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Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Letter To The Editor

"The Salisbury Fire Department was just dispatched to a reported structure fire at the Queen City Lodge on Catherine Street at 1845 hours on July 18, 2010. I was heading to my car to go to the station and heard Deputy Chief 2(Bill Gordy) responding. I turned my car off and went back into the house to spend time with my family.

I like many other volunteers and career members refuse to go back to calls as long as Bill Gordy and Rick Hoppes are still running the Salisbury Fire Department. Jim Ireton you promised us better. We have lost all faith and trust in you."


  1. Go Cheif Gordo - you are our hero!

  2. To the writer : You must not be much of a fire fighter or concerned for the citizens over your own feelings .

  3. putting politics before the potential of a life lost leaves me speechless. I hope this is not true

  4. so your refusing to do ur jobs!!??!!

  5. As a former 15yr vol. fireman, that is a lame excuse. For many years I did not agree or like the leadership of my departmant but always responded to needs of the community. Grow up!

  6. You're an a*hole. Salisbury is the whineiest bunch of babies I've ever met.

  7. MSL Moron 8:33 PM they are volunteers and off duty career members. They are not required to go on calls when they are not on duty. It is an option.

  8. Whether you like the administration or not, what you did was despicable! You may as well turn in your helmet. The people calling for help have no choice who the administraion is, they just need help. Paid or volunteer, if you have an attitude like that we don't need you.

  9. I agree with the writer of this letter. If no one wants to work with those two people mentioned then the city needs to get rid of them before they ruin the fire department worse than it already is.

  10. Anon 8:36 PM I think you are full of it because you would have stayed longer than 15 years. By self admission you bailed out when many good volunteers stay 30 to 40 years.

  11. Sadly the person that wrote this was proud of his/her actions!

    You sir or madam are just as big a disgrace as those you claim to have lost faith in. Ever heard that OLD saying two wrongs don't make a right?

  12. As a tax payer I think it is acceptable what this person did. He had an option his family or Gordy. Good choice. Family should always come first.

  13. If the top brass can't be counted on, you would think that was bad enough?

    This writer has just given readers justification to lose all faith and trust in the rest of the department as well, including the volunteers.

    Two wrongs don't make a right.

  14. you dill-weed. there's a fire! you are a fireman. you can whine and moan about your boss later. there's a frickin' fire to put out! go!

  15. Nope, I agree with the writer. Carerr have to work under the boneheads. Off duty vollies do not.

    Especially after getting lied to by Liarton.

  16. You are a disgrace to your department and your community!

    Your actions did not hurt the department, they hurt the community!

    Turn in your resignation immediately, as you are a disgrace to all volunteers AND your community.

  17. oh that's good no one shows up to fire... so some smuck gets voted out....meanwhile no one shows up to fire and that family suffers from someone getting hurt or possibly die....but that's ok they are proving a point so its all good...ya know this post will come back and bite them in the arse...


  18. What is interesting is the few people(Gordy/Hoppes) bashing the commentor of this post but they don't mention the majority of the volunteers that didn't show up. There are over 115 volunteers on the books at the Salisbury Fire Department and nearly 100 of them did not show up for the all call alert. I guess shame on them as well. The Salisbury Fire Department had issues before Gordy and Hoppes, but they handled them without a problem. When Brezler, Gordy, See, Hoppes and Bragg entered the picture the volunteers lost their autonomy and everything has been dysfunctional ever since. Squads and resque trucks taken from the volunteers. Volunteers were threatened on numerous occaisions. Volunteers and career members resigned because of them and it has gotten much worse. To the people on the outside who don't understand. It is much more than "whining." The Salisbury Fire Department was once a proud tradition and now there is no pride. A pitiful shame it is. Thanks Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton.

  19. When things change as promised you will see one of the best fire departments on the East Coast. And that doesn't mean bringing in some sex offender homosexual from Ohio.

  20. Who would want to go back and work under Hoppes or Gordy. Ask Bobby McCrorey and Wayne Knapp what happens when you work there. Why would anyone in their right mind want to go back and take a chance on getting written up or fired by those 2 Nazi dictators. It is not worth it. One career fire officer happened to be in the area of a truck overboard and he jumped in to save the mans life and Gory wrote him up. WTH! The career fire officer would have been ridiculed and written up or even fired if Gordy or Hoppes knew he was in the area and drove on by.

  21. The politics of the whole thing are not important. I frankly don't give a shit if Bill Gordy is going on a call or at home with a cucumber stuck up his ass.

    You joined the fire department hopefully because you wanted to help people. Quit griping and either get on the engine or resign. If it was your house I'm sure you would want every seat on every piece that went out filled.

  22. omg NOBODY CARES about stupid fire department political strife, just go out and FIGHT FIRES, please, for the love of pete! I don't care if your fire chief is Daffy Freaking Duck, you get your butt on that red truck and you take care of whatever is engulfed in flames!! I cannot BLIEVE this is even an argument.

    You whiners say Salisbury deserves better ... yeah, I'd say they deserve better FIREMEN!! Quitcher bitchen!

  23. As a former firefighter I find this attitude disgusting. The people who need help are not part of the petty squabbles of the SFD. Any firefighter worthy of the name should spit in your face. If you put politics above saving lives and property than resign from the fire dept.

  24. All "Baby talk"...You all need to grow up, and fast. This is your community, too.

  25. Very simply put "Coward"

  26. anonymous 7:38, the ONLY person STUPID enough to make such a statement and we know is on SBYNews.com this morning is Jonathan Taylor. Look, you pussy, how dare you call someone a coward and then use "ANONYMOUS." You can't fix STUPID.

  27. to everyone b****ing at this person, and many of you probably have nothing to do with the fire department. Since you have so much to say and know it all, why don't you go sign up right now to be a volunteer fire fighter? Yeah, that's what I thought.

  28. Well..for all of you fussing and moaning they are not fighting fires..Why dont you take a stand and Volunteer if you can do it better..You dont know what they go through until you walk in their shoes...So I suggest you go right on over there and sign up today!

  29. absolutely uncalled for. as an ex volley and baltimore city career ff i feel it is your duty wheather paid or not to respond to whatever the call may be, a bruised finger that has been bruised for 3 weeks to a full on 10 alarm heavy timber warehouse fire (if anyone remembers that). family is important true, but what about your other family that you go thru hell and back with, at the firehouse. gordy may have been there but he is outside running the scene you should be inside "doin' it" unless you are, one of those stand outside non-chief types of people, you know what i mean. just suck it up running fire is fun and rewarding i think alot of people forget why they got into the job and get caught up in all the political BS and proverbial pissing matches. suck it up and get on the wagon help when you can and have fun be safe brothers and sisters. and to the for taxpayers, rest assured there are still folks that love the job and do everything they can to serve and protect and will respond no matter what! S. Mason- proud member of IAFF Local 734

  30. Ginger get back in your car and go fight a fire! HAHA

  31. Just another example of whiney baby fire fighters whose ego's are bigger than their service to others. If you don't like it QUIT. Funny none of the bitchers on this site do.


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