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Friday, February 19, 2010

Today's Survey Question

Do You Believe Rick Pollitt Will Be Re-Elected?
If Yes/No, Why


  1. hell no! send that POS back to fruityland!
    just hope we aren't on the hook for a golden parachute for this waste!

  2. Depends on who runs against him.

  3. No, because he has his own agenda not that of representing the majority. He dosent come close to being able to manage a budget. He dosent come close to being worth the salary he collects from the tax payers. He's a nice guy but a big time slacker. Tax and spend is all he knows.

  4. Hell no we don't want him back in Fruitland. Send him to Annapolis where he would fit in quite nicely.

  5. Yes, because too many local voters are stupid. Proof? Gary Comegys, Louise Smith, Shanie Shields.

  6. 9:26 I agree 100%. Elect a real man Joe Holloway. He is a self made man, honest and works for the people.

  7. It's up to Rick to prove himself worthy of re-election. It will be hard for him to give a Top 5 accomplishments list that citizens care about. Depending on who runs, he could easily be defeated, but I can't name anyone who is a shoo-in!

  8. Let's hope the era of Phil Tilghman-Tony Sarbanes-Ricky Pollitt is about to end.

  9. His campaign platform:

    1. Kill the tax cap

    2. Build a new Civic Center on land bought for $300,000 per acre.

    3. Increase all impact and other fees and impose new ones.

    He's got to go, along with McCain, Cannon, Hughes and MacLeod ("gang of four").

  10. The Greater Salisbury Committee will do everything it can to keep him in office.

  11. If Rick Pollitt would spend as much time manageing the county as he does kissing up to Greater Salisbury Committee we would be better served

  12. If Alessi runs against him again, Pollitt will be reelected.

  13. Ask his unofficial campaign manager -- Jim Fineran

  14. Yes, he has many friends in the county. The local paper will support him. And the old folks like him and respect his family name.

  15. I saw in the D T this morning that Michael James is a member of the Greater Salisbury committee. I will be not support him.

  16. Don't re-elect anybody. Flush the toilet!

  17. Let's see - he's grown the number of government employees 5 times the rate of growth of county residents, he's grown the cost of government 8 times the per capita budget base, he constantly whines about the tax cap cutting into his ability to grow them even more so he cuts basic infrastructure services like road maintenance, neighborhood clean up and quality of life support. Not the policies needed in Wicomico County - at all.

  18. JOe Hollway for County Executive!!!!

  19. Man I freekin HOPE NOT!

  20. We don`t need or want him in Wicomico County, we absoulty don`t want him back in Fruitland. Let him go to work and have to EARN a living for a change.

  21. Rick is a honorable man. It is dependent on who runs against him. He hasn't really done anything to tick the people off but that is part of the problem. He is too nice for the job. We need someone who will make the changes that are needed in this county but I haven't heard a name floated that can beat Rick.

  22. Yes. Rick Pollitt has many friends and is a decent person. He did'nt create the current financial crisis and has been blamed for a lot of things that he inherited such as the thefts at the landfill.

  23. No, he has screwed up the county more than it was before he got there. He also never had the nerve to fire DDD and that costs the county a lot of money.

  24. 9:44 hit the nail-- it's all about the greater Salisbury Committee.
    Unelected, unaccountable elitists that have significant influence on all processes in the county.
    Why? Because people like Pollitt do what they want, thus empowering them.
    Look into the organization, Joe, and expose it for what it is.

  25. If he is elected again, there are either alot of dumb people in this county or alot of a$$kissers. This guy couldn't manage his way out of a paper bag let along manage this county - Good God people, look at his record when it's time to vote again. They wouldn't even take him back in Fruitland, rather, they were probably tickled to death to get rid of him.

  26. 9:39 -- why not make that the era of the Greater Salisbury Committee, our ruling elite (called the "House of Lords" by some).

  27. no way it could ever happen. The people of this county are not that stupid.

  28. I hope not, but who knows. The Democrats vote for the party not the person. He will not get three votes from this house.

  29. Rick is just way too nice and basically scared to cut his country club boy's for fear of the political ramifications. In this climate, someone with balls of steel, and a proven track record of success needs to sit in that chair. This is not about winning a popularity contest at this point or worrying about who likes me and who doesn't. It is about survival and results, i.e. cutting the pork fat and a total Countywide restructuring top down.

  30. people of this county don't care, he will get re-elected, I Promis you,

  31. No because he wasted money for a stupid parking lot for a building that needs to be torn down.

  32. Not by me. He has spent too much money the county didn't and doesn't have. I have cut back on my expenses in these times and the county needed to do the same thing, but not on the backs of the employees. No I do not work for the county. But maybe a spouse of the county has lost their job which created a hardship on the family before the furlough days. No I am not the spouse of a county employee.

  33. I hope not! He has done very little to improve the budget woes of this county. He seldom appears for himself at council meetings, Ted, Jim or no one is there to directly answer council or public concerns. He just had a letter read in his absence at the $1.5 million parking lot public hearing. He is paying rent for the newly created legal department while two offices sit empty on the third floor of the GOB.
    He will not get my vote.

  34. Of course he will be voted back in office- He will get there the same way he won the first time, buy getting all the people in the cemeteries to vote for him.

  35. He allowed Rai Sharma to walk instead of holding him accountable for the landfill scam. He wouldn't get rid of Devenyns even after he ordered an investigation and saw the results. He spent 1.5 on a freaking 5 acres of land that will cost us dearly to renovate for use as a parking lot. He whines constantly about the revenue cap. He doesn't know anything other than tax and spend, tax and spend.

    Unless you can find someone more popular with the voters than he is, he will certainly win again. He won't be getting any votes out of my house, this time around.

  36. Yes: With the exception of Mike Lewis, who has enough county-wide voter recognition to run against him and win ?

  37. Yes, he will be elected easily.

  38. Let's see,

    -Doing jack and squat about the landfill thefts.

    -Giving County employees furlough days. Basically taking one paycheck away from every employee (and I happen to work for the County).

    -Spending 1.5 million for a parking lot that is already being used for free (nothing is going to built on that lot anytime soon if the County does not buy it).

    -The handling of the whole DDD affair and the still pending lawsuit against the County.

    A good example of one problem facing this County, and while not Politt directly does speak volumes about his leadership is something that I witnessed Wednesday. Someone an WCDC ordered two 42" plasma screen tv's. The kicker is these tv's cost between $500-$899 at Best Buy yet whoever bought these paid $1,000 each. So I take a pay cut so some idiot can over spend on tv's and Politt can buy parking lots.

    Gonna have to say I pass on Politt getting re-elected.

    -Incidentally Politt if you don't me to vote against you I will sell my 2.8 acres of land at the rock bottom price of $150,000 an acre, and you can just have the house. Then I will move far away from Wicomico County and all of it's problems. Call me Ricky, seriously.

    Seriously though we need to elect someone who wasn't born on the shore so that all the good old boy network can be broken up. Someone new with no allegiances to any of the political powerful in Wicomico.

  39. Yeah, 7:06 well we did that with Webster and look what it got us.

  40. No. He has a personal agenda that doesn't match the county needs. He has road Pop Pop and Daddy's coats tails long enough. It is time to get a real job.

  41. Rick has never owned a business or met a payroll. All he understands is tax the people so we the government can spend; spend; spend. Budget; what's that? No; Rick is really not suited for this position. We need someone who understands that taxing and regulation strangles growth and jobs. Joe Holloway is a fiscal conservative and understands all the above. I believe he would hold all accountable for budgets and spending. Just sayin'.......

  42. Rick has continued to employ high powered executives that were only to stay on and show him the ropes. Well how long does it take for him to learn. I hope the county can find someone decent to run against him and that person will get my vote. If he had let two or three of his cronies go that would have gone alot further to help the budget than making everyone tke furlough days. The way he has spent money convinved me I will never sign to repeal the tax cap. I work to hard for my money.

  43. Rick will be placed in office for another term - all his business person connections,left handshake right eyes crossed covert financiers will make sure the ballots are stuffed. You ever attend a family function and notice the one or two guys that are disconnected from the group...but not the food and drinks? Well, that's what I mean about the financiers. They only openly show on special occasions (during contract bidding) and then back to obscurity...stalking in the shadows... until election time. That is when they burst to the forefront and rattle the pots and pans, opening the 80 proof bottles of snake oil and sharing with the crowd until the crowd becomes mesmerized by the drumming and intoxicated on the fumes of drying contracts. Sure, he will be back in office...there is nothing you can, or moreover, nothing you WILL
    do to prevent it. Get off your can...and push the button!

  44. Unfortunately yes. He represents those large liberal voting blocks in our County that unify and vote to protect their pocket books.

  45. wat do we need with another tax and spend. where do you think free state money comes from , santa

  46. No second term for "OPEN SPACE RICKY"
    Wicomico County has many qualified individuals for C/E and hopefully one will surface soon that we conservatives can get behind and support in November. Bye Ricky


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