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Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I am surprised you have gone all day and not offered your opinion on how monumentally horrible the "Chickenstock" lineup is, especially considering the hype preceeding the news conference.
And that is before you get to the price of admission.
Are they trying to purposely keep teenagers (and anyone under 40) away from this thing? 
Wicomico Tourism never made contact with Salisbury News referencing this matter. In fact, this is all the press this event will get from Salisbury News. I'll bury it in the early morning posts and that will be the end of it.  


  1. Chickenstock sounds like a great alternative to the many boring events Salisbury holds. My friends and I (ages 27-36) are very excited for the line-up, and I believe something like this should be supported and am wondering why you would choose not too. If this event is successful then maybe there will be more like it....attracting people from out of the area, which will maybe bring some business to the hotels located near Perdue Stadium, to The Lagoon and other struggling restaurants in that area and will in the very least offer some good live music for the rest of us. And the price is not that bad....I spend just at much at Pig in the Park on sandwiches, junk and to listen to sub-par music.

  2. I Agree with you joe, this is a total joke,the so called lineup of top acts....did i miss something, what top acts? Good old salisbury can go out and buy a must needed fire boat(NOT)but can not bring a top act to salisbury.Remember the old saying..to make money you must spend money, go out and get a top act just for once salisbury.

  3. Let me make something clear here. I never said anything about the acts. The bold letters in this post came from someone writing in to me. I commented below what they had sent.

  4. Our family was all excited about the event (HYPE) until we heard the lineup and cost. I understand that the organizer for the acts is the same person who did UMES gala. She must have a long list of "has beens" and imitators. There have been some good concerts at Perdue Stadium, but I do not see a "sell out" for this. Not many of us could afford $85 and up for an even good concert.

  5. Well Joe this is yet another shining example of how the government, in it endless endeavor to cater to everyone pushing multiculturalism and the like, falls flat on it's face. You can't please everyone at the same time. Any attempts are a lesson in futility. On top of that, lets add insult to injury by charging a ridiculous $85.00 to get in. This will be a monumental failure. But we can count on our local media to make it look like a major success.

  6. the acts dont sound too awfully bad to me. besides, an over 30 party would be much better than ocean city at 1am.

  7. It isn't the acts themselves 8:57. It's the feeble attempt to blend genre's so fundamentally different that makes it so bad....and then the amount charged for admission.

    It would be like having someone who played contry music on stage...and afterward someone takes the stage and performs Mozart....and after that a gangster rapper....and then Air Supply. They just don't go together. But then charge a huge amount of money to see this...show. Only a government entity could put something like this together.

  8. What is wrong with you people? This isn't a for profit event, it's for charity. For gods sakes, do you guys have to complain about everything??? If you don't want to go, then don't go!!!!!

    PS: The government isn't to blame for all your whims. Get over it.

  9. This is Salisbury folks? Who the heck do you think we can get to come to these events, Aerosmith, Jimmy Buffett? To Mr. "Monumentally Horrible" complaining about the line up, do you have any idea how much it cost to get any type of celebrity? Im so sick of people like you complaining about every little thing. Don't like the line-up? Don't go and make your donation to United Way online.

    And too bad Sby News won't try and give it good press and promote it. Its for the United Way and they give to the local communities in many ways, like youth counseling, and life crisis center. You bet they'll be here to help in the event of a major hurricane.

    Oh, and I'm under 40 and LOVE Kenny Loggins.

  10. 9:21
    That right! You are so right!

  11. I believe this event is being put together by the United Way....not Wicomico Tourism....

  12. anonymous 9:30, Salisbury News has done more to promote fundraisers than ANY other news source on the entire Eastern Shore.
    The United Way chose to leave us out of the loop as well as Wicomico Tourism.

    The choice was theirs. No one can ever say we don't receive the biggest audience than anyone else out there any more.

    So here's what I say. IF these special interest groups want to rely on lets say WBOC, either very few will show up OR they'll now spend every waking moment pushing it so they don't look like crap when very few people show up.

    So don't point the finger at me about promoting this event. They could have sent a Press Release to everyone and this time they screwed up.

  13. Salisbury can bring a top act in, it's just how much money they want to spend. The bottom line..big acts cost big bucks.

  14. Joe, the United Way chose to not notify you because you're apparently not in their "group".
    That's just the way they work and it's a real shame.

  15. First of all, United Way is a fine and deserving charitable organization. Having said that, HELLO, organizers!

    CCR: wikipedia says they broke up in the early 70's- John Fogerty was the voice- now it can't be much more than a bunch of sound-alikes.

    MTB: The guys that made this band are dead!

    I hope they do well, but if they don't somebody should get the boot.


  16. United Way will never get any support from me. The United Way President receives $375,000 base salary, a fully paid lifetime membership for 2 golf courses, 2 luxury vehicles, a yacht club membership, 3 major gold credit cards for his personal expenses. All this equates to about 51 cents per dollar going to charity causes.
    United Way is the 3rd paid worst offender president for the 11th year in a row!

  17. 12:46 that is very disturbing to me.At my place of employment we are encourged to have auto deduction from payroll to go to United Way. I have went back and forth on this for a couple of years. It almost like they make you feel bad if you don't. We havea big old meeting every year. Considering i am a single mom with 2 children,a mortgage and every other bill to pay every month. Joe can you check into that for us hard working people who could truly use that money for our own families. Thanks

  18. Some info about the United Way-- Although it's a national org, the local United Way is LOCAL. They are completely transparent about the money they put towards local programs and the fact that 100% of donations stay local. I've been a longtime supporter and I think its a great cause. And if there are any doubts, just call them and ask!

  19. When the United Way hires a new Executive Director then I'll support them. Until then Salvation Army gets all of my support.

  20. Pretty tough line up. I would have thought Chicago, Earth Wind & Fire or Kool & the Gang as a head liner. Hell I am 45 & cannot name one Dione Warwick tune. This event will be as big as the Eddie Money show we had here years ago...

    Remember the good days we used to have with ZZ Top, George Thorogood, Heart & Jimmy Buffett at the Civic Center.


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