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Monday, May 19, 2008

Some Words Of Wisdom

A taxpayer voting for Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.


  1. Why? Its better than what we have.

  2. How about a Vote for McCain. At least it would not be a wasted vote!

  3. A vote for any of the big three corporate kiss-a__ "Republicrat" candidates is a wasted vote. The signature driver to put Ralph Nader on the MD ballot will begin soon. This guy is our only real option to business as usual. Think about!

  4. McCain ain't got a snowballs chance in Hell.America wants change and Bushy has screwed it up for the Republican Party !!

  5. I guess this goes against the grain but I have to agree with these words of wisdom. Just look at what you people did for Maryland. Yeah you wanted a change there too. Well I wonder how many would like to take back their vote for O'Malley after he taxed your ass off. You say you want a change and that you will get. Not only will things in Iraq stay the same when the democrats are in power but they will do the same thing your democratic governor did. Tax your ass off. I don't know about you but I work hard for my money and I am damn tired of giving it to the government for the stupid things they spend it on like $600.00 for a hammer and to study
    how fast the flow of ketchup is and other millions and millions of our tax money spent on stupid things such as this. So if you feel the same way I do then you would be just as stupid to vote for a democrat because you will get the same thing your democratic governor did to you. TAX TAX TAX.
    Say what you will about the republicans but a democrat never ever gave you a tax rebate. How many of you democrats want to give your rebate back to the government.
    Because that is what you will be doing if you vote for Hillary or Obama. Only it won't only be the amount of your rebate but a lot more in taxes. So think about that you die hard democrats that want a change because the only change you will see with a democrat for president is much more of your pay going for taxes. You better think about that awhile before you vote.
    If you don't believe me just check out what your governor did and look it their history. Tax and spend that is their motto.

  6. Here's something to think about:

    Which is better:
    Tax and spend which makes us poor.
    Borrow and spend which puts us in debt.

    personally, I would rather pay up front.

  7. The biggest Republican tax rebates go to Halliburton, the former Enron, and other fine organizations like that. A Republican president and his Republican advisors have put us in a war that costs the taxpayers$122,820 per minute (as estimated by the relatively conservative USA Today), not to mention the incalculable costs in human life. I'd rather vote for Democrat who will end the war and turn that $120,000 a minute into healthcare or some other program. A vote for McCain is a vote to continue spending $122,000 per minute in Iraq until at least 2013 by his estimation. I'm voting the straight Democratice ticket this go around, and urge everyone else to do so as well. Hard to imagine how they could do a worse job than the current occupant of the White House.

  8. Hey anonymous 1:10pm did you get a tax rebate and if so did you send it back. And guess what that democrat you vote for, they are not going to end the war any more than McCain is going too. So you will still be spending the $120,000 a minute and still paying more taxes on top of that. If you really think the democrats are going to end the war you are sadly mistaken. They are just telling you that to get your vote. Just like the democrats kept shooting down the slots, while a republican was governor. Also the republicans said right upfront they would try to get in the slots to help balance the budget and they won with that idea in mind. But every time they tried the democrats shot it down. Now what is O'Malley saying yeah we need slots to balance the budget
    well if they had not kept blocking it for four years we would have had them by now. But now it is a good idea because democrats are in there. It will be the same for the presidency the democrats will promise you everything but when they get in office they will do the same thing as the republicans are doing and keep us in the war. It is just that you will be paying more in taxes for the war and the other programs they are talking about. Who do you think is going to pay for National Health Care yep us. Our mega tax increase
    and who do you think it is going to help. Mostly crack heads and homeless that would have health care if they would get off their lazy asses and get a job. So think about that for a while. Maybe you are independently wealthy and don't mind paying mega taxes but I am not wealthy just a poor working middle class guy that pays out the ass for all of these programs.

  9. I got an interesting email a few days ago that said "In support of John McCain we ask that you drive with your headlights on during the day, And for those of you that support Clinton or Obama please kindly drive with them off at night..." ROFLMAO

  10. Hey Anonymous 3:49, You like your rebate check?? George Bush just forced you to borrow $600 from the Chinese and hopes you spend it on companies he likes. The Chinese win, the companies win. You lose. That's nothing to cheer about.
    You like slots? They are just a tax on the stupid. Taxes from slots will be offset by increased crime enforcement and welfare costs. It's a suckers game no matter who proposes it. The only reason the MD Dems are proposing it now is to maintain the flow of money from gambling lobbyists. Vote no.
    As for health care, we now pay the most of all nations and we have a system that's really not so good. Change is very much needed. Who is going to bring that change? Certainly not the party that's in bed with the corporations behind the current system... We spend about 1% of taxes on personal welfare (your crack heads and homeless--but they're actually mostly children), but we spend $$$billions on corporate pork and other stupid things (like a fraudulent war). If you want to keep more of what you earn, fight against the big ticket costs. Focusing your wrath on a 1% cost is time wasted.

  11. Well I guess if you are still planning on voting for the democrats maybe you should read the first article in todays Salisbury News "Food for Thought".
    That should really make you think about what is best for the country or just getting elected. If that doesn't have an impact on your decision then read it two or three times to make sure you realize how your vote may impact your future as well as your children and grand-
    childrens future. Enough said.


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