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Thursday, February 19, 2009

There Goes The Neighborhood! Kratovil Has Arrived

Frank Kratovil recycled Wayne Gilchrest's old Office at One Plaza East across from the GOB. The difference, there's a wonderful young black woman at the front desk reading SalisburyNews on her computer. Does anyone know what ever happened to Greg Bassett's Wife? Is she in her old position with Frank? Did he recycle her too? After all, Greg worked so hard to support Frank in the 1st Congressional District Race, Frank had to keep her on board, right?

Frank, I have some wonderful SBYNews banners you can hang on the walls to fill all the gaps if you'd like? I even have some old pictures of people swimming in the Wicomico River near the Zoo years ago. I have some before and after shots near Market Street Inn and Waverly Drive before they threw in the 6 ft. tall pipe? OH, I know, I've got some GREAT photos of the Salisbury WWTP. You know, sludge pits, human feces drying out on the ground, much of which Wayne pretty much ignored but with all that stimulus money coming to the Eastern Shore, we, (you and I) could always do some before and after shots showing all this crap cleaned up, as if you had something to do with it. I've got some before shots in Hebron too. You should really educate yourself on that property before they go and butcher that up too.

I kind of get the feeling we'll see more Daily Times Articles professionally framed by the DT's with you in it, showing how much Salisbury and the Eastern Shore really loves you. I'm a bit insulted you didn't call and ask to rent out 300 W. Main Street? Well, I can't blame you for not taking Office Space at the new Daily Times building though. Yeah, they might not last as long as you in Office, smart move.

Well, welcome to the Hood. Salisbury crime is down Frank, your Staff has nothing to worry about. That is, unless you pay them late in the day and they use an ATM Machine to make their deposit. Oh, even though the State Credit Union is used by almost ALL Police Officers and you'd think criminals wouldn't have the ba((s to rob that joint, think again! I'd recommend your Staff get accounts across the street on the opposite corner of the Office. They have a Camera on that corner that goes right to the SPD. Which reminds me Frank, do YOU have any pull at the SPD? The reason I ask is, the Bank was supposed to release the video of the most recent armed robbery yet no one has seen a thing yet? It must take a really long time to develop that film, eh? Anyhow, Eastern Shore Taxpayers would really like to see who the guy is. We don't want to wait several months for that information like we're still waiting for on the murdered prostitute, with all due respect.


  1. Joe as one republican to another give the guy a chance. Who knows he become a fan. More flys with honey

  2. Lets piss-him-off so Andrew comes back. Frank stand up for once in your life. Do you realize that you have the power to do good and help regular people? Do you realize that? Think about when you were young, how much good you wanted to do. Its not to late. Do some good man. Dont be a Washington Puppet. For some reason I think you know that your better than that, get focussed on what is good. I wont ask again, your a represenative of the people, not me...

  3. One more thing, wheres the pic chiefy. You have a whole community of people that want to help.

  4. And.. speaking of the credit union-- I was there today, and was pretty surprised to see that those big bushes near the ATM that hid the shooter so well are still there. Even if they belong to the bank next door, you'd think somebody would be smart enough to at least trim them up to about 6 ft above the ground so nobody could hide behind them.
    Did we learn anything out of this shooting?

  5. those "films" don't need to be developed...it's vcr tape.

  6. Kratovil was allowed by the Pelosi/Hoyer clique to vote against the initial "stimulus" bill. But he fell right in line when the final vote came. Just what we need, a wind-up representative.

    The BIG tests will be his votes on the Fairness Doctrine and gun control.


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