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Friday, November 20, 2009

By 2019, Taxpayers Will Pay $196 Billion A Year for Obamacare, But 24 Million People Will Remain Uninsured

Under the health care bill introduced by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday, by 2019 taxpayers will be paying $196 billion per year to subsidize other people’s health insurance coverage, but there still will be 24 million uninsured people in America, according to the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation.

Reid’s proposal mandates that all individuals legally resident in the United States purchase health insurance and offers subsidies to people making up to 400 percent of the poverty level ($88,200 for a family of four) to purchase insurance as long as they buy a federally regulated and approved plan sold in a federally regulated insurance exchange.

In 2010, the year of the next congressional election, the gross cost of the subsidies is expected to be $0. In 2012, the year of the next presidential election, the gross cost of the subsidies in the bill is expected to be only $4 billion. But in 2014, the costs are expected to dramatically escalate to $48 billion for the year. From that point on, the costs increase every year, jumping to $147 billion by 2016 and then to $196 billion by 2019.

More here..


  1. More importantly, the entire health care industry (currently corrupt by Big Pharma and Insurance Companies) will be managed by a Czar of the President's Administration.

    It will never be the same again.

  2. We pay more for the medicare drug program. Lets scrap that too.

  3. The country will be bankrupt in a year or so, what differance does it all make. Its like arguing over which shark bit you.

  4. The Gov't Healthcare Pushing Trolls (GHPT) will say what happens if we do nothing...to this I say, the same thing the gov't is trying to do except it will be in slow motion so that hopefully, conservatives will be able to force some real substantive changes in 2010 when voters have a chance to voice their opinions and shake up the imcumbents so Pelosi is gone as head of Congress. I am praying and I'm attending every tea party til she's gone. I'm goint to donate to whoever her opponents are if I still have a job and the money in my wallet to do so.

  5. We paid $120 billion a year for W's war on Iraq, but heavens forbid we drop some loot on the health care of the middle and lower class (the upper class have the cash to afford health care with or without any reform).

  6. wouldn't it be nice for congress to do what they said they were going to do?
    Offer insurance for those who don't have any. PERIOD!
    bo said it wouldn't cost ONE RED DIME...and why is it costing anything anyhoo?


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