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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wet Pants Liberals Just Can't Understand Reality

Today we're seeing information about Obama and his controlling America. We're going back and forth about property values, unemployment, foreclosures, you name it. The Liberals come back and make statements like, I'm just happy I had things the way they were in the past. Or, we're just a loving country that is willing to come to the aid of others.

You know what Folks, while I'm all about giving individually from my own pocket AFTER it has been taxed, I'm NOT all about watching those in New Orleans getting screwed, yet we'll jump to the aid of other countries in which they set no code to CARE FOR THEMSELVES.

While we're SUBJECTED to such rules right here in America, if other countries are not willing to abide by the same rules and or we simply drop our own then I say, let someone else help them.

At this point and time, we are in the biggest crisis America has EVER seen. We need to take care of our very own. OK, does this sound heartless, absolutely. Is it meant to be that way, absolutely not. However, you look at yourself in the mirror and tell your child you CANNOT feed them for the next few days while you go out and feed another country or another child in another country and then I'll stand with you.

In the mean time, we must consider our very own problems and get ourselves out of debt. If individuals want to make donations to help other countries, if they want to charter their own boats top go bring aid to them, so be it. However, in the mean time, start contacting all of the people who's unemployment ran out, have no place to live, can't afford food on their table and take care of AMERICA first.

Tell Pelosi her jet is grounded until we get AMERICA back. Cut off ALL spending outside America until we're back on our feet. If the other countries can't understand, well, they never respected us in the first place.

I'm sure many of you will be angry with me for this Post but deep down inside each and every one of you know I'm right. Stop saving the rest of the world while our little part is starving too. Get our own house back in order and if you wet pants liberals want to cry, well, GO AHEAD AND START CRYING. I'll be the very first to pat you on the back and tell you, it will be OK. We just need to take care of our own Family first. When we're done we'll start helping others. Then I'd show them a picture of my Cousin Gary who died in the Twin Towers on 9-11 and I'd say, GET OVER IT!


  1. That took balls to say. Sometimes self preservation isnt pretty.

  2. You're right Dude. I've always said that charity starts at home. I have no problem with people sending their money to Haiti. I'm sending some. I do have a problem sending taxpayers dollars there when we can't even afford to pay unemployment to those who have been working for years and were recently laid off. Taxpayers dollars should remain here to take care of Americans. I mean NONE to the United Nations or anywhere else. America needs to take care of America first. If people want to donate, let 'em donate.

  3. Very profound statement! I agree with you 100% and take care of AMERICANS first you non american president. Those people in that area would cut an americans throat in a new york sec. He will prob. bring them to SOUTH FLORDIA AND DEPOSIT THEM LIKE HES GOING TO DO WITH THE TERRORIST IN NEW JERSEY.

  4. I do feel for the people who were involved in the earthquake. We have been giving them aid for 200 hundred years. They have made zero progress. We have a country that is crippled and dying. We are tired and have no funds. The idiot strikes again!

  5. What a nuanced understanding of foreign policy. Ever hear of the Marshall Plan after WWII? You against that?

  6. Love that "compassionate conservatism". Just wondering was the same statement made during the tsunami? Was the same argument made when we were told that we are liberating and protecting people from tyranny in Iraq and Kosovo?

    12:53 and 1:34 are both wrong. Since when does it take balls to say whatever you want to say on a blog. And the sentiments or this post have been repeated since before WWI.

  7. why do liberals have wet pants?

  8. I watched the Ambassador from Haiti on TV this morning and he was bemoaning the fact that he had been up all night doing interviews about the diaster in HIS COUNTRY and SMILING while he said it. Aww poor thing! The only thing the government asked for was a hospital ship. The "people" are asking for help like search and rescue. This is a barbaric government who have never cared for their people.

  9. what, our president isn't american? How is this possible?

  10. good job joe. u are so right and i agree 100% it would only take about a couple of years to break even on all debt in this country funny hurricane Katrina happens i see no foreign countries coming to our aid hmmm doesn't add up


  11. "Those people in that area would cut an americans throat in a new york sec."

    Really? You are an ignorant person. Truly hateful.

  12. 1:50, grow some, anon pussy.

  13. Joe just wants a reaction from the left- the fact is that we just dont care what Joe thinks. Sorry Joe, go back to pandering to your mindless base...

  14. This is what I love about Salisbury News. Joe, you say all of the things I believe most people would like to say but are too afraid. I totally agree with your article and your way of thinking.

  15. 2:16, Dont think for a minute I dont know who you are.

  16. Very well said, thats what I was trying to say here:

    Great work, Joe, in reporting this disaster so quickly! Your post was at least one-half hour earlier than anyone else.

    10:39 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I wish them the best in help and recovery, but I'm more concerned for our citizens, millions more now jobless, homeless and hungry. Our Country was built upholding God and Christ-like values, it's the right thing to do to help, plus being a superpower we could afford it. For a number of years now I think our government just jumps at the chance to spend and then justify raising taxes because of it... all the while ignoring the many problems they've created on our own citizens. How can you remove the splinter from your neighbors eye if you dont first remove the stick from your own eye?
    What will happen when/if the US has our next disaster? more dept we cant afford...

    11:31 AM

  17. i get a hint of jt and liberal in this room does anyone else


  18. Of course JT is on this Site. He has an RSS Feed to us and comments on almost every Post I put up. The Idiot attacks my Wife, Grandson, our Children, you name it. Every so often, (about once every two months) he'll actually use his name but he's too big, (and may I use that term lightly) a pussy to stand behind all of his comments. He actually thinks his harsh words hurt my feelings. The funny part is, just as soon as I start reading it I hit reject before I get more than 5 words into it.

    Don't you worry about that guy. Karma is a bitch. Look how the Salvation Army thing backfired on him. Look how the Pohanka thing backfired on him and Robinson. Someone said yesterday that they feel Jonathan Taylor has some gay love for me. Maybe that's why he's so obsessed over me, I don't know.

  19. I mean seriously tho, I think you give yourself too much credit when it comes to other people caring what you say- its not an insult, just that most "liberals" wouldn't know who you are anyways and even if they do its likely associated with you far right rhetoric, so this isn't exactly going to be a shock to them.

  20. I know of several college educated friends that have been laid off and have no prospects for jobs. Their first glimpse of being out in the real world are spent collecting unemployment and playing golf; some for over a year now.
    Our county is in serious trouble, we have very little manufacturing jobs, the white collar jobs are about to be taxed to the dust, and government jobs are rapidly expanding. Can anyone name an effective government agency?

    Liberal or Republican; Change needs to happen in this country and clearly Obama has a different kind of Change in mind than most Americans did.

    You want CHANGE? Vote OUT all incumbents in 2010 and 2012. We have to save our government from Congress.

  21. Doug Wilkerson, same one then went to Indian River?

    as for this JT business, remember people's this is just a blog, someone's personal opinions, and not everyone is gonna like it and surely someone will have an opinion if they disagree, parting if it gets through of course, I'm surprised Joe you approved those comments... :P

  22. Marshall Plan...Damn right get the illegals and the non-American burden on society out of this country.

  23. 1:47 How does the Marshall plan apply here ? That was in 1947 after the war ended and we had begun to recover from the recession we are in a recession now just as bad or worse we can't bail ourselves out let alone every third world nation that has a catastrophe !

  24. Some more local blog headline grabbing right wing rambling.
    This is just amusing.

  25. Here is the thing about our government sending our tax money to help other people:

    We don't have any!

    We are broke!

    It's like going to your neighbor's house and say, Can I borrow some sugar? Can I have some sugar? He says, I don't have any sugar.

    How can you give / loan sugar if you have no sugar?

    How can you have pudding if you don't eat your meat?

  26. I suppose I would fall more on the liberal side of the political spectrum...but Joe, I totally agree with you. A country should take care of its own people first. Some of my more liberal friends may disagree with me, but that is how I have always felt. We should not be the whole world's wallet, nor should we be the world's self-appointed police force. Who helps us? No one, not even us.

  27. What would Jesus do????

    I am my brothers keeper...

  28. 3:24, not unless your talking about fishin and your the guy that was with me and J Mills. If you are that guy, get out of the tent and off the crack. How much of your kids lives are you willing to sacrifice for your own selfish desires? Careful what room you walk into partner, some of them are real as rain.

  29. After the way this government screwed up on 9/11 and the aftermath of Katrina I'm surprised any other country would want our help or advice.

  30. I think Paranoid Delmarva has been posting anonymously. They are parroting things said here.

  31. Of course they are.

  32. Sure use our tax dollars to send weapons all over the world. The good old USA sent over $154 billion of arms overseas last year, that's 41% of the world's total, next closest was Russia with 17%. But, let's not send food, water, search teams, or medical support as a country. What other country has the means to help and more than us? We have already built the ships, helicopers, and have the supplies stockpiled. So all of you are willing to sit on your big old nest egg of goodies and let other human beings die, sorry that is just disgusting and vile.

    "I'm sure many of you will be angry with me for this Post but deep down inside each and every one of you know I'm right"
    -Joe Albero

  33. To do what you are suggesting Joe, would be foreign policy suicide. You will have Castro and Chavez grinning from ear to ear.


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