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Friday, February 05, 2010

Haiti Relief Outreach By Wicomico County Public Schools

The students, families and staff members of Wicomico County Public Schools have given generously to relieve the suffering in Haiti following the recent earthquake. Below is a school-by-school listing of the many casual days, coin drives, supply collections and other efforts.

Beaver Run Elementary
American Red Cross: The school is participating in raising funds for the American Red Cross.

Bennett Middle School
Hats for Haiti: On Jan. 22 and Feb. 5, students donate $1 for the privilege of wearing a hat.
Hershey’s for Haiti Jan. 29: Students donated $1 and receive a Hershey's Kiss as a thank you.
Cafeteria Collection: Through Feb. 11, students have the opportunity to donate during lunch shifts. The Student Government Association and English Language Learner (ELL) students are helping at the collection table. Both groups have also made posters promoting the cause.
Advisory classes: Many advisory classes have researched and/or discussed the crisis in Haiti.
Social Studies Classes: Various Service Learning Projects
Teresa Parrott, ELL teacher: Mrs. Parrott has worked closely with Haitian students and community resources to find out information on family members still in Haiti. When the news has been bad, guidance counselors Robin Harmon and Charlene Creese have set up counseling for affected students.
Casual Day: The school will give a total Casual Day donation by Feb. 12.

Central Office
Souper Bowl celebration: The Central Office Social Committee coordinated a Souper Bowl celebration Thursday, Feb. 4. Employees could pay $6 for a cup of soup, sandwich, dessert and drink. Half of that contribution went to the American Red Cross to benefit Haiti relief. Approximately 83 people signed up to participate.

Charles H. Chipman Elementary
Staff Casual Day: $230 was donated to missionaries Tom and Bev Brumbley of Evangelistic World Outreach; the Brumbleys run a school in Haiti.
Penny collection: The school is doing a penny collection through Feb. 13, with all proceeds going to the American Red Cross.

Choices Program
Staff Casual Day: Choices participated in a staff casual day on Jan. 15, with 100% participation from the 22 staff members. The casual day raised $135.

Delmar Elementary
Coins for Haiti: A Coins for Haiti collection drive is being done by the entire school, through Feb. 5.
Day of fasting: Staff members participated in a day of fasting on Jan. 28 to replicate the suffering that is being felt in Haiti.
Health Kits: The school is collecting items to assemble health kits for Haiti.

East Salisbury Elementary
Coins for Haiti: East Salisbury will send students home with a letter & a zippered plastic bag to give students and their families a chance to place coins in the bag and return it to school. Casual Day: East Salisbury will have a staff casual day Feb. 5, with funds going to missionaries Tom and Bev Brumbley of Evangelistic World Outreach; the Brumbleys run a school in Haiti.

Fruitland Intermediate
Maryland Kids Care: Fruitland Intermediate will be participating in Maryland Kids Care. The guidance counselor will work with the Student Government Association on a student-led fundraiser.
Casual Day: Proceeds from a recent casual day were sent to the American Red Cross.

Fruitland Primary
Casual Day: A staff casual day was held Jan. 29.
Coin collection: Students have been taking home empty zippered plastic bags and returning them filled with coins and bills. This effort will continue until Feb. 12.
Support for Brumbley Haiti Relief: Fruitland Primary is collecting items for the school supply run to Haiti on behalf of missionaries Tom and Bev Brumbley of Evangelistic World Outreach; the Brumbleys run a school in Haiti.

Glen Avenue Elementary
Support for Brumbley Haiti Relief: Each homeroom is currently collecting pennies and loose change. One day in February the student council will have a "Hearts for Haiti" day, with all participating students paying 10 cents and wearing red. All monies collected will go to missionaries Tom and Bev Brumbley of Evangelistic World Outreach; the Brumbleys run a school in Haiti.

James M. Bennett High
Maryland Kids Care Campaign – Operation Haiti: The school is participating in this statewide campaign to collect donations for the American Red Cross and its 2010 Haiti Relief and Development Fund.

Mardela Middle and High
UNICEF Collection: Melody Wilkins’ middle school class raised $99.64 for UNICEF.
American Red Cross: When school resumes, Patti Luckett’s French class will begin collecting donations for the American Red Cross.

North Salisbury Elementary
American Red Cross: Fifth-grade magnet students are currently sponsoring a coin campaign to donate the funds to the American Red Cross. Students were asked to bring in coins in socks and an administrator visits the classrooms each day using a shopping cart donated for use by Target. The cart is decorated to show "Hearts for Haitian Relief Efforts," and students look forward to giving their donations. Many students have reached into their pockets and given their ice cream or snack money to help other children, which is commendable. This campaign will continue until Feb. 12.
School and health supplies: Third-grade magnet students will begin a campaign to collect donated items from students geared specifically to helping the children affected by the disaster. This campaign is being led by a student who spoke to each class and asked students to bring in items like old toys, school supplies, and health supplies in old backpacks, so the children in Haiti will have something in which to carry the donated materials.
Staff donations: Staff members have made monetary donations as well; they are currently bringing in donated items to help sponsor programs coordinated by missionaries Tom and Bev Brumbley of Evangelistic World Outreach; the Brumbleys run a school in Haiti.

Northwestern Elementary
Staff casual day: Northwestern held a staff casual day on Jan. 29 to support missionaries Bev and Tom Brumbley and the Evangelistic World Outreach Ministries Brumbley School project. Coin drive: The school will hold a Hope for Haiti coin drive through Feb. 12. Proceeds will be donated to the American Red Cross Relief Fund.

Parkside High
Casual day: Parkside held a staff casual day Jan. 15 and collected $648 for Haiti relief. Another casual day may be coordinated by the Student Government Association, and a staff casual day later this school year will support missionaries Bev and Tom Brumbley and the Evangelistic World Outreach Ministries Brumbley School project.

Pemberton Elementary
Coin collection: The school has placed jugs in the classrooms to receive coin donations from students and families for Haiti.
Casual day: Proceeds from a staff casual day on Jan. 28 are designated for Evangelistic World Outreach and the Brumbley School project.

Pinehurst Elementary
American Red Cross: Students, parents and guardians, and staff donated to the Haiti Relief efforts, and the school presented a check to the American Red Cross for $1,781.31. This was the largest single donation from an organization that the Lower Shore Red Cross has received to help victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

Pittsville Elementary and Middle
Casual day: A staff casual day was held Jan. 22, with proceeds donated to missionaries Bev and Tom Brumbley and the Evangelistic World Outreach Ministries Brumbley School project.

Prince Street Elementary
Casual day: The staff will have a casual day for Haiti relief in February.
Coin collection: Students will participate this month in the Maryland Kids Care Campaign – Operation Haiti, bringing in coins from home for the 2010 Haiti Relief and Development Fund of the American Red Cross.

Salisbury Middle
Supplies: Salisbury Middle School has been collecting nonperishable items and clothing for Haiti relief.
Donations: The school plans to engage students in collecting and donating money for Haiti relief. .

West Salisbury Elementary
Help4Haiti: West Salisbury is doing a "Help 4 Haiti" campaign among students, staff and families. This includes casual days on Jan. 29 and Feb. 5. Donations will also be accepted from students and families.

Westside Intermediate
Crisis Care Kits: The Westside Intermediate Elementary National Honor Society and school are putting together Crisis Care Kits that will be delivered to Compassionate Ministries, working with Cross Pointe Church of the Nazarene.

Westside Primary
Coin drive: Westside Primary is conducting a coin/currency drive through Feb. 12. Students are bringing coins in plastic baggies and emptying them into a large jug.
Casual days: Westside Primary staff members will participate in two casual days to raise additional money for Haiti relief.

Wicomico High School
American Red Cross: The school is supporting the American Red Cross. Each class is making a monetary donation. The senior class has committed $500.
Crayons: Students in Susan Ward’s English classes donated enough money to purchase 80 boxes of crayons for the children in Haiti to use in counseling as they cope with the trauma of the earthquake.

Wicomico Middle School
Casual day: The staff held a casual day Jan. 22 to benefit the American Red Cross.

Willards Elementary
Coin collection: Students are participating in the Maryland Kids Care Campaign – Operation Haiti, with proceeds going to the 2010 Haiti Relief and Development Fund of the American Red Cross.
Donations: Donations are also being made to support the work of missionaries Bev and Tom Brumbley and the Evangelistic World Outreach Ministries Brumbley School project.

Wicomico Early Learning Center
Casual days: Staff members are paying to dress casual during two different weeks (Jan. 25-29, when students were off for two days, and the four-day President’s Day week Feb. 16-19). Proceeds will support the work of missionaries Bev and Tom Brumbley and the Evangelistic World Outreach Ministries Brumbley School project.


  1. Parrot at Bennett Middle does a lot for all of the ESOL kids. She is a real advocate for them and their families. It's also nice to see how all of the schools are coming together to support such a worthy cause.

  2. That Super Bowl idea is really neat - I think we should try that at Red Men's as a fundraiser too.

  3. Good Job Frederickson - glad to see the community service.

  4. God hit Haiti with the earthquake because they worship falso idols and practice voodoo and black magic! It is a warning of whats to come.

  5. 5:39....then we must be next because we too worship false idols (money, fancy homes, pride, jobs, etc.)

  6. 6:57, you go girl or guy!

    A friend of mine is a Pinehurst parent. She told me that the kids and adults really got behind the effort because there are children there with family in Haiti.

    Another friend of mine lives in Florida. She lost her whole family. So sickos like 5:39 can go to hell for all I care.

  7. Mrs. Parrott is more than our children's ESOL teacher. She is a caring round the clock teacher who helps our children and families out of school as much as in school. Our people were honored to have Mrs. Parrott and her pastor husband visit our Haitian church and pray with us. Her devotion to us started at the beginning of the year and not when the earthquake tore our homeland up, killing many family and friends.She is like our caring teachers back in Haiti. We would do anything for her in appreciation.

  8. Mrs. Teresa Parrott,an ESOL teacher at Bennett Middle, has been a friend to the Haitian families way before this earthquake tore our homeland up. Mrs. Parrott has visited some of our homes and even came to our Haitian church.We liked her praying with us and in our hearts she wants the best education for our people.Her love for our children is real.We trust Mrs. Parrott and know she is always ready to help our children and families not just in school but in the evenings and sundays.We hope her superiors know what kind of teacher they have who never stops giving.


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