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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Obama on Communist Chinese Payroll

Did you know that the President of the United States is on the ChiCom payroll?  It’s true … at least by the logic of the Obama administration.

It works like this -

The Chinese lend the United States hundreds of billions of dollars because our President and Congress are unable to control government spending.  These dollars from the Chinese flow into the government’s general fund.  Money is fungible.  Since Obama is paid from the general fund of the US Treasury, he’s being paid (at least in part) by the good folks of the People’s Republic of China.

No wonder he bows down to Chinese leaders!

NOTE:  Credit for this goes to Rush Limbaugh.  Is it convoluted?  Absolutely.  However, President Obama claims that the US Chamber of Commerce is funding campaign ads with foreign money.  He has no evidence.  However, IF that is true it is even more true that Obama is on the payroll of the ChiComs.

from Delmarva Dealings


  1. This doesn't make sense simply because the Chinese LOAN money, not pay it. Not to mention, if the tables were turned on the CoC thing, Rush et al. would be all over the story as another Obama conspiracy theory. Nice try wackos.

  2. we are all owned by the ChiComs...

    the Clintons sold them sensitive guidance technology that was passed on to Pakistan..that is well documented

    control is the right word..but it has nothing to do with spending

  3. The Communist Chinese Government might treat us better than the International Corporations who control our government.

    The old fashioned nice United States of America we grew up with (or thought we did) and hoped for is gone.

    Sadly enough

  4. Anon 2:15
    This is the same logic as the Consumer pays your salary if you are in manufacturing. If the Consumer does not buy the product then there is no money for your salary. That means you work for the Consumer. So why does it not make sense?
    You also believe in fisical responsibility is a must in your own personal budget is amust during these hard times but Politians don't have to be as long as they form more social programs. You speak out of both sides of your mouth with no logic when it benefits your no common sense bizarr beleifs.

  5. you can't get enough of "common sense". unfortunately the libs don't understand what drives a good economy. as far as rush pointing out o's falicy, he's absolutely right on. o's expose doesn't hold water. it's only a ploy to try to get off topic. o is the worst president we've ever had and he knows it. this emperor is not only naked, he's stupid and you can't fix stupid.......scary isn't it?

  6. 6:46? The consumer doesn't pay an employee's salary. That money is going straight to the owner. The owner can be making money hand over fist yet still decide that he won't pay you more or he might pay out less salaries. Again, your analogy doesn't make sense.

    Your comment also does nothing to address the fact that with all the wacko conspiracy stories that Rush, Beck, Hannity and others have thrown out there, these guy's credibility has been all shot to hell.

  7. Anon 1714 -
    I'm also assuming that you're the same fool who posted the comment at 1415. Get a grip! It was a joke! The logic is faulty - just as the claim that the US Chamber is running ads with foreign money.

    The commenters' who argue that the employee works for the consumer, however, are correct. The reason you don't understand that makes me believe you work for the government.


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