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Friday, February 19, 2010

PreConditioning Seeing Military On US streets!

A request came in for me to post this video. It is not our position to agree or disagree with this information.


  1. do we have any background on this at all?

  2. Looks like a city that doesnt want to fund a proportional size police dept. using free sources{paid for by others}

    I bet most young soldiers know very little about the Constitution, let alone admit openly the Constitution is the highest ranking order.

  3. Thanks for posting

    Our country is in peril because our young people join the military as a job opportunity. How pathetic when a Nation advertises to its young for military recruitment - because there are no jobs.

    These folks need to understand the oath they swear is to DEFEND THE U.S. CONSTITUTION.

  4. Puppets---- it's a damn shame the military has brain washed these young people into disobeying the Constitution of this country. For what these soldiers were there to to there are plenty of other ways to handle crowd control as well as traffic. What this does is falsely indoctrinate the people of this country that it is OK for a military presence for this type of activity when it is not! If they have no powers of arrest then what is the reason for them all to have a side arm long arms in plain view on the street. Quite a few of these guy's are not old enough by Maryland law to even carry a handgun! Think about that for a minute, do you actually trust one of these guy's being in that much control around your kids,your family? I have no problem with the MP's helping out with traffic control but I do have a problem with them being armed in a piece time event like this was. It seems that everything they do they are just following orders and nobody knows who gave the order. The more they push sh-t like this on the good people of this country the more it angers law abiding citizens and sooner or later the citizens will stop it if they are wise!

  5. Very scarey but not surprising. At this point I'm personally more afraid of my government than I am the criminals.

  6. A lot of helicopter activity at night for the past month. I understand that Dover AFB has been extremely active this week. Anyone know what this is about? I know that the blackhawks are being retrofitted with highly sophisticated anti-SAM devices similar to what AF-1 has. The harnesses are being made right here at Harvard Man. These blackhawks are being operated by civilian contractors who are training for deployment in Afghanistan for poppy eradication missions. This training is being done out of Andrews AFB. Stand by people. The world is about to get even more interesting.

  7. 18 U.S.C. 1385

    Sec. 1385. Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus

    Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of
    Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to
    execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

    Editor's Note: The only exemption has to do with nuclear materials (18 U.S.C. 831 (e)

    Key words that makes it legal """""(except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of
    Who ever left this didn't read it. Selective reading and redirecting information. I would mind seeing military busting ass in Salisbury

  8. Maybe they are on maneuvers?

  9. all MPs are armed when on duty, their presence like the dress code at Breaktime probably kept troublemakers at home, but our military is too well trained and expensive to be used like this. this is a waste of taxes even for a training exercise,

  10. joe please remove this. as a current member of the military reseve system I know first hand these boys are just following orders. thats how it works. you enlist you take orders you get commissioned you give orders.

    This makes a big deal of nothing and makes the men on the ground look bad.

  11. Kinda like the abhorrent "test" ads for the epa cops during the super bowl, isn't it. The hope is that you'll become numb to it & accept it as the norm, right or wrong. Much like the "pornification" of tv, movies, songs...heck, of America.


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