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Friday, May 28, 2010

For Obama, Golfing Is A Very Leisurely Pursuit

OAK BLUFFS, Mass.Bill Clinton was famous for the creative way he kept score. Both George Bushes would speed-golf through 18 holes as if they had to beat the clock, not the course.

And President Obama?

Long, slow rounds. A lot of time hunting for balls in the woods. All dished up with a dollop of trash-talking.

The First Golfer brought his duffer’s game to Martha’s Vineyard this week. By Thursday, Mr. Obama had logged three golf games in four days, appearing at one island course after another.

He spent five hours on Monday afternoon playing 18 holes at the Farm Neck Golf Club here, two and a half hours on Tuesday playing nine holes at Mink Meadows Golf Club in Vineyard Haven, and several hours playing Thursday afternoon at the Vineyard Golf Club in Edgartown.

While Mr. Obama has indulged in other vacation activities — he took his family bike riding Thursday morning, went to the beach on Wednesday and took his wife to dinner Tuesday night — golf has been the only recurring one.

So, clearly, the president likes to hit the links. But is he any good at it, especially compared with his predecessors?

“His golf games are long because he’s not very good,” said Don Van Natta Jr., a reporter for The New York Times who wrote “First Off the Tee: Presidential Hackers, Duffers and Cheaters From Taft to Bush” (PublicAffairs, 2003).

Unlike Mr. Clinton, who had a reputation for shaving strokes off his score, Mr. Obama “doesn’t fudge his scores,” Mr. Van Natta said, adding: “If he shoots an 11 on a hole, he will write down 11.” (Mr. Obama shoots in the 90s on a good day, Mr. Van Natta said.)

GO HERE to read more.


  1. He took his lessons from BP. They don't know how to find a hole either!

  2. And doing nothing to honor Memorial Day!

  3. Do you think an I.Q. test should be a must in order to vote?

  4. 3:04 your statement if blatantly false. So 3:15 just might be on the right track.

  5. The USA would be better off if all Obama would do is play golf.

  6. Meanwhile, oil gushes into the Gulf of Mexico, ruining the livelihoods of millions. I could NEVER enjoy my favorite sport while neglecting my real responsibilities of my chosen career.


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