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Monday, January 05, 2009

Media Monday 090105 - Inaccuracy and a Strong Move Left

If we're supposed to believe our local paper they need to work a little harder.  A little fact checking never hurt anyone.

Case in point - Sunday's Daily Time's piece about Del. Page Elmore showing "support of state workers" by taking part in the O'Malley administration's furlough of non-essential state employees.  Reporter Liz Holland makes it sound as if Elmore is a leader in the movement of legislators taking part in the furlough.  He's not.  I've got nothing against Elmore.  I'm not accusing him of anything.  It's just a plain, easily verifiable fact that members of the legislature have been announcing that they will take part in the furlough for almost a month.

The first I remember reading about it was a piece by the Baltimore Sun's Andy Green on December 8, 2008.  Green let us know that Del. Nic Kipke (R-31) had announced he was taking part AND that he was preceded by fellow Anne Arundel Del. Steve Schuh (R-31).  Since then, there has been a steady trickle of legislators announcing that they wouldn't take their salary for five days as other state employees are having to do.

However, the Daily Times' Holland makes it sound as if Elmore is the first:

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  1. 'Go home, rent a copy of LA Confidential, and take it to heart when the guy says - “Just the FACTS“.'

    This line was originally from Detective Joe Friday from the Dragnet TV series. When the ladies got crazy reporting the crimes, he calmly responded, "Just the facts, 'mam."

    Fits Liz Holland, too.

  2. I also read the article in the Sunday Times but I did not take it that Del. Elmore was the leader of the movement. The article stated that Western Shore members had chosen to take part in the furlough. Mr G A Harrison, were we reading the same article?

  3. PRINCESS ANNE -- Delegate Page Elmore has joined more than 67,000 state workers by taking part in the furloughs ordered by Gov. Martin O'Malley.
    At best, looks to me like he's claiming to be #67,001 in line to do it.

  4. He is an Good Ole Boy pleeaaassseeee leave him alone. More (Bullstuffing) from P/A. Cleaned it up for Joe and the Kids. I still say something stinks in P/A and it aint the water.

  5. Anon 1333 -
    I'm aware of Jack Webb coining the phrase. The TV characters in "LA Confidential" are based on "Dragnet". They just called the show "Badge of Honor" in the movie. I used "LA Confidential" only because most younger people (below 40 - 50) have never seen "Dragnet".

    Anon 1427 -
    I re-read it a dozen times before I wrote the post. Elmore is using the future tense. As I stated, Delegates from AA led the charge. This is not meant as anything against Elmore, but another example of the "Daily Times" not doing its homework.

    Anon 1516 -
    the 67,000+ state workers don't have a choice. Kudos to Elmore for doing the right thing. I just think that people who get paid to "report the news" should do their research before putting pen to paper.


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