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Monday, September 15, 2008

Obama's Racist Membership

"Mr. Albero,

I wondered if you would consider this information worthy of a post on your great blog. The information was taken directly from the home page of Trinity United Church of Christ, Obama’s church for 20 years. Thomas A. Littleton

If a white presidential candidate had belonged, for 20 years, to a church that had a White Value System that included the following, would he still be in the race?

White Value System: These White Ethics must be taught and exemplified in homes, churches, nurseries and schools, wherever Whites are gathered. They consist of the following concepts under which adherents must have a non-negotiable commitment to Europe, and to seeing the world through an European perspective. The church proclaims its commitment to a White Value System which, apart from a commitment to **Pledge Allegiance to All White Leadership Who Espouse and Embrace the White Value System,*** includes the Disavowal of the Pursuit of ‘Middleclassness’ on the basis that those who are not middle-class are separated from other white people by Killing them off directly, and/or fostering a social system that encourages them to kill off one another.
*Placing them in concentration camps, and/or structuring an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons.

Well, would a white presidential candidate be viable after a 20 year membership in such a racist organization, one that required “Allegiance to All White Leadership who embrace the White Value System?” The abominations listed above are actually part of the “ Black Value System” of Rev. Wright’s church that Obama belonged to for 20 years. I just substituted white for black.

Below is the way it is actually written:

Disavowal of the Pursuit of "Middleclassness." Classic methodology on control of captives teaches that captors must be able to identify the "talented tenth" of those subjugated, especially those who show promise of providing the kind of leadership that might threaten the captor's control.

Those so identified are separated from the rest of the people by:

1. Killing them off directly, and/or fostering a social system that encourages them to kill off one another.

2. Placing them in concentration camps, and/or structuring an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons.

3. Seducing them into a socioeconomic class system which, while training them to earn more dollars, hypnotizes them into believing they are better than others and teaches them to think in terms of "we" and "they" instead of "us."

4. So, while it is permissible to chase "middleclassness" with all our might, we must avoid the third separation method - the psychological entrapment of Black "middleclassness." If we avoid this snare, we will also diminish our "voluntary" contributions to methods A and B. And more importantly, Black people no longer will be deprived of their birthright: the leadership, resourcefulness and example of their own talented persons.

5. Pledge to Make the Fruits of All Developing and Acquired Skills Available to the Black Community.

6. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting Black Institutions.

7. Pledge Allegiance to All Black Leadership Who Espouse and Embrace the Black Value System.

8. Personal Commitment to Embracement of the Black Value System. To measure the worth and validity of all activity in terms of positive contributions to the general welfare of the Black Community and the Advancement of Black People towards freedom."


  1. Thom Littleton is scared to death of blacks and muslims. I can practically hear him quaking in his boots.

  2. None of this suprises me-Obama is in constant denial of his anti-whitey stance

  3. and most of the shore is anti-black and rascist, so really, who is better here??

  4. I admit, I will not vote for Obama based on a deep seeded racial bias - his.
    I believe (and have believed even before the Rev. Wright issue became public) Obama and those surrounding him are racists who actively support bigotry.

  5. I challenge you to go to the church's website and actally read what is on there. No part of anything on the church’s website is anti-white. The church is however, unapologetically pro-black though.

    Are you nervous when your local Jewish synagogue supports the Jewish community or “Jewish” causes or Israel? And how do you feel about your local Korean church. No? Gee I wonder why.

    Go to the website and read it yourself. Do not rust anything that is pasted by TAL. At least you can then make up your own mind.

  6. No, Grasshoppers,
    I'm not scared of ANYTHING, EVER! My American made boots are designed for kicking, (see Harry Truman), not quaking, (see Jimmy Carter) :)
    Unlike anon 8:04, I have ears and can hear who the enemies of America are. It is certainly NOT the majority of black Americans! But those like Rev. Wright very clearly are! How is it, Grasshoppers, that I speak out against racism and our Islamic attackers & those who support them, and ye call me scared? and racist?
    I say, you are blind & deaf, and need me to lead you from the fog:)
    As for Middle Eastern Muslims: Do you not remember them holding our citizens hostage Iran? I wish Harry Truman, not Wimpy Jimmy Carter, had been our president then:) Did you not see millions of Middle Eastern Muslims cheering in the streets after 9/11? Do you not still see millions of these rabid dogs screaming, "Death to America?" Do you not see them supporting Barak Hussein Obama on Al Jazeera TV?
    Scared of them? NEVER! It is better to die a grinning death than to be afraid of one's enemies! Are Middle Eastern Mulsims the enemy of America? Of course they are, my poor,deaf Grasshoppers; they SCREAM that, themselves:) When a huge percentage of Middle Eastern Muslims scream, "we hate you and are going to destroy America & Israel, how stupid is anon 8:04 not to believe them? So, you want to elect Barak Hussein Obama, who is the darling of Middle Eastern Muslims? Get yourself some ears, Grasshopper:)

    As for 9:23: Comparing Obama's racist association with racist whites. That is fair; racism is racism. This is America. Black racists, white racists and every of kind of moron like anon 8:04 is free to hate whom ever they choose! But 9:23 is child like in his understanding when asking,"what's the difference?" HUGE DIFFERENCE: Obama is a racist running for President, for God's sake! Surely people can see the difference between a private citizen's right to belong to a racist organization like Trinity United Church of Christ, and that same person's viability as a presidential candidate! (see Senator Byrd)! Surely 60%of a right thinking electorate will VOTE MCCAIN/PALIN FOR A SAFER AMERICA:)

  7. How is American safer in the hands of a highly uneducated hockey mom with no policy and no real firm grasp on anything other than Alaskan politics? Are you telling me that the "change" America needs comes from these routes?? I think not...and for that matter, many of you DO have deep-seated rascism and bias routes that are anti-black and anti-anything BUT being white. I can't imagine any GOOD change coming from McCain/Palin...simply a backtrack into the past with revoking women's rights issues and stomping on our civil liberties more than ever before. Safe America? Don't vote for McCain/Palin...they are trigger happy.

  8. What does Senator Byrd have to do with anything? Clarify.

    You talk a lot about Muslims in the middle east and terrorists. Talk to us about the Mujahidin. Talk to us about the U.S. insistence on maintaining relations with Saudi Arabia. Talk to us about the root causes of Islamic terrorism.

  9. 10:55
    No, I don't have a problem with private Jewish or Koeran, black brown, white, Muslim or any other group of law abiding Americans persuing any legal activity, but if they say support all white, all black, all brown, all Jewish or all Korean candidates and scream "God Damn America," I certainly don't want one of their members to be my president. And NONE would have gotten the pass that Barak Hussein Obama has gotten! I believe ALL Patriotic Americans can agree with that:)

    I challenge you,10:55, to answer this question with a simple yes or no: If a presidential candidate's reigious leader of 20 years screamed, "God Damn America," and had a "Value System" that says members must support all white, Jewish or Korean candidates who supported their "Value System", would you vote for them? I wouldn't, either:)TAL

    The information on this post came directly from the Trinity United Church of Christ, of "GOD DAMN AMERICA," Wright:)
    I don't have any problem with any private citizen belonging to any racist or any other kind of organization. Do you not understand that when he or she wants to be president, the dynamics change? He or she is no longer a private citizen! The electorate has the right to know of their racist and certainly un-American associations and vote AGAINST Barak Hussein Obama!

  10. Go to the site yourself people and see if you find anything anti-white The site is pro black. Does that make it rascist? Does that make it wrong?

    There used to be laws that forbid blacks from congregating together for fear that they might accomplish something.

    I see some people still have that mentality. Sad part is that they call it partriotism.

  11. In 1942, at age 20, Senator Byrd belonged to the KKK.
    He has long since disavowed this membership, but it has, rightly, prevented him from ever becoming a viable option as a presidential candidate. Obama seems to have not been held to the same standard, with his 20 year membership in the church of "GOD DAMN AMERICA," Wright, by the Democratic party! But he will held to that standard by the vast majority of right thinking AMERICANS & lose by a wide margin in Nov. TAL


  12. Thomas Littleton,
    You are such a small minded racist. You believe everything that you see or read. You don't know propaganda from fact. You, sir, are a disgrace to America.

    You do realize that the largest religion on earth is Islam. And the majority of Muslim's believe in peace. There are a small minority that are extremists. But you sir, making claims about an entire ethnic group based on a small minority is nothing but racism.

    Obama is not anti-American, he is not anti-white, he is nothing but patriotic. You sit home and shake in your "american made" boots and worry about terrorists all you want. You can think up all the bogus conspiracy theories that you can, but when you boil it down you are nothing but racist.

    typical "small town" values

  13. I don't have any problems with people being pro black as long as they don't have a problem with me being pro white.

    That is not how I really believe, but anyone that is pro white is a racist. Anyone that is pro black is not? This doesn't make sense. Like our great president said, "if your not for us, your against us".
    That is what it means to be pro anything. If I said it once, I've said it a million times. We need to think of ourselves as pro amaerican. Giving us all equal rights is pro American. Giving al of us equal oppertunity for college is pro American. Supporting our president after winning the election is pro American. Stop dividing us! The only way for our country to continue to be the best place to live and raise a family is if we find the things that unite us and strengthen them! Let the people that divide us fall to the side and stand up for what is great about America! It doesn't matter if you came on a ship from Europe as a Jew fleeing persecution, as an African for slavery, or as a refugee looking for the promise, God has delivered us all from the things of the past to unify us for the hope of the future!

  14. Pathetic! This is not even veiled racism. Why not break out your sheets and burn a cross?

  15. TAL- How can you compare the KKK to the Rev. Wright's church? How many whites have been lynched by his congregation?

  16. A question for all you un-American racists:

    IF Rev. "God Damn America," Wright's church is SOOOO good,
    Why did Obama have to leave it and renounce Wright?

    You racists are a bad JOKE! :):):)

  17. Please go to the church's website and read that is pro-black, not anti-white.

    Funny when you are a feminist, and believe in causes for women that it is exceptable. Yet when you pledge to give your support to people who believe as you do, you become a rascist.

    What exactly is the definition of a patriot anyway? Even Rev. Wright, served six years in the military.

    Really pay attention to the ramblings of the old man and you will see how very small and scared he is.

  18. calling people stupid, anti american, and throwing out comments that are chopped full of racist vocabulary is surely not a way to win any debate or convince anyone to vote for your candidate.

    You, supporters of McCain, are also representing the GOP, and poorly at that. Why would anyone want to vote for a party that has discriminatory followers who vocalize their viewpoints with such racist banter???

  19. Kris,
    I quite agree, the language is terrible! But at least try to be fair! I merely asked if a white candidate could have belonged to a church like Obama and still be viable.
    His supporters started caling me racist for asking a very fair question.
    I point out the obvious fact that Middle Eastern Islamic countries are the enemy of the U.S. and Israel, and am called a bigot:)
    Political correctness? go figure:)
    Did you not notice any of that, Kris?
    I'm not running for anything and don't represent any political party. If vile, disrespectful commenters want to get in the mud, well, I'm quite comfortable there, too:) Talk to me without name calling and I will treat you with respect. Disrespect me and get ready for the same in return:)
    NO one dared answer my question of why Obama resigned his church membership and renounced his pastor of 29 years if there is nothing wrong with them:)Well?
    NO one dared answer, yes or no, if a white candidate would have still been viable after such a long, terrible association as Obama had with Rev. Wright!
    Kris, you neglecting to mention that I was responding roughly to name calling by Supporters of Obama and Middle Eastern Islam, clearly labels you as anything but fair and impartial:)
    Notice, you called me no names and I called you none...that's how it works:)TAL

  20. Middle Eastern Islam has been the enemy of Western Civilization and Israel since those proceeding from the bastard, Ishmael, decided they would have Israel's land against God's plan as stated in the Bible!


    Never before have I seen such open bigotry and hatred from someone on this site, Littleton.

    Do you know who you sound like when you cast an entire group of people as "the enemy" based on the bible?


    Thomas Littleton, you are no better than the Taliban or Al-Qaeda.

  21. I don't judge a large group of peole based on the Bible. I just know that the Bible says God gave Israel to the Jews! My judgement of Middle Eastern Islamic countries is based on their anti-American vile words and dastardly deeds!

    Perhaps you are in seclusion and arent aware you aware that Middle Eastern Islamic countries call us the "BIG SATAN" & Isael, "THE LITTLE SATAN," and vow to destroy us! Only an enemy of America would defend those dogs who make such proclimations.

    Yeah, you're right there is no history of thousands of years of conflict there! And just a handful of Iranians took our citizens hostage in 1979...it really wasn't the millions screaming dogs in the streets.
    And 9/11 was carried out by a handful of radicals with no support from millions of cheering Muslims who hate us:) And all he clips of insane Iranin leaders shouting that they will destroy the U.S. and Israel mean nothing.
    Yeah, those bastards are all a bunch of nice guys and love the U.S.A.

    I hope homeland security & the F.B.I. traces your comment because you defend our SELF PROCLAIMED, (that means they scream it, themselves), enemies too much to not be one of them! And what, you don't believe the Bible? Hmmmmm

  22. TAL says- "My judgement of Middle Eastern Islamic countries is based on their anti-American vile words and dastardly deeds!"

    And their judgement of Amreica is based on anti-Muslim vile words and dastardly deeds.

    TAL says-"Perhaps you are in seclusion and arent aware you aware that Middle Eastern Islamic countries call us the "BIG SATAN" & Isael, "THE LITTLE SATAN," and vow to destroy us!"

    Perhaps you aren't aware we call them "The Axis of Evil" and vow to destroy them saying "All options are on the table."

    TAL says-"And what, you don't believe the Bible? "

    What you obviously don't beleive is the part about the ten commandments-thou shall not kill...or is that only a 'sometimes commandment'? How about love thy neighbor as thy self. Or pray for your enemies. When is the last time you prayed for Iran? Don't go prostelitizing when you don't have a leg to stand on. Rise above and change the world.

  23. So, you are saying what I said! We & Middle Eastern Islamic nations are enemies! I'm am on the side of The United States of America & against our Islamic enemies, period!
    Whose side are you on? Let me guess!.....Hmmmmm

  24. "There is a time to kill!" (BIBLE)
    Even Jesus said he came the first time "as a lamb to the slaughter," but would return "as a 2 edged sword" The Bible also speaks of Armagedon and other wars where we,the good, must fight and destroy evil. Is there anything more evil than those like Iran who would destroy the U.S. and Israel? (GOD) "I will bless those who bless Israel and I WILL CURSE those who curse Israel!" God wasn't joking; just ask Hitler, then ask Iran in a few years:)
    Iran's president says he will destroy the U.S. and Israel. What would Harry Truman do? I say vaporize those rabid devils, NOW, before they have a chance to make good on their threat:)Be Honest!!! If some evil, rabid person said they would burn down your house tomorrow, would you not take action to insure that they weren't able to do that? :)


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