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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Big House Fire In Somerset County

Very Nice Large Brick Home burning to the ground in Somerset County in area of Stewart Neck Rd and Greenwood School Rd.


  1. It's a shame they don't have our fancy schmancy fire equipment to use way down in Somerset.

  2. No and you can keep all your great people running your government up there to. We are happy with what we have. Thanks but no thanks.

  3. 2:15 --

    And now you have the Chiefy, full time, too. Please help to keep him away from Salisbury -- try serving him Jack & Coke.

  4. Kind of funny this gets posted today... I am sure you will hear why I think this is funny soon enough

  5. 2:15 i don't know what your happy about goverment in princess anne is just as crooked as any other.

  6. Bring that stuff to salisbury. Love it. Bet ya P.A. dont do no after the fire bulls@#t.

  7. Bobby Jones, the Chief is in town. Watch out!

  8. What , these poor people are losing their home and all you can be is sarcastic . What a sad state of affairs .

  9. You people truly amaze me....any reason to bash a fire dept or public official. Imagine if this were your home. The point is there is a house fire in Somerset County which has NOTHING at all to do with Salis FD or soon to be "former chiefy".

  10. wow! did you think of that all by yourself? I can't imagine why I we moved from Salisbury to Crisfield. Have fun with that all for none way of thinking.

  11. We take any opportunity to rag on the three amigos of salisbury. Its a war here and we aint stoppin for nuttin.

  12. firemen like fires. theyre not upset about this fire. they would like to see more pictures.

  13. 3:01PM....so right you are, the Somerset fire depts have reached an all time low....Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid". All you people in Westover, near the Holly Grove School, Cokesbury, and the like....all those north of Rehobeth Road. Ask who will be providing fire and ambulance service after this Friday. No longer Pocomoke, your Somerset friends have seen to that...and as I quoted, "you can't fix stupid". Property will be lost and lives will be jeopardized just for the sake of spite.

  14. How can so many of you be so flippant and rude?....Someone has just lost thier home and all I see is you all bustings Salisbury, not once but twice this week....No, the situation in Salisbury is not good, but for God's sakes, can't anyone here grow up and concerntrate on the losses of someone's home and entire life's worth of memories? Think before you speak please.

  15. joe- this morning, there was a boy in the doverdake area hit by a car while walking to his bus stop. The car fled the scene, do you have any information on this? Kind of weird that this news isn't out there somewhere.

  16. Empire building I suspect. The more miles they put on their trucks, the more $$$$ they expect from the Government in the form of grants and the more donations they expect. Gone are the days when the firemen volunteered just to be good citizens. As free money dries up nation wide, things may actually get better. I saw two Crisfield engines heading toward Princess Anne at 1:15. Every dept in the county was probably not needed for this fire. Like someone else said, the fireman seem to enjoy going to fires.

  17. 7:43 - I live in the affected area, and I'll take Marion first responders over Pocomoke ANY day!

  18. A family lost their home due to a fire. OMG you people go off like a bunch of firecrackers loaded but no other purpose except to make noise. I grew up in a volunteer fireman's home. My father was a charter member and two brothers that became Chiefs and EMTs of this same FIRE DEPARTMENT IN SOMERSET COUNTY. FIREMEN LOVE TO HELP PEOPLE IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHER AND SITUATIONS. I watched my Dad fight a fire when the ice was forming on his helmet. Another time I saw him walk out of a mobile home with a burned child in his arms and the tears were burning his heart. I could go on but its no need you people just wanta knock and put down. Whatever is going on in SFD is your problem not ours in Somerset County. Due to weather conditions all FDs were called and all were needed or they would never have been called. The most important fact is when called up Somerset Firemen go gladly to help their fellow man. How much better can a person be than to serve mankind FREELY?

  19. The Red Cross was there also to help the family and provide drinks to the firemen. They were there right away to help - we're lucky to have volunteers from the Red Cross who come out to help these families when they have lost everything.

  20. yeah you know everyone talks so good about the somerset fire companies but what about the ones like myself who have tried to get in but didn't apparently i didn't have the right last name i guess but i'll keep trying

  21. 9:46... You may like Marion over Pocomoke for whatever reason... but do you really want to wait 20 plus minutes for an ambulance from Lower Somerset when there is one 5 mins away in Pocomoke? No disrespect to Lower Somerset they do a fine job but they are MUCH further away than Pocomoke is to this area...This really just defies common sense.

  22. Take a chill pill people. The first comment seems to have been made by somebody from Salisbury who was disgusted over the way that they keep spending tax money on gadgets and toys. And rightfully so, if you pay attention to the news and such. Somerset has its own set of issues. Apparently. Talk it through. By bringing these things to light people can know and then decide where they stand. THEN the right answers will come. It had nothing to do with this particular house or whatever personal thing you think was going on in this discussion. Keep talking. You're showing your true colors. Just like Salisbury Fire Dept. did.

  23. O.K...First of all there is nothing wrong with any fire department in Somerset Co. Just like everywhere else you have people who have personal agendas and make decisions as a knee jerk reaction to benefit themselves and not to the benefit to the people they should be concerned about....
    Crisfield F.D is one of the best VOL fire dept's around they are dedicated group of people that get there get the fire truck on the road and do an outstanding job when they get there....Marion is a smaller dept..but they get the job done. Princess Anne is a BUSY fire dept and just like evey other dept people who volunteer there have jobs and have to pay bills so other dept's will assist when needed due to low manpower during certian times. In case you have not heard Somerset Co is one of the poorest counties in the state so there will be no paid fire service in the county for a while...so you play the hand that is dealt to you and make it work...Somerset Fire/EMS depts have have been doing alot with little amounts of money...

  24. anon 5:53 How in the world can you say Fireman like fires. Do you think these folks enjoy seeing families lose their personal belongings, their home and sometimes even the lives of family members or cherished pets. We all want to critizize these Fire companies for reasons unknown, How would you like to be called from your warm bed at 2:00 am in the morning with temps hovering at a balmy 10 degrees to respond to a fire call ?? I am personally not a fireman but do reside in an area where the Fire Dept is solely volunteer.Give these fine folks the credit they deserve , you may one day find yourself really depending on their quick response and won't give a damn how many Companies show up !!!!!

  25. Love to get out of a warm bed at 2 am for a fire. Dont want to see anyone hurt,but love a good fire.

  26. 9:46 - You must be a Marion firefighter to make that statement.

    7:43 - What are you talking about?

  27. 8:35...obviously money isn't an issue for Somerset if they are rejecting FREE help in the form of Pocomoke City handling incidents in the county for you...until tomorrow...do you know where your fire trucks and ambulances will be coming from starting tomorrow? I'd check on it if you live in eastern Somerset Co...

  28. did the chief in salisbury want to take a useless laddertruck down there to use it on a single story dwelling fire ....im sure he was itching to

  29. 7:43 is talking about the fact that Somerset County fire departments are now going to be assuming the responsibility for primary Fire protection and EMS response in the areas of Rehobeth Rd west, and Davis Store Rd North. For those of you not familiar this is essentially the location of Lankford SYSCO and beyond. This area was previously covered by the Pocomoke Fire Department. Check out the differences in distance between departments! Amazing! Do the affected residents know how LONG it will now take to receive aid once a 911 call is made? Is this really in the best interest of the residents? I doubt it!

  30. That's crazy. How can they do that?

  31. Joe, you investigating this?


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