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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Senate Votes To Keep Spending Millions On Stimulus Signs

Ever since the “American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009″ kicked in, it was obvious that a major part of the stimulus would be paying people to design, manufacture and put up signs alerting taxpayers where their “stimulus” money was going. You’d have to spend a fortune on an investigation to find a better example of a self-perpetuating sinkhole — and then spend even more money on signs announcing the findings of your investigation — to top this.

Sen. Barbara Boxer, and many others, want to keep spending millions on the stimulus signs because to stop doing so would be to deprive us lowly taxpayers the honor of seeing where our money is being spent (we know it when we see it, Babs, no sign necessary) — and one of those areas is the signs themselves:

GO HERE to read more.

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