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Friday, May 28, 2010

Salisbury Police Department Press Releases

Tyrell Donta Ravenell, 22yoa of Salisbury, MD was charged with Possession of Marihuana with Intent to Distribute, Possession of Marihuana, Possession of Paraphernalia (7 counts), Trespass, Assault on Police Officer, and Resist Arrest.

On May 26, 2010
at approximately 5:00pm, officers of the Safe Streets Team were on patrol in the area of Rt 50 and Delaware Ave. The officers observed a vehicle with an expired temporary registration plate. The vehicle was stopped and the officers made contact with the driver and passenger, later identified as Ravenell. As the officers met with the subjects, suspected drug paraphernalia was observed in plain view. The occupants were asked to exit the vehicle. A search was conducted and an amount of marihuana was located to indicate distribution. When told that he was under arrest, Ravenell pulled away from one of the officers and fled on foot through several yards in the Penn St area. One of these yards was clearly posted, “No Trespassing.” Ravenell was observed by a responding officer trying to hide under a vehicle. When the Ravenell was pulled from under the vehicle, he pushed an officer to the ground and attempted to flee again. Ravenell was captured after another brief foot chase. Ravenell was released to Central Booking.

On May 27, 2010 at approximately 2:51am, Officers responded to the 300 block of Princeton Avenue for a burglary that had just occurred.

It was learned that a white male, approximately 30yoa, with an average build, weight, and beard had gained entry into a bedroom occupied by two juveniles, one 11yoa, and the other 8yoa. One juvenile awoke to find the white male staring at her. The juvenile remembered that the white male was also wearing a wool cap and was possibly naked. The juvenile screamed and the white male exited the bedroom through an open window.

Officers located a shirt near the residence which is gray in color with the following words in blue letters, “Saints beat those Eagles” along with a graphic design on the front and the back of the shirt read, “Make em sore away Marymount vs Mary Washington 02/14/09.” The shirt did not belong to any of the residents.

Officers also learned that entry into the residence was possibly gained through an open window. The subject used a cinder block from the yard to stand on and remove the screen to make entry inside the residence.

Anyone with any information regarding the suspect is requested to contact the Police Department at 410.548.3165 or Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776.


  1. Oh Lord,it sounds like these little girls were EXTREMELY lucky, thank God! Joe please let us know anything else that you may learn from this incident.

  2. I am a teacher at Prince Street school and know both of these kids - I also had the privlidge of teaching the Foxwell and Hahn children, and all I could think of was "NOT AGAIN" - the substation cannot be ready soon enough because I HAVE HAD ENOUGH of these monsters and what they are doing to children. Joe, please keep us updated!

  3. Speaking of scary!

  4. Got chills running thru my body! This monster needs to be caught! Guaranteed he is probably someone on the sex offender registry! Hope someone recognizes the shirt and turns his sick azz in! I shudder to think what he was going to do to those poor innocent little girls! They (and their parents) must have been terrified! If anyone comes in my house, my husband and I have guns waiting for them and would not hesitate to shoot and kill them! Praying he is found and will never see the light of day! Obviously he lives somewhere in that neighborhood.


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