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Monday, September 15, 2008


Body count. In the last six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago, 221 killed in Iraq.

Sens. Barack Obama & Dick Durbin,
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.,
Gov. Rod Blogojevich,
House leader Mike Madigan,
Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike),
Mayor Richard M. Daley (son of former Mayor Richard J. Daley).....the leadership in Illinois.....all Democrats.

Chicago is a combat zone. Of course they're all blaming each other.

Can't blame Republicans, they're aren't any!

State pension fund $44 Billion in debt, worst in country. Cook County (Chicago) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. (Look'em up if you want). Chicago school system one of the worst in country. This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois.
He's gonna 'fix' Washington politics?

Dave Parker
WCRC 2008 Secretary


  1. If you look at ANY of the failibng cities around this country, they are all run by Democrats. Look at Detroit, look at Cleveland. DEMOCRAT POLICIES ARE FAILED POLICIES. It is a proven fact time after time. Look at what has happened to the economy in this country since the Democrats took control of congress in 2006. Remember Pelosi "There's a new Sheriff in town"
    Yah, look what the sheriff has done!
    The Democrats are in control, yet they still blame Bush for everything.
    What about Chicago? Corruption is the rule there, not the exception.

  2. In Chicago they call it "CROOK" county. They all are crooks!
    Obama was raised in this culture and supports it 100%. But, he never mentions the accomplishments he has made in Illinois other than his "community building". At what cost? The numbers just don't lie! Numbers always reflect the truth! America, look for yourself.

  3. Guys, don't be idiots.

    Chicago (and all large cities) have had a large murder rate long before any of the current politicians were in power. Are you implying that if Illinois was under republican management, all crime would stop??? can you show any large city under republican government where that's true? I even doubt these numbers are true. They probably comparing everyone who ever died in Chicago vs. only American losses in Iraq. That’s not a valid comparison….

    If you want to find the worst schools in the country, look to all the red states. Like #50 Mississippi, #49 Alabama, #48 Louisiana. Who are the best? Blue states. #1-4: Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey. For many years republicans have been cutting funding for education. It’s sad to see schools with so little money that they have trailers in the parking lot for classes. What’s the future of the US if high school students can’t even find China on a map? We need to stop cutting funding.

    Do a google search for 2006-2007 Smartest State Award. You’ll find blue states all at the top, and red states all at the bottom. Want to know the “dumbest” state? Arizona. Which politician is from there? Why do the “dumbest” people in the US vote republican, and the “smartest” people in the US vote democrat? Why are most university professors democrat? Most people with advanced degrees democrat? That’s because “smart” people make informed decisions…

    As far as managing money, the republicans started with a budget surplus in 2000. With a combined republican president and 2000-2006 republican controlled congress, we have the worst deficit in history…. This is long before the democrats took control of congress (if you assume the independent guy votes democrat, otherwise they’re equal). Bush and McCain even admitted that spending during the republican control of congress was out of control.

    And the comment about 10% sales tax? What do you think funds schools, roads, and the bridges that are starting to fall down they’re in such disrepair? If republicans had their way, nobody would pay taxes, the US would be bankrupt, and 1% of the population would own 99% of the world’s assets. Why is it normal for CEO’s to get so much money they couldn’t possibly spend it all, and the average hard working american just squeaks by?

    I admit that democrats are not perfect. All politicians have faults, and all distort the truth. But let’s be real here..

  4. well, he's gonna get a lot of dead voters to vote for him...

  5. It is a valid comparison, because if he can't control crime in his own state, how is he going to curtail it in the entire country? And to answer your question, Rudy Guiliani in NY ... enough said.

    It just goes to show how dumb you really are if you honestly think that all the smart people are Democrats. That is as naive as saying that all rich people are Republican.

    Are you seriously going to sit here and defend a 10% sales tax?
    We understand that taxes are necessary, what we don't get and will not stand for is people like you trying to take 70% of what we make and apply it to special interest programs that the majority of people don't want or need. If you really feel that everyone should share in the wealth, then why don't you move to some communist country?

  6. Setting aside the fact that there is no correlation here and this was a stupid post, here are the facts:

    Chicago has seen an 8.4% increase in the murder rate thus far this year. (It was higher in April-12.7%- the last time the Chicago Police Dept confirmed the total but is down slightly). That the murder rate has increased is terrible, but it comes after 13 years of consistent decline in the murder rate (over 60%!!).

    Anyway, Chicago is on track to have 477 murders this year. Last year 961 coalition troops were killed in Iraq alone. We've had 258 so far this year. Thankfully, these numbers are trending downward. However, they fail to capture the true level of violence because they don't include enemy combatants, Iraqi police officers and civilians. Chicago's numbers are all-inclusive.

    Point is, its a stupid comparison and nobody should be swayed by it.

  7. Alaska has the nation’s highest per-capita rate of forcible rape. Native women are 9.7 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than others.

    And Palin had rape victims paying for their own investigation kits.


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