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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Raven's May Be Cursed for Maryland Legislature Action Against Colts?

For the seventh consecutive time - the Ravens came up short in their quest for a divisional title against the former Baltimore - now Indianapolis Colts.

If one were to wager a bet as to the Ravens dropping yesterday's game - the odds were statistically stacked against you.

Could it be that Maryland has been cursed for trying to obtain the Colts franchise through eminent domain against Robert Irsay? After all was it not the Maryland Legislature that drew 'first blood' by passing a law on March 27th, 1984 - allowing the City to seize the Colts through Eminent Domain. Remember, both, the city and county officials had previously threatened to do so. The next day, Irsay, decided to move the team to Indianapolis fearing a dawn raid on the team's Owings Mills headquarters.

As Michael Chernoff - then Baltimore Colts attorney - most eloquently stated when being interviewed;

"They (the Maryland state legislature and the city of Baltimore) not only threw down the gauntlet, but they put a gun to his head and cocked it and asked, ' want to see if it's loaded?".
"They forced him to make a decision on that day".

I can only speak for myself but I - among many others - know the full story as to how the Baltimore Colts ended-up in Indianapolis. Remember folks, the Internet was in its infancy back in 1984 and the news coming out of Annapolis and Baltimore was quite censored back then.

As Paul Harvey would say;

"Now you know the Rest of the Story"

*Please read Robert Irsay's obituary: Click Here


  1. Flacko is a Slacko...

  2. Pat Robertson would probably agree with you on this.

  3. Short memories you Baltimore fans have. Cry that you got your team stolen and then do the SAME thing to Cleveland. Hypocrits.

  4. Internet was in its infancy in 1984? Really? LOL. I'm not sure it was even conceived as we know it today.

  5. Be cool if Manning & Brett face off in the bowl, the best teams are exactly where they should be. Its cool and Nascar is almost back and for some damn reason Im Happy.

  6. Reference 3:41

    You are so right. Maryland is a pathedic State and I truly wonder how any pure red blooded Marylander could ever route for the Ravens given the history on what transpired with the Colts.

    Interesting to see that the field goal kicker for the Indianapolis Colts who kicked the field goal yesterday was actually a native born Marylander that currently resides in Prince Georges County. I say let the Maryland imbeciles pay to see the counterfeit Ravens. The Colts are Maryland's true team. Just ask the Unitias family.

  7. Although I was aware that the Colts were once based in Baltimore I never knew their full history.

    I was routing for the Ravens but after reading about their histor I'm ashamed to attend another one of their games.

    This truly is a blackeye to Maryland.

  8. I wonder how many Marylanders realize how many millions of their tax dollars were spent to buy and still maintain the Ravens' luxurious stadium. Maybe us tax payers should have had the option to buy some talent instead. I'm just saying.

  9. Joe I like your blog and I usually dont comment but after reading this post by "beezer" I had to chime in - The Ravens moved here in 1996 and they came from Cleveland, and they came the RIGHT way -they left their history, colors and all behind, and when that City was granted a new team 3 years later they we able to carry on that City's football history intact. Many teams in the NFL have moved, the Rams, Titans, Raiders, Redskins, Chargers, Cardinals,to name a few. Heck even the Steelers ans Eagles merged together in Philadelphia for 1 season and were called the "steagles" However none with the History and legacy of the Colts -Did you know that Johnny Unitas is listed in the Hall of Fame as an INDIANAPOLIS Colt? From 1984 until he passed in 2002 HE went on record several times Stating his hatred for the Indianapolis Colts and urged all Baltimore fans to embrace the Ravens as Marylanders once held the Colts. The MD legilature did what they thought was right at the time, We ( as a fan base and State) were lied to constantly by the Irsay family claiming they were not looking to move the team and wanted to stay in BMore - Donald Schaefer found out that since early 1982 the team was shopped to Arizona, Indianapolis adn a few other cities, when this news broke a deal with Indiana had been all but finalized and the MD legislature was tring to find a way to buy some time to work out a deal to keep the team here.FYI the Trophies and other historical items from the Colts time in MD is in the museum next to Camden Yards - how did we get it? The Irsay family borrowed 2 million dollards from the State of MD to build a complex in Owings Mills, after they left a letter was sent to the team stating IF they returned these items to the State of MD thier debt would be forgiven, a month later a Mayflower truck pulled up to Baltimore City hall filled with the Trophies from 1958 1959 championship games and the SuperBowl V trophy along with uniforms and equpitment from 1953 to 1983!Just remember there are 2 sides to every story and if people Dont want to support the Ravens well thats fine and dandy. be gone!!! Once again Thanks for all you do Joe!

  10. um actually the Stadium is funded by lottery and lotto scratch offs! no tax dollars - research research research....goes a long way dotn want to pay for the Stadium? dont buy a scratch off!

  11. amomymous 9:25, you are absolutely wrong!

    In fact, quite a few years ago I personally spoke with Paris Glendenning in my Skybox at the Bowie Baysox Stadium and had this exact conversation with him when they chose to spend $250,000,000.00 on the Ravens Stadium. In fact, Maryland also spend $250,000,000.00 on the Redskins new Stadium at the same time. He stated they found the money in grants, or whatever they claimed at the time, I don't exactly recall. All I can tell you is, the original money was not from scratch off tickets or the lottery.

    Paris tried to explain to me at the time that each Stadium would bring Maryland taxpayers some $35,000,000.00 in tax revenue each year. So I said, OK Paris, are you bussing people in from DE, PA, VA, etc? He replied, no, why. I replied, then don't make it sound like the TAXPAYERS, (all of you, mind you, even those who have never set foot in the Stadium) aren't footing the bill and we're MAKING $35,000,000.00 a year on each Stadium. He smiles and said, you're a very wise young man Mr. Albero. He was snagged right then and there.

  12. Good, happy to hear it.

  13. I bet he has a free life box seat at each stadium... They are all crooks and paid under table later for what they do for these rich ass business men.

    It is sick! Poor stay poor, rich get richer! To make poor feel better, they say our riches are in heaven. Even the rich will find a way to get over on that.

  14. Two words: Peyton Manning.

  15. I also never knew any of the history surrounding this incident.

    It amazes me what I learn from reading this website. I have never read about this in any of the MSM.

    Thank you FOX - SBYnews.

  16. Beazer:

    You stand to be corrected. The Ravens have now dropped 8 consecutive games against the Colts. It was 7 before Saturday's defeat. It's actually worse than you orginally reported.

    I believe there is something to the CURSE.

  17. thank you 9:22 for speaking up on what happened....the city of cleveland let that team go...and they got to keep their colors and history...they built new stadiums for the indians and cavs but did nothing for the browns...haters on the ravens should look into why the browns left. everyone against the ravens are just haters...sorry but the ravens are a team from the largest city in the state...it's not crazy that there are fans here! there are people in maryland who are steelers fans and have never visited that city...it's convienant to root for them when they are winning super bowls...just like sell out yankees or red sox fans...most the people that are from western PA have moved here cause their state sucks...cold, unemployed and poor. so i understand why they still root for their hometown team they left behind. but maryland steelers fans who don't know where pittsburgh is on a map are pathetic..do you just pick a franchise with a long history and say "that's my team now", "i'm a steelers fan now!" redskins fans are sad anyway so i really don't concern myself with them...they must hate the ravens cause they tend to go to the playoffs more frequently then they do...and i don't care if you were good 20+ years ago...That was before Salary Cap and free agency...


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