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Monday, September 06, 2010


Joe Moore, a major player in Democrat dealings in Worcester County and prominent attorney there, has quickly come to the defense of Berlin’s mayor, Mr. Williams, who is the subject of a recent article in the Daily Times that discussed a significant donation to his campaign for the House of Delegates. The article reported that at almost at the same time as the Town’s commissioners voted to approve the purchase of land, a group of business firms affiliated with the seller gave $2,500 to the political campaign of Mr. Williams, who actively promoted the deal. It also discussed the fact that the purchase price being paid by Berlin is twice what the property sold for last year, pointing out that the higher value is supported by the appraisal firm of William McCain, who is a member of the Wicomico County Council.

Mr. Moore does not suggest that the article is incorrect in any of the facts that it reported. He points out, also correctly, that the purchase of the property was not approved by Mayor Williams, but rather by the town’s legislative body (as the article also noted), albeit by a bare majority as two Council members disqualified themselves. He also states that James “Bud” Church, who is a member of the Worcester County Commissioners, and the current State’s Attorney, Joel Todd, spoke in support of the deal.

We have no issue with Mr. Moore, a skilled advocate, presenting a factual scenario that appears more favorable for Mayor Williams, although it seems appropriate for the latter to do so and in the process explain whether the value of the property has actually doubled since it was sold last year. Mr. Moore did not address that aspect of the situation.

Instead, he berates the Daily Times for insinuating that “the purchase and a campaign donation had some possible connection”, which he deems to be “offensive”. That’s why we must return fire. The Daily Times reported facts, not fantasy, that some folks finds very disturbing. The media should do basic reportage without concern about the political careers or the sensibilities of the pillars of the community (or as some would say, the “good old boys”).

It’s not often that we applaud the Daily Times, and this may be the first time we have defended it. Mr. Moore offered the readers his best “jury spin”, stating that the article “is unfair to the citizens of Berlin”, which is absurd. His hyperbole, however, is biased and fanciful: the facts can be very inconvenient at times like this.


  1. This isn't about the purchase of the property but instead about the price paid. With the economic downturn that is wide reaching, land values have declined tremendoulsy and for this group to buy and sell this property in such a depressed market for almost double what they paid within one year is ridiculous. Something appears amiss. Then we learn that the Mayor who is running for office got donations totally $2500 from the group who sold the property. All one can do is SMILE.

  2. Who owns theproperty that stands to make a tidy windfall? Sounds like the same deal with the cranberry bog firehouse in Salisbury--who got rich off of that deal?

  3. Sounds something like the deal Louise Smith wants to make with Linens of the Week. Did anyone else see the DT article today? "it's for the children," please. Louise, if you are so worried about the childrren traveling safely step in right away and give them a ride in your car. Louise thinks that the best solution is alwyas to spend the taxpayer's money...lots of it,

  4. Mr. Moore is an excellent writer and well respected attorney. However, I still have some unanswered questions. Has Mr. Moore or his law firm represented the current land owners or their group of businesses? Where were the Mayor and Council when the property was offered for sale at $400,000+ in 2009? What factors doubled the value of the land from 2009 to 2010? Was the 2009 sale price disclosed or discussed in the council meeting?

  5. Politics-----Still Crooked After All These Years!


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