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Monday, January 05, 2009

Little 'Adolf Hitler' Denied Birthday Cake At New Jersey Grocery Store

EASTON, Pa. — The father of 3-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell, denied a birthday cake with the child's full name on it by one New Jersey supermarket, is asking for a little tolerance.

GO HERE for more.


  1. Is it me? Which is the mother? Which is the father?

  2. What's the point anymore? We just put someone in office with the middle name of "Hussein."
    So, I won't get your panties in an uproar over this.

  3. These morons knew that they were asking for trouble naming their kids Adolph Hitler and Aryan Nation, and then when they get trouble, they cry about it. Go figure.

  4. And they wonder why kids kill
    their parents!!

  5. How many Muslim kids named Saddam Hussein do you think live in the
    USA? I bet if they got denied their cake or naan there would be an international crisis.

  6. Shop-Rite will do a cake for the parents - "Happy Anniversary - STUPID"

  7. It's almost child abuse to name a kid after one of most evil men in history.I am guessing for bedtime stories they dug out a copy of "Mein Kampf".Lovely

  8. My father's name was Adolph and he hated it. He always went by the name Bud. How dumb can parents be. They name kids after jello, A pson met a kid once by the name Levin Worth, sneakers, and all other kinds of things.
    Bless the poor kids who have such strange parents with sick sense of humor.

  9. Blto, Your right the parents must be out of their minds. You never what your gonna get when you walk out into gen-pop, scary place.

  10. This is a non issue. If I own my business (I do), NO ONE is going to tell me who I have to serve, or who I can fire. I will not serve anyone cursing, and I always fire deadbeat fathers. Case closed!

  11. Poor kid. He will forever be internally conflicted once he figures out who Hitler was and what he disd.

  12. Do they make cakes for all the kids named Osama after 9/11?

  13. Even worst,,,,your name could be Allen Webster!!!

  14. 2:41, Now THATS funny, I don't care who you are!

  15. Really. If they wanted to bring in their german heratige, all they had to do is name the kid Adolph. They dug their own grave when they tacked on Hitler for the kid's middle name. Oh, and in an news article i read when the issue happened, they claimed they weren't anti-semitic. I say BULL


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