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Monday, May 19, 2008

Satire Comes to Salisbury

Reading this morning’s piece on Barrie Tilghman’s 10th anniversary as Salisbury Mayor I questioned whether I was reading Gannett’s Daily Times or Megalopolitan’s The Beast from Evelyn Waugh’s novel Scoop (an hilarious satire of journalism where “reporters” write stories of events that they have never seen, nor been near). Laura D’Alessandro, Tilghman press secretary and nominal Daily Times reporter, seems to have leapt from the pages of a book written over seventy years ago. Unfortunately for Tilghman, even having a newspaper in your pocket makes listing fictitious accomplishments difficult when both the Mayor and her press secretary lack imagination.

According to today’s piece, what are Tilghman’s accomplishments? Redecorating the Mayor’s office, including new curtains. Getting email. Growing the bureaucracy by creating departments that lack the power to accomplish their stated goals. Saddling the taxpayers with a capital improvement plan designed to subsidize developers (the now infamous, and disreputable, Growth Pays for Growth strategy).

Amusement abounds when listening to Tilghman discuss her “neighborhood strategy” that was in place during the first three years of her reign. Of course we can’t read about the following seven years. All but her most ardent sycophants in the city’s older neighborhoods have abandoned her. Her greatest legislative accomplishment, as regards the city’s older residential neighborhoods, was her laughable “4-3 bill” which places the full burden of proof on residents and all of the power in the hands of her slumlord allies.

Other than direct quotes from the Queen of Barrieland herself, what did The Beast (sorry, Daily Times) offer us? Quotes from one of her lap dogs, former city council president Mike Dunn. Ms. D’Alessandro will no doubt note that she attempted to garner comment from three political opponents, former council members Carolyn Hall, Palmer Gillis, and Rachel Polk. Of course, given that each one has been the victim of character assassination from the pages of the very same rag that Ms. D’Alessandro represents (when she isn’t hacking for Tilghman), I’m not surprised that they refused to comment.

D’Alessandro did manage to track down former councilman (and probable mayoral candidate) Jim Ireton. This is always a safe bet. Despite Ireton being a gentleman of the first order and well versed on the affairs and problems of Salisbury, he does posses one character flaw. Jim doesn’t like to stand up in public (or the press) and call a spade a spade. While I respect the old adage "If you don't have anything nice to say ...", it's difficult to differentiate yourself in politics by refusing to discuss the myriad policy and fiscal errors of Salisbury's fascist queen.

What makes today’s article more amusing (or despicable) than its blatant genuflection to the altar of the false-god Barrie Tilghman, is its contrast with D’Alessandro’s other reporting on city affairs. Just think, IF she spent half the time reporting on the city budget that she obviously spent on this piece of trifling propaganda the citizens of Salisbury might actually know a little bit about how Tilghman is wasting the taxpayers’ money.


  1. As always, Thank You G.A. well put, excuse me while I choke on my lunch! Much like the paper, it doesn't taste as good the second time.

  2. Always enjoy your writing. What a crock the Tilghman Times is attempting to feed us.
    The interesting part I find is that she won't make her decision whether or not to run until the last minute. Why Not? Gotta check out the competition? Personally, I hope she does run. I would love the pleasure of seeing her voted out. But, I don't think she will run for that very reason. She will not give the citizens she has been screwing the last ten years that satisfaction.
    Unfortunately, I think she and her worthless team of ragtag spineless parasites have run this city so far down the tubes it will be years before it can dig itself out, and only then if we put the right people in charge. More than the Mayor need to go.

  3. Yes, GA, you nailed it again. And the Disgrace is still pampering to every want of the queen of this town, unfortunately. We really need to identify some viable candidate for the Mayors Office and get that person elected. I'm not too sure that Jim Ireton is the answer. He was on the Council and walked away from that job after about a year. There must be some really checked out person out there who can do this job the way all sensible citizens of Salisbury want to see and while we're at it lets get the bobbleheads off the city council and find three others like Terry and Debbie to run.

    A. Goetz

  4. She knows Bubba can't win, will she endorse Lore'? Or will she try to run herself to witness an overwhelming defeat? I doubt she could endure the latter.

    All that is wrong with city and she is moaning about curtains? It's curtains for her for sure. Timely comment Mare.

    Let's keep that second lawsuit against the Old Mall developers up to date too please. Do they still owe precision paving for recycling? Is there still two different lawsuits against them?

    Will they be using our TIF gift to pay for attorneys?

  5. You made on mistake Mr. Harrison. You said, "how Tilghman is wasting the taxpayers’ money." The word you misspelled should have said "washing" the taxpayers money. Barrie loves laundry.

  6. It's another Daily Times puff piece about the Queen B. No mention of the fiscal and other devastation that her "leadership" has caused the City and residents of Salisbury. Here are a few examples:

    1. Tax rate up 25% in the past 5 years, and we still can't afford many necessary expenditures -- her proposed budget cuts the road replacement funding again, this time to less than the Mayor's office will receive.

    2. Sewer and water rates need to be raised by another 25-50%, according to the public works director.

    3. Sewage lift station on the north side of town is now at a dangerous level, and a moratorium on development must be imposed there, even though the City staff has been aware of the situation for several years.

    These are but a few of many examples -- the Salisbury mall fiasco, developer reimbursements, TIF subsidy deals for developers, etc.

  7. Barrie and her "Dream Team city council (Dunn, Comegys & Cathcart) also gutted the "4 to 2" law than had been passed in order to prevent homes in the single-family neighborhoods from being used as rooming houses. Now we find that one of those SU lacrosse players who went on a malicious destruction spree was living in the rooming house at 430 Pennsylvania Avenue, which just got an exemption from that law under the revised ordinance.

  8. How could the reporter not mention the notorious brawl outside of City Hall after a Council meeting in 2003, when Barrie and her daughter showed their true colors, along with Chief Webster. As I recall the criminal charges against Casey Tilghman were dropped when she promised never to return to Salisbury (or something like that).

    What a shame that the judge didn't order Barrie to leave, too.

  9. What about that "food tax" that Tilghman tried to get thru about 4 years ago, until there was a strong reaction by the restaurant operators as well as the public, and Dunn and Comegys got cold feet.

  10. The really shocking fact about Barrie Tilghman's tenure as mayor is her abject sellout to SAPOA and the landlords. Remember that before she was elected she was an activist for controlling rental and landlord licensing. But she soon became glued to Maloney, William, Insley and others, and fought bath licensing/inspection and the "four-two" law that the late C. T. Webster worked for.

    As soon as the "Dream Team" was elected in the fall of 2003 -- Comegys, Cathcart & Dunn -- she was able to have both laws gutted.

    She is responsible for Insley being in charge of the Housing Appeals Board and its shenanigans, and for having the City attorney provide free legal services for the landlords.

  11. The big question I have is this. Why would someone want to be the Mayor of a City when so many dislike her and see her for who she really is? Its only a matter of posting her campaign promisses and thre end results and she will be destroyed politically. It's a whole new world out there with the Blogs. Maybe the Daily Times will catch on too? NOT!

  12. G.A. -- razor-sharp writing, as always; there is no match hereabouts.

    Physically sick after reading that piece on Barrie today. She has single-handedly dismantled our City fiscally and in its sense of place.

    And as Dunn said, people don't like her--not even her employees!

  13. Not sure about Ireton's sentiments in the article; not sure he's the one for Mayor.

  14. Joe:

    Good comment -- here's the answer.

    During most of her tenure, there was no active opposition -- that came about thanks to you and Duvall (who has become silent as a critic if not a closet booster of BPT).

    And during the entire period, the Daily Times has been her propaganda machine -- today's article is just the latest in a long series.

    The crucial period was her first term, when Ireton and Siggers were basically with her (so she could veto), then in 2000, the Council changed and was initially with her, until Webster and Polk abandoned ship. The 2002 election -- when she barely (and with Siggers help) beat Duke Shanahan -- sealed things, and in 2003, the misery was perpetuated by the election of the "Dream Team" (Dunn, Comegys and Cathcart) with the behind the scenes of SAPOA, Brad Bellaciccio, and Ron Alessi.
    In the 2005 election she was opposed by nobodys, and the election of Shields continued her power despite the election of Debbie Campbell. And last year was another tough loss due to Louweasel Smith and Comegys -- even with Terry Cohen on the Council, Barrie and her bobble heads continue to rule

    What we may never know is what else may have happened to make her tenure enjoyable because more profitable than just her salary, which has been raised by 150% during the past few years.

    Thank goodness you arrived on the scene -- things are now beginning to change. Hang in there -- illegitimi non carborundum.

    Vox Populi

  15. Has she ever explained why she was corrupt enough to make a landlord head of a group designed to oversee landlords?

  16. D'Alessandro? Baltimore politics, as in Pelosi?

  17. What a Fluff Piece from the Daily Rag for Queen Hitler!!

  18. Anonymous said...
    What about that "food tax" that Tilghman tried to get thru about 4 years ago, until there was a strong reaction by the restaurant operators as well as the public, and Dunn and Comegys got cold feet.

    4:34 PM

    Food Tax!!! Do you think Bubba wants to pay anymore for food??


  19. Anonymous said...

    And as Dunn said, people don't like her--not even her employees!

    4:55 PM

    How true is this statement. Even her department heads that kiss her ass can't stand her. They kiss her ass in public and then talk about her behind her back. What a bunch of pussies that will do anything to keep their job.

  20. GA:

    " ... blatant genuflection to the altar of the false-god Barrie Tilghman ..."

    Are you speaking about Ireton's statement that was quoted in that article?

  21. Barrie doesn't care what anybody thinks about her.She has made a
    lot of money in her political realm. Most of it is would be considered illegal.Money has a
    way of changing prople.If you pay the Times they will print it. I know,
    I've seen it done.

  22. Ireton was never with her and carried all the water for Cannon, Himelright, and Gillis. Ireton makes her and Bubba more nervous than anybody. He did the right thing here not piling on, it is not what the piece was about. G.A. would drop kick a nun if it sounded good to his right wing! G.A. and Ireton are an odd pair when it comes to city politics...yet it shows the depth of disdain for Tilghman.

  23. 8:38 --

    Ireton still needs to learn when to say nothing, rather than speak and make oneself appear to be a fool. He did not need to say anything except "no comment."

  24. Ireton actually pegged it: Barrie is the consummate politician.

    He didn't say anything about her being a good mayor or public servant.

    He'll rip on her policies, but he won't join the "Bitch About the Bitch" club.

    I'll take that head and shoulders over the "We'll Crush You If You Disagree" of Barrie, Bubba & Dunn, LLC.

  25. That fluff piece on Barrie was nothing more than another "pity the poor mayor" stunt like she pulled to get sympathy when she went after those "nasty blogs."

    Seems to me it's a good "test the campaign waters" too, whether for her or her bulldog, Bubba.

    As for Ireton, he's diplomatic by nature. That'll bode well if his hat gets in the ring. Daily Times readers are older, and if this was set up to give Barrie sympathy, don't play into it by attacking her in the same article.

    I don't know if Ireton will jump in to the race, but if he does, I'll vote for him. We need a "healer," someone who is smart and has integrity. The mayor has shown what she is, and it's time to reject it. Bubba's a lip service, scripted bulldog who can't put two coherent sentences of his own together. I figured that out watching PAC14.

  26. Barrie has always seemed overly focused at budget time on HER office furniture, curtains, and even had her office soundproofed--she's a real loser.

  27. Oh joy, the changes to the city in the past 10 years have all been in her office. New furniture, new curtains, a printer...whooopdeeedoooo. So that is where all the millions of taxpayers dollars went? Here I thught it was all given away in TIF's and developer reimbursements, silly me.


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