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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Letter To The Editor

First off, let me tell you how much I enjoy your blog.  I look forward to reading it every day.  As one originally from Delmar, I like to keep in touch with the events and happenings of the Shore.
As to Japan, while I know and am thankful that America steps in and provides aid and assistance during tragic events around the world, while doesn't America also help America?  Do you think for once that our president or politicians every once look to the nations we assistance and ask for a reduction in the American debt for such assistance?  Currently we have at least two carriers and 50,000 troops currently stationed in Japan assisting in the rescue efforts.  Currently, we are footing the bill, and why?
After reading your story today about the increased radiation levels found on returning service men, shouldn't we also consider compensation for increased medical care that may be required, both now and in the future?  Especially in light of the constant battle here at home on the President's health care package.
I don't mean to sound cold or mean-spirited, but I also think we need to do what is also best for this county, and since everything comes at a price, at what point do the American taxpayer get a brake and assisted nations start paying their way.
Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. Our military gets paid the same whether they are floating around in the ocean or helping someone else out. To say that it cost us $30 million a day to help makes people think it would cost less if we didn't.

    Now asking to forgive debt for our services? It seems like a good idea from a practical standpoint. Of course when I help someone out, it doesn't matter if I owe them anything or not, I do it out of the goodness of my heart and never ask for anything in return.


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