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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eastern Shore Driving Academy Closes Their Doors In The Middle Of Class

The Eastern Shore Driving Academy in Berlin, owned by Barry Neeb and Patrice Ottey have closed their doors. Here's the problem. They did it in the middle of training 15 to 20 Students and will not return their money.

The class cost each student $325.00. They are expected to provide 30 hours of classroom time and 6 hours of driving time. Only a small portion of the last class was provided.

The Erie Bonding Insurance Company informed many of these students that they are awaiting an answer from the MVA as to how Barry and Patrice will be paying each student back their money. However, from what we've learned through the MVA, that's not the students nor the MVA's problem.

The MVA took the Eastern Shore Driving Academy License away from them, so they are in fact OUT OF BUSINESS.

Allegedly, Barry stated to one parent, we've been teaching these classes for the past 2 or 3 years without a paycheck.

Another local driving school has offered to finish the students classes but has to charge an additional $150.00 to do so. One thing that really got under the parents skin is the fact that Patrice continues to run a Tags and Title business in the same center.


  1. What is really sad it that some of these kids had to pay for the class out of there own money. And you would think that a company owned and operated by a local law enforcement officer and a former officer would have been up front and honest. They took this money and within a few short weeks closed the doors. What is the difference with what they did and theft?

  2. Why is Erie not paying these people back?

  3. owned by a local law enforcemnt officer . . .

    And you think because of that ownership they would be HONEST?

    WTF? where have you been?

    The police are the criminals driving up and downt he highway 100 miles per hour in order to catch you driving 10 miles over the speed limit. And they ADMIT it saying, how can we catch up to the criminals if we don't travel faster than the speed limit?

    Trust the police? Tell that to the poor people in New Orleans after Katrina

  4. Why would MVA have anything to do with paying the money back they didn't take the money?

  5. If they couldn't keep the driving school open because they were not making enough money how is that she could stay in the exact same office space selling tag and title services?

  6. I agree it sounds like theft. Why can't they be charged with theft?

  7. I agree it sounds like theft. Why can't these owners be charged with theft? With just 15 students you are talking about $4875.00 and this seems to be on the low side.

  8. Im one of the kids who had to pay for that class with my own money. Im 16 years old and work 2 jobs just to be able to pay for this class and now not only did my money get taken away from me and not get the full service of the contract but now i also have to pay another driving school $150.00 more. Like honestly these people who ran this are just taking advantage of kids and stealing their money.

  9. One word "Lawsuit"

  10. Is there anything the States Attorney can do to them?That is outright no better than a street corner scam.I remember how hard it was to scrape up money to go to driving school over 20 yrs ago....and its unfair that these people got nothing in return for their money.

  11. the parents of each and every student should take them small claims court.

  12. Just remember folks, there are 2 sides to every story. I can tell you that I personally know both Barry and Tish and they are both straight up honest people. I know for a fact that Barry plays a BIG part in the play it safe programs for the kids and Tish is a complete family mother. I am not saying that the kids dont deserve their money or the service, but before we start throwing stones, lets hear all the facts.

    OC COP

  13. In Maryland, if the goods or services paid for aren't provided, you are entitled to a refund. Check it out.

  14. Can you guide us to right place to find the information from the state of Maryland.

  15. Oh, I was wondering when an OC COP was going to make an apperance! I understand the code of "BLUE" in which they follow and for most intents and purposes understand it. However a "dirty individual" cop or not is just that, DIRTY. If indeed they had not recieved a paycheck for 2+years I think they would have closed shop long ago. I also have to wonder, they must have known that doors on the driving end were going to close...so why allow any more kids to sign up????? I understand sticking together, but honestly it really does not matter how much Barry and Tish have done within the community, they have wronged a large number of kids who have worked hard to get something that is a priveledge to begin with. This is what irks the crap out of me. Teens today have enough crap to deal with, most who went to this academy did so because of the Police affiliations. So what kind of bad taste will this leave in their mouths???? And we wonder why the kids get the "chips" that they get. Your great work for them previously means nothing when you wound them in this way!!!!!!

  16. good for the goose? arrest them, make them an example, garnish their wages and make the kids whole. fire them from their jobs for their dis-service to the community. enough is enough!

  17. Very simple, file a complaint with Chief Dipino in the Ocean City Police Dept., it is conduct unbecoming of one of her officers, bet she won't have it. See what happened to Catrino, that fat lady is still singing.

  18. Joe you have been very helpful getting this out to the public and for that I would like to thank you. I am hoping that you can keep this story fresh so the rest of the parents can get involved and maybe someone from the Ocean City police dept will get wind of it and push for a resolution.

    Again thank you for all you do to keep the public informed.

  19. Yes I am a parent who has spoken with Erie Bonding Company in there Silver Spring office and the main office in Erie PA and I can tell you that neither call helped.I know that the MVA has spoken with them all on a conference call and explained to them that it is not up to the MVA to determine anything when it comes to repaying the customer. Erie is still wanting the MVA to guide them on paying us and this is the excuse they are using for not refunding our money. We as parents are in need of some help to get back what is ours and or our children's.
    It's sad to say but as I'm learning it is ok to open a company and take peoples money and nothing can be done to the owner's .

  20. Joe thanks for your post. Now it looks like it will get a little TV coverage as well.

  21. Our son was enrolled and completed the classroom time. At the end of the classroom time we were told not to schedule the "on the road" sessions right away. They said it would be better to wait until the kids had a little driving experience. Now I wonder if they didn't know then that they were going to close their doors. The only other option near Ocean City/Berlin is Seaside Driving Academy. The owner of that business used to have a travel agency. She stole from her travel agent clients and was still allowed to open a driving school even before she paid back the travel agent clients she stole from.


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