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Friday, August 08, 2008

Question of the Day, Fri 8/8

This question brought to you by Gin:

I have heard many people talking about ethanol that's being added to gasoline. Some have said they have had problems with their cars after using it for a while.

Do you have any opinion on ethanol? Do you like it/dislike it? Have you seen any change? Have you heard of others having problems with the additive? Do you find it burns just like regular gasoline?


  1. Ethanol will not provide the same performance or fuel mileage as gasoline, and has corrosive characteristics, but it will get us away from our dependence on foreign oil.

  2. I like to participate in the question of the day because it is a good "group" discussion usually, Thanks.I have noticed that my vehicle seems to have less power up hill, but I have a small vehicle with a small engine, but it does strain a bit.Ethanol has been used in fuel for a long time, since WWII I think, they used to call "gas" "Ehel" I think.I will do nothing to solve any of the problems we have with global warming, and dependency on fossil fuels, I do not think Electric Vehicles will do anything either, the electricity also has to be generated, with fossil fuels, so it just shifts the problem to another venue.We will figure it out, Americans are great at inventing what we need when we need it, I will buy the vehicle that uses any non polluting renewal source of energy.

  3. "but it will get us away from our dependence on foreign oil."

    It might but at what expense? You can drive your car but corn prices will be so high you will not be able to eat. What happens if we have a few years of drought and corn supplies tighten?
    Ethanol has so far been problematic with it's inherent water absorption properties. Most dry gas additives do nothing to help. Environmentalists need to stop whining and allow drilling while we develop hydrogen cars to replace gasoline power. It is clean with no harmful byproducts. I am in the automotive business and will be all but out of business if hydrogen cars come about,but hey I can flip burgers!!

  4. I get less gas mileage using this "watered down" fuel spiked with ethanol.

    When Delaware mandated the 10% content, I could tell the difference between "DEL gas" and "MD gas". I got more miles per gallon with the MD stuff.

    Now that most stations in MD are pushing this junk, my gas mileage suffers all the time.


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