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Friday, April 08, 2011

Comcast's CEO Pay Valued At $31.1 M. Did He Earn It?

$31.1 million is what you get for being the CEO of Comcast, reports the AP in their breakdown of Brian Robert's compensation package. Do you feel this pay is deserving and accurately reflects your experience as a Comcast customer? Our handy poll has buttons that you can push to tell the world your opinion. Just don't push the red button with the lips on it. That orders more naughty movies and makes a silver bell in Brian Robert's office go ting-a-ling.

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  1. At least Comcast has a balanced budget. In contrast, we don't hold Congress accountable for their lack of performance on the Federal budget. Maybe we should begin to and our balance sheet might start looking as good as Comcast's.

  2. comcast only has a balanced budget cause they raise their rates at will. one of the few companies that I actually hate dealing with. but what's the alternative? glad de regulation addressed this! where's our choice?
    google comcastmustdie
    even their employees hate them.

  3. Comcast, the employment agency for the unemployable.

  4. This is why my bill just increased $60.00 a month! Then I called and they told me they didn't have another "package" to move me to unless I did their triple play. I told them real quick that with the service we've been getting on the internet and the cable and all the problems we've had in the last year, why in the world would I want to also have their phone service?
    I told them we were looking at other options (satellite) and that got me a different person on the phone.
    The bill still went up but only $24.00/month instead of $60.00.


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