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Thursday, February 19, 2009


ALL Salisbury Fire Departments have been called out to a Structure Fire at Salisbury University. Students have been evacuated. More to come.....

Turns out a large A/C Unit caught on fire, lots of smoke everywhere. They're fanning it out and sending Students back in the building. I wonder why they called for ALL SFD's to go? Don't they have all that money tied up into chase vehicles for the upper brass to get to the scene first and let everyone know what's up? Hmmmmmmm?


  1. To much equipment on the street. Why are there so many staff vehicles going to many chiefs not enough indians. Why isnt the new tower ladder thing going, some were trained on it today. BLAH BLAH BLAH....

  2. Anytime a 911 call comes in and the operator thinks that there is a fire (and in this situation the report was somke every where) it is automaticly a 3 company responce across the board in this county and most other countys and states as well. It is best to have units coming to help and not need them and turn them around than to end up needing them and not haveing them in route.

  3. I won't argue that 2:27. Perhaps Chief See, Deputy Chief Gordy and others could travel around on a Fire Truck instead then?

  4. When there is a structure fire, it's standard prcedure to send 3 stations....since Salisbury has (or had at 1 point) 3 stations (16, 1, 2), that's peobably why they were all on the road.

    There were most definately MANY pieces of equipment, because I was surrounded by them on my way back to work after my lunch break. As soon as 1 piece passed me, I'd see another coming.

  5. Not a bad idea, will it ever happen probably not but then again i have no idea what that dept has on the order of buisness or job discription for those positions. Besides Chiefs of the Dept in other depts. ride the big red ding ding. But then again i believe the Chief of the dept's job is'nt to ride the fire truck but for admin perpases only unless the whole city desides to burn down

  6. Joseph. perhaps your sarcasum would not be so great IF your grandsoon had been in the building, the building was fully engulfed and the Chief (Gordy or See, take your pick) was the only emergency vehicle there because thesituation had to be reviewed to determine if more help was needed. Better to have too much than not enough.

  7. Too bad the bridge wasnt up.

  8. I want to know if the new ladder truck will make the turn from Camden Ave. into the dorm parking lot. I have heard that it is too large to turn some of the corners in the city, but would like to hear from someone who knows the facts.

  9. 2:56 p.m. - the way they drive, I bet they don't care if it will make the turn or not, they'll make the turn someway and their excuse if they tear anything up will be "if it was one of your loved ones wouldn't you have wanted us to get there any way we can". Do they ever stop and think a little about anything they do? I doubt it. It's a new toy and just like every other kid, they want it.

  10. Hind sight is 20/20 Mr. Albero. You are such a tool. You'd be the first one in line condemning the Fire Department for not having enough people or equipment present had the situation been worse. You have the luxury of sitting back at "The Ranch" and throwing stones at everyone else. You wouldn't be so bad if you're ego didn't arrive in Salisbury before you do.

  11. Anonymous said...
    2:56 p.m. - the way they drive, I bet they don't care if it will make the turn or not, they'll make the turn someway and their excuse if they tear anything up will be "if it was one of your loved ones wouldn't you have wanted us to get there any way we can". Do they ever stop and think a little about anything they do? I doubt it. It's a new toy and just like every other kid, they want it.

    3:34 PM

    It wouldn't be the first time.

  12. Why do you have to continue to bash the fire department. They could be saving the life of a friend or a loved one grow up

  13. How come none of you idiots wished the bridge to be up when htere was a fire ove on the poor side of town. What we have is just as important to us as all your fancy mansions.


  14. The problem here starts at the 911 center on Naylor Mill Rd. When idiot wages are paid you can only hire idiots. Those so called dispatchers think smoke in a house or structure automatically means it’s on fire. WRONG! So without thinking they send everybody including the coatracks. Dee Dee Dee!

  15. Was my main man Gordy there in his new car?

  16. I wanted to see the new ladder truck but all I saw was a yellow pos with smoking brakes.

  17. Joe Albero for chief!

  18. anonymous 6:58, No, Gordy's new Police Package Vehicle was not there. In fact, they all saw me come by the SFD looking for his new vehicle but sadly it wasn't there. So what did Joe Albero do? I made several phone calls, found out where it was, drove to the location and took photos of that puppy AND the window sticker price tag and will deliver it tomorrow for all to see.

    That's right See & Gordy, call the Shop and they'll tell you I was there. You can run but you cannot hide from Joe Albero. Take the blood pressure pills tonight because tomorrow we're going to BLOG you.

  19. Gordy looks hot in his firemens uniform

  20. I can't believe what this has turned into. You don't have to like SFD's current situation, or any other political situation involving the city. You can speak out about their over-spending or use of resources or any problems concerning the top of the chain-of-command. You have that right in a democracy. But to turn an honest life-saving effort into jokes and ridicule is absolutely nauseating.

    People have the audacity to complain about too many trucks being sent to the scene? To try to twist and turn an event like this into an excuse to bash the fire department? Those dorms house in the high hundreds of students. That means hundreds of parents went to work today not expecting to get a phone call that their child died in a fire because the city didn't have enough to resources to stop it. They were absolutely warranted to send three stations worth of trucks if they had any inkling that this could have been a life-threatening situation. A cliche "better safe than sorry" doesn't even scratch the surface here.

    I lived in dorms, have had family members and close friends live in those dorms at SU. I don't care if they send 100 trucks to the scene, take out a few parked cars trying to make that tough turn (2:56 and 3:34), knock down a stop sign, drive across red square and take out a statue or two; so long as it is an honest effort to save even one person's life, let alone hundreds. 2:51, your comment "too bad the bridge wasn't up" is less than human. It makes me sick to my stomach that you would wish bad on people in that kind of situation.

    Tonight, I hope that the several thousand SU students, as well as the residents of the town, can sleep easier knowing that if an emergency happens, SFD will send more than enough trucks to get the job done. They won't hesitate and think "well if this is a false alarm, the town is gonna criticize us for over-use of resources and tax dollars." They'll save lives first and ask questions later, and that's how it should be. All politics aside, thank you SFD!

    Rob S

  21. I think some of you are the same people that would complain if they had a fire and didn't send enough people and someone died. Be careful what you wish for.

  22. Rob S (anonymous 7:28) I agree with you. There may be problems in the SFD but doing their best to save lives and property isn't one of them. Too many firefighters at a potential emergency is a heck of a lot better than having a fire where nobody shows up.

  23. The most important part of this equasion is how was it reported. In this case it was reported as a structure fire by the 911 center. Standard response for a structure fire is three engines, two ladders, two ambulances, a Squad and Duty Chief. The philosophy is to hit the situation quickly and hard with resources. This reduces fire loss and assures adequate resources to contain the fire and rescue victims. If additional resources are needed, then they can be quickly dispatched.

    Todays incident was a small fire, but business as usual for us. The new ladder will soon be in service and it will respond all over the City. Dont let the size scare you. All tower ladders are large these days. It would have made it into SU today with no problems.

  24. Fact of the matter is a chief did arive on scene and did put all but three units in service. How about listening to the calls before posting.

  25. A good driver can get a piece just about anywhere. This same model of ladder is sold to departments all over the country. We dont have the market cornered on BIG ladders.

  26. Who cares if you found his car and how much it was, the word is was, da mayor rubber stamped the purchase, now its the fd's fault for taking a new car..god you need to get a life!!
    and how much money do you spend on gas a month to be what...a f**king blogger...what a life....or should i say get a life

  27. The Asst Chiefs should be back on the engines

  28. To 6:56 pm

    You sound like a fireman. It was your fire chief's association of Wicomico county who wanted smoke in a residence or structure to "equal a structure fire" and wanted it dispatched as such, so don't blame the dispatchers, blame your SUPERIORS. Dispatchers do not have the luxury of a camera to zoom in on the scene to see exactly what the caller is reporting/seeing at time of call. You really sound like a "pi**ed off rookie fireman who was foaming at the mouth,full of adrenalin to fight an anticipated fire, only to have your "bubble popped" when finding out all was under control and you got excited for nothing. Be glad that is all it turned out to be, there are to many people at that University to hope it was anything worse. And as far as calling the dispatchers "IDIOTS" you need to sit at the fire dispatch console someday and try to extract information from a caller who has "fire licking their a$$" and try to make sense of what their trying to convey to you or someone screaming at you that their mother is not breathing and screaming at you TO DO SOMETHING... or you take a call from a caller who says to you: " I am gonna kill myself" and you then hear the unmistakable sound of a shotgun blast and the phone drops to the floor.... What are YOU gonna do?

  29. Far Chief Dave See said...
    Was my main man Gordy there in his new car?

    6:58 PM


    Does anyone know where that new car is?? I want to see for myself.

  30. Shellie said...
    Gordy looks hot in his firemens uniform

    7:22 PM

    I think you meant

    Gordy looks fat in his firemens uniform

  31. Anonymous said...
    The Asst Chiefs should be back on the engines

    8:32 PM

    I agree. They are a waste of good man power and they are not even qualified to be top decision makers.

  32. To 7:28, 7:58, and 12:05

    Your comments were very factual, and very well written.

    Keep up the good work!!!

  33. Why is the dispatchers getting blamed for this. I am not a dispatcher but I know many of them and have family that is dispatchers. They are doing thier jobs and they cant see what is happening at the scene. They are getting the information from a lot of idiots that just want to curse you and hang up. The dispatchers are just trying to help. They do what they are told to do. Good job Wicomico dispatchers.


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