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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Public Health Care Option

What advocates for a public health care option either don't know or won't reveal, is that, on a per patient basis, the administrative cost for, government run Medicare, is much higher than private insurance. Medicare premiums are collected by the IRS and that cost is not charged to Medicare. Medicare pays no taxes. Private companies pay a state tax averaging 2% (as high as 4% in some states). The private companies also pay income tax on their profits. In spite of this private insurance companies have a lower administrative cost, which could be even lower, with some regulation.

While most people, instinctively, understand government is extremely inefficient, it appears many politicians do not. Medicare has virtually no competition unless you count Medicaid as a competitor. It is near impossible to discover administrative costs for Medicaid as each state is probably different. Should an enlightened congress make it possible to purchase health care insurance, across state lines, the competition would likely lower prices on private insurance.

It would, therefore be reasonable to assume that if the government wishes to use taxpayer money to insure some number of people, it would best not be done by a governmental agency. We are told there is a great deal of fraud and waste in Medicare and Medicaid. We are further informed, that the government can eliminate this to pay for half of the cost of a heath care program. No one is standing in their way from doing this now. Government is simply using this as an excuse to cut care for the elderly.

By going to Google, one can find all the information required to make an informed decision. This begs a two part question, Why can't the congress or the media learn to Google?

Joel Brandes


  1. Right on.
    There is nothing prohibing Congress from NOW eliminating this waste and fraud of Maedicaid/care.
    It is dereliction of duty to not do so.
    And they wait.
    There is nothing that prohibits Congress from mandating insurance can be purchased across state lines.
    And they wait.
    Congress can demand tort reform.
    And they wait.
    These three basic measures would mean much lower costs.

    Still they do nothing. Just an excuse as Joel states.

  2. Joel, there are countries you could go to that have little to no government. Just a suggestion as it sounds as if you would be more happy in a place like that. By the way you make quite a few incorrect statements about the President's Health Care Reform in your post. Get your facts straight...


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