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Monday, September 06, 2010

American Patriot

Do you think that our 44th president, Barack Hussein Obama, is an American Patriot?


  1. This limits me, since Joe says "No Profanity," but NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!! He is a Socialist Pig, who is, in my opinion, not Christian, nor is he even an American Citizen. I don't care that he is black, I care about his policies that are destroying this great country.

  2. Just as much as you are....

  3. A Patriot? Hell, I don't think he's even an American!

    Craig Theobald

  4. Absolutely! He is serving our country at the highest level any citizen can.

  5. By definition, he is.

  6. Heck NO!!!!

    You can bet our forefathers are turning over in their graves.

  7. He is nothing that has word American in it, and that includes Citizen.

  8. Nope! Far From It. I love all of those folks who think the opposite. What kool aid did they drink?

  9. As patriotic as the wahoos that post here - actually more so since he actually understands the constitution that most of you have never even read but just take Palinesque sound bites as fact.

  10. I see that Chuckie Poo and Jim Beau is up early this morning reading your blog. Since those micreants think he is an American Patriot I must say HELL NO!

  11. Yes, he is.
    He came from modest beginnings, studied hard to become a Harvard educated attorney, authored a book by the time he was 28, ran for public office and won. He lived the American Dream.
    He is following the advice of his economic advisors using Keynesian economic theory to deal with a near-depression that he inherited.
    History may prove him right or wrong, but he is doing what he believes is best.
    He is a Christian born in Hawaii and has proven both time and again.
    Demagogues on the right try to inspire fear and anger to regain power as soon as possible.
    They will succeed.
    Then they will have to figure a way out.

  12. Most of our Forefathers were secret Freemasons who's loyalty was with their Order back in Europe. They built a secret government who's purpose is still being gradually unfolded in the public eye.

  13. By Webster's definition most of the posters here are not patriots either. Patriot - "one who loves his country and zealously supports its AUTHORITY and interests".

  14. Absolutely not. He has openly stated that he wants to fundamentally change the country. The fundamentals of our nation are American attributes. Based in the constitution. He and his kind have led our nation down a path away from the constitution since the early 1800's. He has capitalized on one of the worst parts of our political system - partisan politics - in order to pass the largest social program since the era of FDR's raw deal...uh....NEW deal. His flagrant push toward socialism is prima fascia evidence of his disdain for our country and our founding document - The U.S. Constitution. He claims he is a Christian but can't find the time to go to church yet he finds time to have dinner with muslim organizations. He has never attended a dinner comprised specifically of Christians. While we continue to lose 500,000 jobs per month, he vacations in Martha's Vinyard - on OUR dime. He claims we are the largest muslim nation in the world - publicly. He is the leader of the most powerful nation in the world yet he bows to Saudi kings. He is no patriot. He is a traitor and should be tried for treason.

  15. Patriot - NO. Imbedded Socialist trying to dismantle the country from within - YES.

  16. "Do you think that our 44th president, Barack Hussein Obama, is an American Patriot?"

    I am offended that you would refer to this foriegner as "OUR" president. He is not my president and never will be. I am looking forward to the day that real American's will realize the mistake they made and run him out of office.

  17. No Way. I'll go so far as to say the recent earthquakes around the world are due to the vibrations caused by the tens of thousands of true patriots who fought and died for our freedom spinning at high RPM's in their graves.

  18. nope. Obama is to patriot like apple is to orange. totally unrelated.

  19. Not at all. He is a puppet for some anti-American sect determined to destroy all of the principles and values that had made our country so great. It was said that "...whenever Government becomes destructive..., it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government..." in our own Declaration of Independence; watch that process start in November.

  20. definitely not. he is a socialist cocaine user (ask larry sinclair) and he is systematically dismantling our republic. the libs thought they were doing the right thing - again. we need this next election to put people in office who will steer us back to our constitution. and away from traitors like obama.

  21. 10:20 is right. it is a matter of time before history repeats itself. the tings going on now are identical to the things that went on in the early part of the 1800's leading up to the civil war. The implementation of taxes and tariff's by the federal government - same as now. South Carolina's attempts at nullification of federal laws to establish it's soveriegnty same as Arizona's attempts to protect it's borders to defend it's soveriegnty, and both were squashed by the federal government. Jackson totally ingnored the constitution and so is Obama. Get ready.....this traitor Obama is leading us into a really dark time ahead.

  22. Okay, Okay, do you mean SOUTH America? If so, maybe he is... Hugo Chavez lives down there.

  23. Anonymous said...
    As patriotic as the wahoos that post here - actually more so since he actually understands the constitution that most of you have never even read but just take Palinesque sound bites as fact.

    9:58 AM

    You are a sick puppy and you will never change. The best thing this country and true American Patriots can do is eradicate all cancer like you.

  24. This country would be much better off with Osama Bin Biden and his supporters gone.

  25. hey 9:58 I love when you try to make your self sound so much more intelligent than the people posting here. For your information it is "yahoo" and not "wahoo". Two different things:) Just because someone disagrees with you it does not mean they are ignorant.

    By the way. The fact that this question is even being asked means there is doubt in the minds of the citizens of the USA. In my OPINION Obama is not a patriot. He is a slime bag. Take a look at the creeps he surrounds himself with.

  26. Obama is not even an American so how can he be a patriot???

  27. ovomit.. nothing about him is a patriot, let alone american. you'll never catch me refer to him as our president. he's just a dark period in our history books.

  28. Unfortunately Civil War is the only answer!!

  29. OK, by now it is clear, the consensus of SBY commentators feel that a patriot is someone who must agree with them politically, and if they don't they are a traitor who should be eradicated. Pretty embarrassing day to be an Eastern Shoreman and an American.

  30. 9:58 (the first one)

    I guess that makes you a wahoo too since you posted here as well. Now go put your big boy panties on and sit in the corner.

  31. How could he be? No one that disagrees with Republicans and is not a card carrying member of the party could be a true American patriot

  32. How could he be? No one that disagrees with Republicans and is not a card carrying member of the party could be a true American patriot

  33. Does he meet your definition of patriot? Obviously not, but he is a patriot. He is an American citizen and he was elected President of the Unted States of America by the majority of her people. Because most of the folks on here do not agree with his policies is certainly not proof of all the ridiculous things they are saying about him here. I support and stand with him and I am not going anywhere. Be careful what you wish for,Obama and his administration did not dig this big black hole,but those who did; when you put them back in office, it's going to get a hell of a lot darker and bigger. Enjoy!

  34. I completely agree with 12:32

  35. A patriot??? I've not even seen proof he's an American!!! I also challenge any of you limp-wristed liberals to PROVE he is. Notice I said PROVE, not more of that garbage msnbc spouts on a daily basis. If the proof it there it's simple, SHOW IT TO US!! I can show mine, can he??

  36. Whattcha fightin for. You possibly defending something that is already gone.

  37. 959AM...what kool aid have you sampled?

  38. No hes is not an American Patriot. He wont put his hand on his heart while the national anthem is playing. He never says anything good about this country yet bows to leaders of other countries. He's a disgrace!

  39. 10:05--
    great quote of Webster's definition but as you know...there is ALWAYS room for interpretation. Define "authority". I have no choice but to say that we each have our own set of authoritarians. As for as BHO being one of mine--not a chance...and never. Here's the deal. As an adult human being, to be respected you have to earn respect by being respectful. He has done nothing but DISRESPECT the interest of the very people who elected him. His numbers show that mroe and more every day.
    So, in this case, I am going with pinhead....never patriot.

  40. 11:06 actually the world would be 100% better off without you ignorant hillbillies who know nothing about anything.

  41. 4:27 why are we hillbillies? Because we disagree with you. Tell you what. When the poo poo hits the fan people like you will be crying, starving, and bleeding. We "hillbillies", on the other hand, will be putting our constitution back in place, eating what we grow and hunt, and causing you communist socialists to bleed.

    See ya soon.

    NO obama isn't a patriot. He is an Obamunist.

  42. Funny.... 43 posts and only one author signed it with his name. That would be me. What's wrong with this picture?

    Craig Theobald

  43. okay,236pm since you do not accept his birth certificate as proof that he was born in an american state(it has been shown on the internet and tv countless numbers of times); LET'S SEE YOUR ABSOLUTE AND POSITIVELY UNDISPUTABLE PROOF THAT HE IS NOT AN AMERICAN!

    Would you question his citizenship if he were not named Barack Hussien O'bama?

    Let's see your proof and sound bites from Palin, Beck and Limbaugh are not proof.


  44. 4:27 Your a frustrated idiot it's common among your type.

  45. 427, that sounded very much like a threat of violence. How "patrotic" of you.

  46. I an sorry 427, (6;12) my comment was meant for 4:52

  47. The hunt for Obama bin lyin's birth certificate...

  48. I'm not afraid to sign my name . I posted at 1:50.....Does he meet your definition...........V.Brumbley.

  49. Why does he have more than one social security number?

    Why has he changed his name?

    Why has he kept a muslim name, but declared himself a Christian? Have you seen or heard of others doing so?

    I grew up during the Bicentenial and learned from a very young age what it meant to be a patriot. I joined the military, fought in a war and volunteer as much as I can to help everyone I can. I believe in the American way of life as our founding fsthers believed. I don't what to change that nor do I support anyone who thinks we need to. I believe in the sovereignty of the states and that they have indivdual rights.
    Capitalism is what made our country the wealthiest and strongest in the world. Its what gives the wealth to those who want to change things.

    Why is it that the democrats have control of the executive and legislative branches of government, but yet their agenda is being rejected by the majority of Americans? The only place where their ideas take hold is in the large cities. The large cities is where most of the handouts are given.

    Bring God back and watch our country rebound. Get rid of anyone who wants a socialist way of life. There are many other countries in this world people can move to if that is the way they want to live.


    Is Obama a patriot? Far from it!

  50. Hey Craig Theobald do you have a point to make or a comment on the subject at hand or do you just want a pat on the back for using a name? Your so brave.

  51. Anonymous said...
    Hey Craig Theobald do you have a point to make or a comment on the subject at hand or do you just want a pat on the back for using a name? Your so brave.

    6:52 PM

    My feelings exactly...lmao

  52. CRAIG THEOBALD- I believe that Obama is a patriot. Many of us post anonymously because we have mouths to feed and we don't want to put our jobs at risk. Many of our bosses/co-workers are rednecks like you.

  53. NO NO NO HECK NO>>>For Gods sake look at the mess this country is in..Dont know about you...But Ive been unemployed now for a year,,, worked my whole life..now thats what iam talking about....


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