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Sunday, February 01, 2009

A Letter To The Editor


Olympic swimmer Micheal Phelps was recently photographed in the UK smoking pot. Also several years ago he was arrested and charged with DUI/DWI in Wicomico County. I went on the Maryland Judiciary Case Search to look at the those records. They have been removed. Has Mr. Phelps received special treatment? Just wondering."

Michael fulfilled his commitment with Wicomico County. I'm confident his record was expunged, as agreed by the Courts. As for what happened in the UK, I heard about it and my opinion would be, stupid is as stupid does.


  1. The incident happened at a college in SC and the paper for the UK picked the photo and published it. Phelps has admitted the incident and I agree, you can't fix stupid. He had one chance in Salisbury 4 years ago that he received a PBJ. He was a fool to have behavior like this and should reap the results.

  2. I don't feel he's changed one bit. He's an IDIOT for blowing his endorsement deals. He was very lucky to survive the DUI incident, but this should pretty much evaporate his most lucrative endorsement deals.

  3. Oh, come on now, he's a kid. While he should take his roll as a mentor seriously, he's not super human. We are living in a world where there is far more accountability butu look at the end results. You have Ray Lewis on work release as well as a few others. This guy allegedly smoked some pot, big deal. It's not like he was on the job doing so, like many City Employees have done. It's not like he was taking enhancement drugs to get those records. In fact, pot would have slowed him down. LOL

    IMO, it's a tough call. I know pot is illegal and the laws are the laws. However, there are those who are distributing it and rarely ever getting caught. Find the big guys and the little guys won't have a source.

  4. How do you get your record expundged? I thought it's called a record for a reason.

  5. Pot is OK, we all see how G.W. turned out.

    I mean, look at Oprah, after her years of Coke addiction, she's still functioning.

  6. smoke em if you got em

  7. He's already a multi-million man,
    this won't hurt him at all .

  8. I'm with Joe, this is a little bit of pot and it wasn't even during his training season. and besides it should be legal anyway

  9. You want him to be held accountable for this?? It's not like he is president of the united states...oh wait..we had that happen already.

  10. And Obama admitted to smoking BLOW

  11. Well said Joe.. A++++!!!!

    I don't agree with you very often, but I couldn't have said it better myself!

  12. the greatest olympian in HISTORY smokes herb. and its illegal?? come on

  13. Joe,

    I'm hoping this is all tongue-in-cheek, and I'll be the first to say, pot isn't a huge thing, but the DUI was. Ray Lewis, and I know I'll get stoned for this, is simply a THUG.

    Let me put it this way. If your future livelihood was dependent upon a pristine image, as a mentor and role model and you'd already escaped ONE very bad incident, would you NOT use some kind of restraint?

    Phelps might swim like a fish, but I feel he's got the mentality of less than your average goldfish.

    He's blown it, he'll go home and I hope his mother whips his butt for him.

    What an IDIOT! Simply because he IS!

    Ya'll go on and admire his butt, I have posted about this before, not here, but on the BaltmoreSun site when people were SO enthralled they wanted to kiss his feet and suck his toes.

    I thought he was a butt-wipe then, and obviously, he still is. So, he can swim, doesn't make him less of an idiot, fish do it all the time.

  14. It's not like he's a police officer driving too fast to a call, all he did was support terrorism by using illegal drugs, the man is a saint! He is a hero for all teenagers

  15. If this was me, the Olympic committee would have thrown me to the wolves. Several years ago , he was stopped here in Salisbury for being under the influence of alcohol and I sat in his trial watching him in action. It pays to be "someone" as he got off pretty easy I guess since it was his first offense. However, smoking marijuana in his position is definately bad judgement and should be held accountable other than just an apology. Geez!

  16. Special treatment?!! At that time, Maryland was running radio ads saying if you're under age and get busted for DUI, you WILL lose your license. Good thing his his father, that he has nothing to do with, bailed his sorry a$$ out!! Well, it's all about who you know!

  17. Unbelievable! How can you go from criticizing Phelps to Lewis. Two different caliber of people. Give it a rest. They both did wrong. Phelps didn't learn his lesson...let's hope Lewis does.

  18. "all he did was support terrorism by using illegal drugs"

    THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT supports terrorism by keeping pot illegal. They do it to support the alcohol lobby. Pot is far less harmful than tobacco or alcohol.

  19. The DWI upsets me way more than the pot use......he could have killed someone driving.

  20. I worked at DC when his case was heard. He is arrogant & acted like he was above all. I am not surprise for repeat performance.

  21. Just another reason why parents should be teaching their kids not to look at sports stars as idols.

    He got off easy with the DUI because of who he was and this will go away too because of who he is.

    It is not fair, like another commenter said, "if it was me...."

    Isn't his apology almost identical to the one from the DUI? His apology is not sincere in my opinion. I have lost all respect for him now.

    Actions such as this teach our youth that it is okay to do illegal, stupid stuff.

  22. Santonio Holmes the Super Bowl hero was busted for pot earlier this season. I don't think it will hurt his endorsements either. People are quick to forgive athletes. Phelps has been living the rock star lifestyle ever since the Olympics, so this is no surprise at all.

  23. 5:23 PM- Expuungement is pretty easy. $35, a few forms and a 3-6 month wait. but you can only do it once.

  24. he's a 23 year old KID. he never asked to be a "role model" for everyone, and last time i checked, pot isn't a performance enhancer, so what he did in beijing is still as incredible now as it was back in august....Judge him all you want, chances are that 90% of people you encounter on a regular basis have or do engage in the recrational use of marijuana, and things still function just fine.

  25. Special treatment for the DUI? There are every day Joe's who are let off with PBJ every day for DUI/DWI charges! It is nothing new and apparently is available to every one! I think it is crazy when the same person is charged with DUI repeatedly, yet still walk away with PBJ or some other light slap on the wrist.

  26. The day that Michael Phelps smoked some weed, about 60 million other Americans did, too. The only difference? They're not famous.

  27. They should strip him of his medals. They took Jim Thorpes medals for a whole lot less, he was paid $12 for playing baseball, not smoking dope. Athletes are nothing but a bunch of spoiled brats that need their hindparts kicked.

  28. Michael Phelps isn't a kid...he is just like any other early-twenty-something. His behavior hasn't changed much sinch his high school/college days (for those of us who ran in the same circles). Everyone wants to believe that our athletes, government officials, religious leaders etc are some sort of super humans or are better than the rest of us. We are wrong in believeing so. Michael Phelps may be a better swimmer than me but that does not make him a better person than me. Swimming certainly does not improve his moral character or the maturation process. One day he will grow up and learn from his mistakes just like the rest of us.

  29. You can't get a dui or dwi charge expunged from your record EVER.
    Even if you get PBJ

    Thanks to MADD

    I know this first hand, because I tried.

  30. Even in the face of Phelps publically acknowledging his "behavior was inappropriate," you still have some saying it wasn't. I guess he was wrong in thinking it was inappropriate!? Sure, you can say he's a kid and no big deal, but he's more than that, he's a brand. His brand is what will put the roof over his head and bread on his table for many years to come. In an AOL poll, 48-percent said this latest Phelps' gaff has lowered their opinion of him, and 80-percent said it will cost him millions in endorsements. To the schmucks condoning this behavior, if you were caught doing the same it probably wouldn't affect your $10 per hour job, because other than some family members and a few friends, no one really cares what you do. But to a guy whose multi-million dollar income depends on his brand's image internationally, it really was pretty boneheaded of him to do. If he's going to thrust himself into the bright spotlight and capitalize from being there, he's got to start acting better than some Salisbury jughead.

  31. That explains that down syndrum look in his eyes. All this time I just thought he was missing a chromazone or was having over exposure to the chemicals in pool water. Now I get it ...hes a stoner! Its all clear to me now.

  32. to be honest with ya i dont smoke it and only have tried it once. It should be legal for the simple fact it is just like alcohol without the harmful side effects to your liver. The only reason it is not is because the government cannot make money off of it. Thats the only reason that i can find. if anything it would stimulate the economy and reduce crime to make it legal. I say that it will stimulate the economy in the food industry lol but the crime as well. My Point of view on the matter but if legalized it should be treated as alcohol when using it as far as when operating a motor vehicle.

  33. anon 8:16 Phelps didnt steal parts and fuel that YOUR tax dollars went to buy. And seriously if the kid wants to get high go for it maybe it was a way to relieve stress i mean being that young and that much pressure put on someone its lucky that pot is the only thing he was doing.

  34. He should be stripped of ALL his medals and all of his endorsements should be cancelled.

    Think that's gonna happen?

    With an admitted pot user and cokehead in the White House?

    Oh, Puhleeeze.


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