 percent of the growth, according to the Economic Policy Institute.



  1. Pure liberal propaganda.
    Class warfare.
    This stuff is EXACTLY why we can't get a reasonable budget passed.
    Too many Marxists involved.

  2. With these statistics, how can the whining and howling from the rich about MORE taxes have ANY credibility whatsoever? The richer you are, the greater the tax loopholes and the lesser percent you pay....BUT, they constantly whine like babies, acting as if the tax codes are UNFAIR to them. You'd think they were down to their last 2 trillion dollars and were choosing between their medicine and their groceries.

  3. Amen 10:48!
    The powers that be are trying to make sure there is no more middle class.
    They want it to be the haves and the have nots.
    We're on the way to the POOR house, literally and they don't care as long as their bank accounts keep growing!
    It would be different I guess if those rich gave back but they don't. They just hoard the money and waste it being frivilous and screw their fellow man.
    In the meantime, the gap just grows bigger and bigger!

  4. Thanks, 11:56 for showing everybody what's wrong with this country.
    People who sit on their and curse the 'rich' for not giving them more.

    Go out and work for it.
    That's how most of the' rich' got theirs.

    Or are you still waiting for Obammie to send you something?


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