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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Stabbing At Chef Fred's Last Night

Hi Joe.

I wanted to share this with you..but I dont want my name posted.

Last night I went out to Chef Fred's for a friends Birthday. When you walk in Chef Fred's you will notice the metal detectors and also when your showing your ID you will see a metal detector wand on the table. They didn't have the metal detectors on and they didn't use the wand either. Later on last night my friend Billy Morton was stabbed 3 times in his right side. Now if they would of use the metal detectors this might not of happened. I was told that the night before they had some problems outside the bar with some guys throwing gang signs and trying to fight people. I have also been informed that a lady was raped in the parking lot not too long ago.

My question is what is Chef Freds doing to stop things like this from happening? Absolutely nothing! When my friend realized he was stabbed he went up to the bouncers and told them he was stabbed ...They kicked him out.. That pissed him off a bit because he didn't understand why they were kicking him out when he had been the one stabbed. They then shut down the bar and kicked everyone out. The bouncers told the cops that it happened outside.. Witch is a lie because my husband was standing next to him talking to him on the dance floor when it happened. It was dark so we didn't see who did it and it all happened so fast. We believe that the reason that the bouncers kicked Billy out after he told them he had been stabbed was because they didn't use the metal detectors and they were trying to cover there asses so they wouldn't get sued! I think something needs to be done to Chef Fred's. They need to enforce there security ..why have the metal detectors if your not going to use them. And the disrespect Billy got from the bouncers was completely ignorant. You would think they would want to make sure he was ok and get him help so they wouldn't be sued but instead they threw him out like the trash. You would think that they would help him since he had been stabbed and lock the bar down and do a search on everyone maybe they would of found out who did it. Maybe if you bring some attention the the events that have been happening at Chef Fred's things will change. It looks like We are going to have to start going outta town to be able to go out and have some fun!


  1. That place just seems like trouble. I stay far, far away.

  2. Did he get stabbed for no reason? Or was it a fight? And next weekend he may want to go to the Green Turtle.

  3. Why don't you call the liquor license board and tell them about this. Sounds like this place isn't safe now days.

  4. The women assaulted at Chef Fred's has serious injuries and possible long term health problems. Another female was chased down outside Green Turtle and was beat up thank goodness the suspects were not able to complete the sickest plans they had for the victim. Stay home and don't patronize any business that compromises your safety. Unfortunately for the criminals I carry an edged weapon and know how to utilize it in such a way I'd love to make this trash beg for a bullet, but they would scan me and refuse me entrance to these @#$^holes!

  5. How serious was the stabbing?Are you saying he was bleeding all over the place and they just kicked him out?Did anyone call an ambulance?How is he?
    I dont go out much so I am curious as to what type of crowd frequents Chef Freds.Thats why that Andromeda club shut down because they let all the gangsta wanna bes in there.
    If I were him I would be lining up some witnesses.Thats a damn shame when they need metal detectors at a bar and even more shameful when they dont use them.

  6. well ive never been to chef freds because i didn find it atractive to begin with.now i definately will never go and ill pass this along to all my friends and associates and have them pass it along to theirs as well.chef freds should be sued for the eents that occured last night you find the right lawyer and the right witnesses and regardless of what the bouncers or employees say you wil win.and to throw him out without concern for his safety is completey irresponsible on their part.i hope chef fred loses enough partrons and business to shut them down.

  7. Just close the place down for a while. They don't deserve to have any customers if that's the way they are going to treat them. I would never go there again after witnessing something like that anyway.

  8. The bad part is some of their bouncers are EMT's

  9. not to mention the police were making the people leave after being told they were waiting for someone to come drive them because they had had too much to drink . they were told to leave or they would be arrested for trespassing the police didn't care they were drunk.And then there was the lady city police who was mad and threw her cell phone and broke it and started beating the ground with her night stick. sounds like a scene from the keystone cops.

  10. was a band playing?

  11. Keep up the good work salisbury you'll get that worst city in america title yet' in the meantime come to Crisfield were everyone gets a weapon so its all even.

  12. Bottom line is if your going to night clubs in Salisbury this is what you have to deal with ! Private clubs are the way to go that way the club can screen out the riff raff and maybe decent people can go out and have a drink without being stabbed !

  13. suggest you get statements from those there, then hire a good lawyer from baltimore. Of course you might want to stay out of all the so called night clubs in salisbury, since they are all sh@tholes.

  14. let me guess?the place was dark and full of #1 males? correct!,this breed of animals knows nothing about being civil in a place of business what so ever! maryland needs to pass a legal sidearm carrying law for incidents like this.

  15. If the grammer and spelling is any indication of the type of people involved in this incident............ well....... judge for yourself.
    Stabbing must not have been very severe if after being stabbed three times he could walk to the bouncers and complain, for tht matter, I think I would have looked to see who was poking me after the first time!!!

  16. Yeah, I'm sure this is the whole story too. Let me guess, your "friend" was completely innocent, minding his own business, and did nothing to start trouble, right?

  17. was the one stabbed a gang member? was there any provocation or totally random? no security cameras?

  18. Realized he was stabbed? LOL! Really...I would think if someone had stabbed you 3 times, as you say, you'd probably be aware of it.

  19. Why go out of town? Salisbury is a safe City. No crime, NO GANGS, no rape . It is a sleepy little old town on the Eastern Shore.

    You are correct , throw him out and we won'be sued. WE "COA", it happened outside. Time to leave Maryland and go west.

  20. A bar is a bar, I don't care which town you are in, they all have the same risks. And in case you didn't notice, Chef Fred's is a restaurant as well, with knives on every table. If someone wanted to stab someone they wouldn't have to bring the knife in with them. Also, no bar is required to use metal detectors, you enter at your own risk. This entire story doesn't sound right. He was stabbed 3 times and casually walked over to the bouncer and told him he had been stabbed? The same thing could happen in any parking lot, anywhere. It sounds to me like you need to stay home and dance around your living room.

  21. This why I avoid, avoid, avoid. Think its me whos hiding? Im not hiding Im avoiding nonsense.

  22. I bet that there is a whole lot more to this story than what is being told here and it wouldn't surprise me if the trouble follows when you go out of town to have some fun.

  23. That hotel has been in the Salisbury Police Reports a lot recently for prostitution and drugs....something for Baily to keep an eye on.

  24. Yeah, like JR's employee.

  25. Last I knew metal detectors were an option. Carrying a weapon and stabbing someone is against the law. Chef Freds is supposed to protect you? Why don't you wise up and stop blaming the victims. Yes Chef Freds was also a victim. Sooner or later something will be done to the criminals in this town to make them think before they act. Maybe its Gullianie (sp) time.

  26. anon 414 it doesnt really matter if the guy was completley innocent what besides someone threatening your life warrants a stabbing?what it is is this younger generation mainly #1 males that are too chicken shit to scrap like we did in the old days they have to stab or shoot someone or gang up on people.i remember if you had an issue with someone you addressed it if you couldnt work it out youd go outack and scrap it over and when you were done youd go back in and have a couple beers together problem solved.

  27. 5:14, are you a moron ? Chef Freds is not a hotel. its a restaurant, with a bar attached.

  28. Sounds like a personal problem to me. Is Chef fred's going to be able to respond to this? & I dont know why Melissa is saying dont post her name when shes running her mouth about it to everyone she speaks to.You are known by the company you keep.

  29. If I were still living there, I would surely miss Johnny's and Sammy's Lounge. Was about the most sedate place in town where adults could go. Kids took over all the bars after awhile. Flying Club was fine for awhile. Then the well behaved adults just quit going to clubs. Oh well....... jackkcharl@aol.com

  30. Don't worry folks your city has a plan to take back the streets they even have t-shirts that say so.WOW!

  31. He is ok. Someone did call an ambulance but he was already in a car on his way out of the parking lot when it got there. He is not in a gang. He was out having a good time. He had been drinking and yes he walked to the bouncers. His injuries are not life threatening thank god. They were not deep enough to hit anything major. But that's not the point. The point is that he was stabbed! And Chef Fred's bouncers treated him like crap! Places like Chef Fred's need to step up the security, and do something to change what's going on there. The point of the letter was to let everyone aware of the nonsense going on over at Chef Fred's & how their employee's treat there customers!

    One of the cops hit an EMT with his baton because he was trying to check out the victim and stop the bleeding. There was a lot of blood. As most of you know when you are drinking it thins your blood there fore causes you to bleed a lot not to mention the man was stabbed 3 times.

    2:54 PM Yes there was a band playing.
    4:14 PM Your an idiot! Does it make you feel better about yourself to judge someone by their grammar?

  32. Thought I would never say this but Crisfield is looking good!

  33. Billy almost died, he was stabbed right under his heart. If he had been stabbed any higher, this situation would have been a lot worse. So much crime happens around here and the news doesn't air it. It's rediculous.

    As far as the lady that was raped at Chef Freds... the reason is wasn't on the news was because she was an employee at WBOC. So it was on the hush hush. She was BRUTALLY raped and beaten and could have died.

    Chef Fred's used be a laid back place to go... but in order to bring in more business they started having their bartenders dance on the bar and play rap music. They obviously brought in more business... but just the slum of salisbury.

    Gangs are becoming a HUGE problem in salisbury... and what is being done about it??? Nothing that i see. I truely believe that all these robberys taking place are part of gang initiations. Maybe i'm wrong, maybe i'm not.

    It's not safe to go anywhere anymore. It's a shame!!

  34. If this person was stabbed 3 times then why did the ambulance clear the call as soon as they got there? Something sound fishy with this post!!

  35. he has cameras inside and outside

  36. There has been problems with women being slipped the date-rate drug there. Nice customers they got there.

  37. the whole situation is a shame... its tough on a business owner too, you can't exactly stop people from walking in your door because they may look like trouble, and you can't turn away money-spending customers just because they are dressed a little thuggish... its an all-around tough situation for the owner and management

    rob s

  38. Did anybody see that rabid fox on the parking lot?

  39. The lady who was raped was beaten so bad she had to be taken to johns hopkins. she was left for dead. she is paralyzed from her injuries

  40. It's really interesting that just because someone has a problem with grammer and spelling; they are sure to be judged! Come on let's be real here! Salisbury has a problem everywhere, and nowhere did I read that "he casually walked to the bouncers". Read what you want into comment?

  41. Pretty simple, that many metal detectors, go somewhere else! I agree that there is something fishy about the story, but I was stabbed many years ago (only once) and believe it or not it took severial minutes to know it, your in denial.

  42. This is a shame. Chef Fred's the restaurant has done a few catered functions there that I attended. They were Xmas banquets. The food was outstanding. The bar side was empty. I just think it's sad that no matter where you go in Salisbury you just are not safe no matter what time of day or night. I do not go to Salisbury any more alone. It's not worth it.

  43. 5:14...check your geography. While you are correct that Chef Freds is a restaurant and bar. There is a hotel that shares the same parking lot.. its not owned by the same people but it is there....and police respond to that parking lot for both establishments way too frequently.

  44. @414 the spelling and grammer nazi.

    no soup for you!

  45. Why does anyone want to go where you have to be wanded ???

    Last I checked it was jail house and court house.

    Blood Clots and Blue Drips crabs.

    Scared punks is all they are.


  46. To this person using this incident to advocate the state passing "a legal sidearm carrying law." Even if you had a permit, the law states you can't carry a weapon under authority of a handgun permit while consuming alcohol.

    To the person stating the the liquor board should be notified of these events, that's correct. They would require the establishment to take corrective action or have their liquor license suspended or revoked. In fact, it should be policy that any police action taken on the property of licensed liquor establishment be documented and a copy of the report be sent to the liquor board.

    As for Chef Fred's, I've been to the place a few times for their holiday buffets, once for dinner, and once for their lunch buffet. I've always thought it was a peculiar layout that they'd have a pretty decent looking dining area, and a rough and tumble bar with the noise of the televisions and music wafting into the dining area. The place needs to figure out what they want to be when they grow up.

  47. Im sure if someone did their jobs right and the news about the beating and rape were made public, the place would have better security and police in the nearby area. Probably the smae person doing the raping/beating/stabbing

  48. The attack on a woman ultimately becoming parolized is true. I know WMDT was working on the story, not sure if it was ever produced. Nevertheless, the SPD was called in to investigate and I never heard what became of it after that but it is true.

  49. 7:58 the problem with lack of proper grammer is the difficulty in understanding you. For example, Read what you want into comment? What does that mean? And as far as your comment about him casually walking over to the bouncers. The story reads he went up to the bouncers. It does not say, he ran, crawled on the floor or flew across the room while taking his last dying breath to get to the bouncers. Whenever I "go up to someone", it is in a casual manner. Either way I don't believe 5 lines of this story.

  50. t is right!

    I'm going up there and straighten those punks out.
    I HOPE they pull a knife or gun on me. I'll feed it to the chicken sh** punk! Anyone else want to ride along? We will carry NO weapons! We will start NO trouble! But if picked on, we will kick punk, gangster ass with a vindictive vengeance!

  51. Wow, look at all the anonymous detectives here.

    First let me say to JT, JR or whomever you are, the racist comments are being rejected. Nice try boys but they won't fly here so you can pass blame on me elsewhere.

    Secondly, the curse words in you comments are also being rejected.

    Play somewhere else boys, we're not stupid.

    Finally, if you know where Chef Freds is, you know there's a Hotel/Motel right next door. I do have the name and contact of the person who sent in the original message, so its not anonymous. I choose to personally hold back their name, (in most cases) soas JT, JR & TM can't contact them and harass them like they usually do. If you don't like it, don't come back.

  52. Been to Chef Freds...it has gone down hill big time. Can you say sleezy place? Bad stuff going on there these days! Alot is being covered up....

  53. Leaving your correct name doesn't make you better, braver, or anything else.

    Personally, in this day and age, especially on a blog, leaving your name is not only unwise, it is also unsafe.

    One of the first lessons of nettiquent(sp) is not to give out personal information for others to use and abuse.

    There are undesirable people who would use said information against you. People on this blog are no different.

    Be safe, not stupid.

  54. OK Folks, here's the deal, THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY.

    I just got off the phone with Chef Fred. NONE of this happened indoors. While a stabbing did in fact happen, it happened outdoors.

    Chef Fred stated he has 16 cameras and they did pick up on the entire thing on camera.

    Chef Freds does everything in their powers to offer a safe environment and I have to agree, having metal detectors at such a location is not only a shame, it's sad we live in a day and age where it's necessary.

    The video tape is available to the SPD upon their request. The victim did drive to the Hospital and refused assistance from an EMT inside the facility after he walked back in to gather his friends.

  55. 9:40, That is probably the best thing I have heard on here in a while, esp. in regards to advice. You never know how many gang members are actually SBY NEWS regulars.I don't see anything healthy or safe about leaving a name anywhere these days. As soon as a name is given someone "anonymously" has a link to the judiciary records or the bashing of someone like the soccer coach or Tony Overton begins. Although I agree with news and to have it reported fast and accurate like SBY NEWS does, has anyone thought that something bad could and will (sooner or later) come out of the reporting of names and bashing another on here. Bad in regards to retalliation. This is SBY and nothing can be ruled out anymore. This is one scary town.

  56. With regards to the rape in the parking lot:


    Assault At Chef Fred's - Wicomico
    by - Stacy Sakai

    Salisbury, MD - Salisbury Police are looking into what appears to be a sexual assault outside of a Salisbury restaurant. Police say they received a call around 1:22 a.m. on November 28. The details are sketchy at this point but police say EMS responded to a call that someone had possible fallen and suffered a head injury. A family member says there is much more to the story. Police did say a rape kit was given to the victim who has been transported to Baltimore due to the severity of her injuries.


    I do know that at least one of their managers quit within the past few months because of the way the owners were going with the place. Wanted no part of what is likely to happen.

    I can understand the victim & her family wanting to maintain some privacy, but this sort of thing needs to be out there, and loudly, so that citizens have a real picture of what is going on in the city. Shame on WMDT for letting it go - there are ways to report while respecting the victim's privacy.

    I am so disappointed in Salisbury right now. I wonder how far the city will sink before it turns around?

    What do you think? Do you honestly think it will turn around? And when? Not looking to start nastiness, just looking for honest thoughts from my fellow locals. I hate to leave, but more and more we think about it.

  57. how about sitting in front of your computers and complaining about how terrible Salisbury is do something about it (not referring to vigilantism) God like a bunch of whiney babies on this website...DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT THEN

  58. I went to a bar last night in Salisbury and there were no gangs, shootings or stabbings. Actuallu, it's new and agreat place to socialize. I would name the (bar), but then all the idiots would start hanging out here and ruin the place.

  59. 10:12 PM

    Thank you for the kind words.

  60. Play gangsta rap , pander to the thugs and you wonder why this happens .The easy answer is this shut the place down, clearly the place is in it for the $ and does not give a damn about your safety.Hey kids thug life is fun sell drugs shoot and stab and rape and rob and die in a pool of blood wondering where you went wrong , wake up people.

  61. Wow. Chef Fred's used to be a pretty nice resturaunt that happened to have a bar attached. We have been there quite a few times (obviously not recently), and I was impressed with the food, the service, and most of all, the atmosphere. I guess that has all changed! First the rape in the parking lot, then we hear that Leggs and his ilk were haning out there, and now this! What a change a year or two can make. What is a shame is that there really isn't a whole lot the owner can do about it when this type of crowd decides to start hanging out. I guess he could change up the type of music and entertainment he uses, but that may or may not work, and at this point it may just cause problems for the DJ, bartneder or band if his customers are so prone to violence. Looks like the beginning of the end for Chef Freds. Maybe they need to close down for awhile, and wait until this bunch hanging out there finds a new place before opening up "new and improved"!

  62. 11:07 Dani what are you doing about it other than complaining about citizens complaining ?

  63. Walk like a duck, talk like a duck, guess what???? Don't hang out with that crowd and you won't be assoicated. If you feel uncomfertable, leave. Chef Fred's is a great food establisment and needs to get rid of the bar area thugs, YES but don't stop eating there. You can still go out till 9, if your out after that your on your own anywhere in Salisbury. FORWARNED!!!!

  64. The popular night life hang out's need to be privatized like the Elk's or Moose lodges that way they can keep out the trash !

  65. Most of the aholes that cause the problems at Chef Freds are the same Delmar jerks that made Island Way turn to S#it before it closed it's doors.

  66. Joe,

    Of course, Chef Fred's is going to say this stabbing happened outside. I'm sure they do have cameras, I wonder how many of them were workings. Anyhow, those cameras are not going to catch every thing. Do you realize how PACKED that bar gets on a saturday night? You can barely walk. I was there the night of the stabbying, and he was in fact stabbed INSIDE the bar. Just standing there talking and he got stabbed. He doesn't belong in a gang or have enemies out on every corner... this was a random stabbing. The guy that did it will probably never be caught.. simply because he didn't have motive to do it. I'm sure Chef Freds will stick with their story... i probably would too if that was my restaurant.

  67. Sounds like we all need to avoid places like Chef Fred's and Bro river after 9 o'clock !

  68. 10:37 AM I agree with you. I was there also. It was very dark on the dance floor. Not to mention the fog was on also.

  69. I would think that if they're old enough to get into the club then they're not gang wannabes, they're actually gang members. The bouncers should be warned whom to look out for and to watch them. Security should be posted outside after 11 pm.In a town where everybody seems to know everybody the gang members should have no place to hide.Is there a website that has pictures of local gang members? IMHO, they're just as dangerous as sexual predators.

  70. 10:32, I had forgotten all about Island Way. Went there 3-4 times during their last year of business. Used to have a great time. I wasn't surpised when they closed down though; I got hit on by a girl at the bar that I later saw in the mall. This chick had to be like 15-16 but apparently was able to get into to the bar. Glad I had a date with me that night already.

  71. It's a shame that a restaurant that used to be nice started having money problems and has resorted to this to make money. If he wants a nice restaurant, then have that and close down the bar, with the DJ's, rap music, etc. Anymore, in today's society, it seems you can't have both in the same establishment. Now, his money problems will just get worse because of this trouble, a lot of people will stop going there to eat in the restaurant side. Salisbury is getting more and more like Baltimore City all the time...

  72. its the fact that they cant keep out the ghetto people... i go to chef freds often and its great everytime... its the same thing that happened to mulligans, it was small town regular people then the trouble makers come in and start to take over.. and ruin it for everyone else that goes just to have fun. i feel bad that the people who work at and own chef freds will have to take that step now, and use the metal detectors that its gotten that bad,,, are we going to need to go thru a metal detector at every resaraunt now??? how about red lobster, or chillis.... what the hell!!!!!!!!
    bet if all they played was country music there would be no stabbing.

  73. Check the floor in front of the band stand..I bet there is blood on the carpet! It happened inside not outside!
    It sad to say that it's not safe to go out anywhere in Salisbury before 9pm.

  74. 12:47 PM I agree. That is why they started having bands play there. It is sad that it has come to this. Personally I would feel a lot safer knowing everyone went threw a metal detector.

  75. "You're on your own after 9"?!?!

    In the past few months, I have seen warnings on here to not use any ATM after dark (which is currently after about 5:45pm), to not go out alone in Salisbury after dark, and now not to go to any club/bar after 9pm?

    Excellent. So all the people with jobs and sense should be hostages in their homes, while the thugs and gangs take over the town?

    Are you nuts? That's not acceptable.

    I like the idea of posting pictures on a web site of gang members. What if they also had a site where all arrest photos were posted for 1 year from the date of arrest, so the thug-wanna-be people would think twice, and we could all avoid them?

    Make it VERY public who is causing the trouble, come together to ostracize them - maybe that would at least help a little?

    And restaurant/bar owners have the right to refuse service. They should man up and tell the thugs to get out.

  76. I know three people who were at Freds that night and YES it did happen inside! With that many witnesses why on earth would they try to cover and say it happened outside? Bottom line is it happened on their property. Ever since they became "foxtails" trying to capture the Cayote Ugly scene they have gone down hill tremendously. There are few places in Salisbury where you can go and dance and comparing them to Brew River, Freds was always a lot more safe....not anymore. I vowed to never step foot in Cactus Club because of the crowd and fact that they used the metal detector wand on everyone when they come in. My thought was if they need to use "that" then I don't need to go there. Looks like my living room will be my entertainment from now on.

  77. Dani, I am doing something about it, along with about ten of my close friends. I, along with them are purchasing very large handguns (not one that you have to fire off the entire clip to cut someone in half, one that takes one good big a$$ piece of lead). I will purchase it legally and will go through the correct process to tote it and will display it. This will happen fast because the friggin liberals are working as fast as they can to destroy the Constitution and make it a crime to defend yourself, that is what is wrong with the world and locally, Salisbury. I want some punk ass thug to walk up to me at the WAWA while I am pumping gas, it's gonna be a bad day!You will hear about it, right here on SBY News. That's what it has come to.

  78. Quit playing Hip Hop music and or raise the price o your drinks, maybe have a dress code. Thats the only way to keep the thugs out. They dont now how to act in groups, add alchohol and expect them to be any better?

  79. Not to be that guy, but I was at green turtle with several friends the night of the stabbing. It was semi-crowded, but nothing out of the ordinary. All of a sudden my buddy makes a comment about the 20-30 people that showed up right at the end of the night. I looked around and it seriously looked like a gang had showed up. Then we hear there was a stabbing and that everyone needed to be careful so we immediately left. It was like they were coming there to start trouble. If they close down chef fred's they are just going to find somewhere else to go. I don't mind the metal detectors, but a simpler solution would be a dress code. No baggy clothing, hoodies, du-rags, etc. P.S. what Delmar people do you know that would be the sole cause of this? I don't think you know what you are talking about.

  80. 2:23 PM

    I stopped going to Cactus Club a long time ago.

    When they first opened it was a very nice place, and the owners were nice as well.

    Then the wrong people started going there and it went downhill fast.

    I had more trouble with redneck whites than any blacks there at the time.

    I don't know the clientèle now but I'm sure it has gotten worse.

    Night clubs just don't stay nice in this area. If it's not the rednecks its the gang bangers.

    I just make a bonfire in back yard and drink beer with a few friends and relatives.

    A much better time than any bar and cheaper and safer.

  81. I am the dj at chef fred's (deejay hector) saturday nights... just to clarify what happen about the gentlemen that was stabbed. He was fighting in the club which he should have been thrown out anyway! after reviewing the footage for inside and outside the establishment,all party's involved are guilty. it just shows what we have to deal with as event coordinators in this area. If your the type of person who cant control yourself or know how to act in public stay HOME! We have tried and tried to make a great environment and atmosphere for anyone to come out and enjoy themselves. We have bands and a dj to try to please the community as a whole. A select few uncivilized unruly hard asses ruin it for everyone. This was a freak accident which happened out of the blue this is not something that usually happens. And to clarify it happened outside in the parking lot not in the bar! we will continue to try to bring entertainment to our community despite all these nay-sayers bad mouthers. Security will be stepped up and a NO-TOLERANCE rule will be in effect. Dress codes will be enforced and for whatever reason we feel necessary everyone or anyone could be asked to leave. we will acheive what we set out to do and that is a great place to come eat and for afterhours entertainment.

  82. Don't you think he would of known who stabbed him if it happened outside where there wasn't as many people? Someone stabbing you in an open area is hard to miss. It happened on the dance floor. He has witnesses that will testify. although I do agree with this statement you made "If your the type of person who cant control yourself or know how to act in public stay HOME!" If you have it on tape like you say they do ..has any arrest been made?

  83. Good luck getting a carry permit in MD. Won't happen unless you are LE, and even the retired ones are taking heat when they try to renew theirs.

  84. to all the haters stay out of fred's if u no like the place-- but ive been going there for very long time along with my friends that i take so im sick of hearn that its chef fred's fault thats bullshit u cant control what a person does u get a grip of the situation and handle it which is what they did i have been there plenty of times when music is going and lights r down for dancen and a lil fight may start they r quick on their feet to get it under control-its not the music so thats the dumest thing i ever heard i listen to everything from hip-hop booty shaken music to country so really i will continue to go there and have a blast and wont let ne1 change my mind infact im on my way there in a few to dance my ass off- so if ya cant handle uself stay home or in the streets cuz u wont run me out of haven a good time

  85. Dude totally was fighting! He was very proud of that fact too! He refused EMT help, had his g/f drive to the hospital, and acted a fool when he was there. He def wasn't mindin his biz goin to church people. He got stabbed because he was "beating someone up" who had friends that would stab the person fighting their friend. Chef Fred's has gone far south in my opinion. We used to always have gatherings there and since the changing of their "lounge" to a bad knock off to coyote ugly, yaaaaa....def not goin there anymore! Not to mention their issues with the owner not backing their bouncers! When your bouncers end up getting into a lawsuit, because they were doing their job and the owner doesn't even step up? Something is wrong with this place and if you want to go somewhere to have fun and just hang with no drama, Chef Fred's should probably not be in the running for places to consider.

  86. We went to chef freds this past weekend for dinner and it was the worst place to go. Does not seem safe at all if your gonna get searched, frisked, carded to go eat dinner. They can stick that place. I would rather eat at McDonalds. It use to be a nice place until.... They brought it on themselves with the music and that stupid DJ. I will never go back. Greedy owners thats what it is. Now they have a name for themselves and the crowd to go with it.

  87. Hello, I was one of the bouncers that broke up the fight that night matter of fact I was the one who threw him out. The way I was holding on to him I believe I would of had his Blood on me if he was stabbed inside the building. I know if I was stabbed I would have went in the ambulance and had med. treatment by the paramedics on the way... Not refuse and have my friends drive me to the hospital. Also he was offered help by the bouncers that are EMT's but he refused that too. So before you judge Chef Fred's you should take this into consideration.

  88. I have been frequenting Chef Freds for years and I have NEVER had an issue. I have never even seen a fight take place at this establishment...inside or outside. For God's sake, it's not a night club like Brew River. It is a Karaoke bar. It's crowded on Wednesdays because of karaoke. The bouncers are vigil and the crowd is friendly. Everyone is always laughing and partying. It's one of the best bars to frequent. Whenever my friend's come to town, we go there and we have a blast. The staff no longer dances on the bar and they barely play any specific type of music due to the overwhelming amount of people singing karaoke. Most of the violence everyone is pointing out, occurred OUTSIDE. People need to take some responsibility for their own safety and watch out. Never go outside of any bar at night by yourself. If you have had too much to drink, go home. You never know who has what or what their motives are. This could have happened in a Royal Farms parking lot. Bad things happen everywhere. It's unfortunate. As for people attributing this incident to race, grow up. If you have EVER been to Chef Fred's, you will notice that it is heavily populated by white males and females. There arent any "gangsters" in that bar...unless u count the 60 year old black men wearing their red crushed velvet v-neck sweaters. If anything, black females are there. I'm one of them. Young black men tend to avoid country music enthused karaoke bars where they are outnumbered 10:1. I will still go to Chef Fred's. Nothing's changed for me. I Love That Place. It's the only safe place I can go to in Salisbury. Just mind your business, keep your mouth shut, dont act beligerent and utilize the same buddy system you learned in kindergarten. You'll be fine.


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