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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Perhaps You Meant, 30 Minutes From Bankruptcy Instead?

GO HERE to see more about Rivers Edge.


  1. Does T. Ruark have anything to do with this fiasco on Fitzwater Street? If so, it's a very well kept secret.

  2. They should put up actual pictures of the river right in front of the property. The ones with all those floatables from the WWTP how about the floating trash from Brew River. They would really give people a reason to want to live there.

  3. Even people from Dundalk and Hoboken would look at the "riversewagefront" condos bordering Delaware Ave. and say thanks but no thanks.

  4. ANON 11:38 Excellent example.

  5. The type of customer that would be interested in this type of living after seeing the state and local taxes go thru the roof, surely would opt not to retire in a locale that is run by tax and spend democrats. The OMalleys, Pollitts and Tilghmans. Isn't it amazing how democrat polices just seem to hurt everyone.

  6. They would make excellent college apartments...

  7. anon 3:06
    First of all, I'm sick to death of hearing about how bad things are because of the Democrats. O'Malley has been in office a short time, the riverfront of SBY has been in bad shape FOR DECADES. You need to make some other excuse for the bad situation of our economy, both local and national. It can't possibly be all the fault of the Democrats. While you're working your brain, consider, if you would, how much good the $3 Billion would do here in the USA instead of funding a war EVERY WEEK. Or you can try to tie the Democrats into it somehow. I can't wait to see how.

  8. "I can't wait to see how."

    Will tell you. The congressional majority is democratic. It doesn't matter who is the president.


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