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Sunday, July 18, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: 2 Found Dead In Salisbury

Two people have been found dead on Emery Court just off Beaglin and Glen Ave. Police are not telling what happened as of yet, it's a Police Matter at this time.

More to come.

UPDATE: We've been told gun shots were heard last night but the Police were not called. SPD did a welfare check and found two dead inside the apartment.


  1. i live here and can say there is an extremely large crowd also

  2. thank u joe for ur updates on here...i am a single woman and live in the next building from where this happened..all we could see were police everywhere and knew nothing...kinda scary..thanks for filling me in on what was going on outside my windows..

  3. How many murders is it going to take for Rinnier to start paying attention?

  4. Not that it surprises me but you're the only one out there with this news again.

  5. hey mattylaw...i stepped out just for a few and yes a very large crowd...i was told double murder so i went back in cause i wasnt sure if the shooter was still around...then i read joe's page to find out it happened last nite possibly...thanks for joe's page...guess we're neighbors then...what area are u in over here? haha

  6. went to school with one of them. RIP. :(

  7. i heard man and woman...sorry for the loss to the families...were they young?

  8. any idea on who yet?

  9. who were they and sorry for your lose

  10. to anon 1021

    i live in building 508 pretty quiet here lol i dont wait for the cops cause our city/county leaders would rather hire people for dumb postions instead of police officers so yea im armed have to look out for yourself around this city lol and yes were neighbors nice to meet you


  11. im in 508 too...male or female? i talked to someone outside little bit ago..female..????

  12. i havnt been outside gonna stay in lol to much going on out there lol

  13. You know you are living in a great neighborhood when gunshots in the apartments don't even trigger a call to the police lol!

  14. Rinnier has gone from a once decent company to trash. They don't care about their residents, employees, or appearances of their properties. As far as I'm concerned, Parkside, Oak Hill, Marley Manor, Arden's Run and Parkwood are all disgusting, dangerous properties. 3 deaths now in a year...maybe a little more??? Come on. Make the move to get security videos or SOMETHING! All Rinnier cares about is collecting that rent money. They could care less about your living conditions.

  15. The guy was 26. I went to school with him.

  16. Rinnier hasn't done anything wrong here. Secondly, Security wouldn't have been able to save these people. Think about it. More than likely this was a dispute between a couple, murder/suicide. I could be wrong but that's my guess.

  17. murder can happen anywhere no matter what neighborhood

  18. ok my neighbor in 508..it wasn't you i talked to..i only stayed out a few minutes...nice to meet u too..

  19. Joe the guy that was killed was hated by many we went to school together and the girl that was killed was not his girlfriend. its all going to come out here shortly.

  20. I agree with joe on that comment..I happen to love living at parkside..this wasn't Rinniers fault..so my new neighbor are u on aol or yahoo so we can keep in touch...just in case i need someone to watch my back..haha

  21. I live here at parkside and was outside when the first cops showed up,I heard it looked like murder/suicide

  22. I agree with Joe in regards to Rinner. This incident could happen anywhere at anytime. I dont know if this was a murder/suicide or not, but I feel for their families.

  23. How can you blame a murder on the property owners? Are they supposed to give everybody lie detector tests and ask them if they plan on shooting someone in the future?

  24. It might not have saved them to have a camera out there but at least they would have had some idea of who they are supposed to be looking for instead of looking dumb right now wondering what the hell is going on or what went on.

  25. Joe's right... these are rental apartments people. Who rents? Younger people and people of slightly lower income. The type of people who are most likely to get caught up in crime.

    There have been a ton of drug overdoses in that complex for sure. Sad.

  26. Sounds like domestic violence.

  27. Yea I went to school with him also..he goes by butter or bean.

  28. 1045...if not that drugs...

  29. How could this happen in good old Salisbury, we are an All-American City !

  30. just came from there...knew both of the deceased,will not give names....they know the male as it was his apartment but there was some question as to who the female was, although her vehicle is parked outside his apartment..her twin sister and his family were amoung the crowd..pray for the families and pray for salisbury..what is becoming of this town?

  31. go to school with the womans son ! :( so sorry !

  32. A few days ago a Korean man got robbed by gunpoint by 2 males while walking from bldng 501 to work at Harvard and he didn't call the police. I'm a single mother of 2 living at Parkside, and it's getting rowdy out here.. too much is going on.. oh wait that's in every part of Salisbury..

  33. To:10:30

    Police couldn't have done anything , they respond after the fact. Police are not protectors , they are responders , the law has taken away their ability to protect and serve.

  34. first i want to say we will miss you my brother.my prayers go out to your family and friends.rip butter street savers round table for ever

  35. Rinnier = Barkovitch?????

  36. Blair Rinnier is married to Gail Barkovich's daughter Jennifer. I know Jennifer (went to school with her) and to link Rinnier to Gail is just ignorant. Rinnier had nothing to do with this. It was probably a domestic matter as others have said. You can't link the landlord to a few idiots that live there...to do so is irresponsible.

  37. I lived at Parkside and quickly got the hell out of there. I totally blame Rinnier because they allow anyone to live there. Many, many undisirables there.There were always a cop car outside.

  38. Who would actually want to OWN property in Salisbury anymore. Local economy is dead, crime is out of control, the mayor can't make a decision, city council can't make a decision since Comegys isn't there, the infrastructure (roads, etc) are the pits, the list goes on.

  39. to everyone rolling their eyes at the "all-american city" award, stop and think about it. what we are currently seeing in salisbury is what goes on around america everyday. bad guys robbing good guys. politicians ignoring bad guys. politicians taking money from the good guys so he can pay to raise bad guys 14 kids. this is what its all about. WE ARE THE ALL-AMERICAN CITY!

  40. As a landlord, you can't "not rent" to someone if they qualify financially. That would be grounds for a fair housing lawsuit.

  41. Rinnier is the property manager, not the property police. The law doesn't require him to provide police protection, it requires him to provide suitable housing. The stupidity level of people in this town is the reason this town is as backward and broke down as it is. Education is free...getcha some.

  42. This is very sad but people realize when u live that kind of life your day is numbered when will people realize that we need to stop trying to live this fast life cause now 2 young people are dead leaving 2 more to grow up without a father and a mother all for nothing but material things

  43. I was the first tenant in 508 apt 202. Back then our building was the last one on that side. Kids could ride bikes/shateboards outside at night without any concern of being picked up or shot. We'd walk to the Mall, skateboard park, Civic Center, zoo, etc without a care in the world. That was back in '75 when Parkside Apts was new.

    It's a shame how Salisbury has changed.

  44. Folks blaming the landlord wont stop the violence in our complexes..Only the courts can do that by keeping offenders behind bars and not making it easy for them to walk the streets..I live at parkside and i have had my car ramsacked twice since i moved here..they found nothing and took nothing...i called the office and reported it and told them the lighting near my apt was not on..the next night bam there it was..the brightest light right outside my window..I feel they responded right away to ensure my safety...They can't stop someone from dying no matter what they do...

  45. RiP butter and twin , ilove yu guys so much ! you are gone bt dheff not forgotten

  46. well atleast now i know where NOT to go when looking for an apartment.


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