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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Iraqi Football Player

Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia flies to Baghdad to watch a young Iraqi play American football and is suitably impressed and arranges for him to come over to Philly. He's signed to a one-year contract and the kid joins the Eagles for the preseason training. Ten weeks later the Eagles are down 14 to nothing against the Redskins with only 10 minutes left to play. The coach gives the young Iraqi the nod and he goes in. The kid is a sensation - scores 3TDs in 10 minutes and wins the game for Philadelphia The fans are thrilled, the players and coaches are delighted, and the media are in love with the new star.

When the player comes off the field, he phones his mother to tell her about his first day of American football. 'Hello mom, guess what?' he says. 'I played for 10 minutes today, we were 14 down , but I scored 3 touchdowns and we won. Everybody loves me, the fans, the media... 'Wonderful,' says his mother, 'Let me tell you about my day. Your father got shot in the street and robbed, your sister and I were ambushed, raped and beaten, and your brother has joined a gang of looters, and all while you were having such great time.' The young Iraqi is very upset.. 'What can I say mom, I'm so sorry.'

'Sorry? You're sorry?' says his mother, 'It's your fault we moved to Philadelphia in the first place!'


  1. The sad tragedy is that even in Fallujah nobody will boo Santa Claus or throw a mason jar of urine at your sister when their side is losing.....

  2. Where did the fire department post go?

  3. bahaha That one had it all

  4. Reese Bobby...but can you find a mouth watering cheese steak made with secret formula product cheese whiz in Fallujah..I think not.Membership has its privileges.

  5. BTW...It is time to light some charcoal and such; but how 'bout a couple Fernando tix for closest to Super Bowl final score. My pick is one of a kind, and it will shock your mind:

    Arizona 30-Pittsburgh 10

    {or Pittsburgh, by less than a touchdown;), is a nice consolation prize}.

  6. 21 to 10 Pittsburgh Wins.

  7. 12:28. If you are looking for good steak try Austin, Texas. There are just too many things in Philly covered in a "secret type sauce" for me {including the taxis}-although that downtown marketplace, a little like Lexington Market, is a good place to graze after a couple brews....

  8. You want a steak Reese go to Lugers,NYC.

  9. I hope the Steelers dont lose.They would cause a lotta killings in Philly.

  10. Funny you should mention that...just did some grill work and the cooking channnel, or something, has feature behind the scenes at Katz Deli {1 pound pastrami sandwich and such}..Oh god I'm hungry-I'll never make it to kickoff...BTW, if you are in Austin the cool area is around 6th Street-live music everywhere. The restaurant I am speaking of is called the Moonshine, or Moonshine Grill {trust me, there are no banjos in the background!!}. Will Google Lugers as I make it into NYC once or twice a year; BTW if your wife/significant other absolutely forces you to go to one of those dreadful Broadway shows {If I wanted to see "Urinetown" why didn't we go to Philly instead?)-Google the venue in advance to make sure it has a cash bar! The marriage you save may be your own!!


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