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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

County Fails To Indict Landfill Suspects Monday

The Grand Jury was informed that the County was not properly prepared to go forward with the possible indictments against those involved, (3 at the moment) in the major theft scheme at the Wicomico County Landfill. I was told that they plan on presenting their case next month.


  1. How can the county not be ready after all this time.. I as a tax paying citizen am totally disgusted that we continue to waste money and not move forward with this. I sure hope Ray Lewis is not paying someone off to make this go away, he is one of the good ole boys from parsonsburg.

  2. This is so totally unbelievable - but yet it does not surprise me one bit! I am to the point it pays to be a criminal in this city/county - you get further ahead that way. Forget the days of being honest and doing business by the rule!
    Also, wonder what is going on in the Village of Tony Tank Creek and the case of the missing money. Once again, it seems to have become lost in all the shuffle. I did hear they were getting their money back but according to one resident, nothing has been ever received in writing with an explanation of any money being returned.

  3. WHO are the other two, why is it a secret?

  4. I saw this coming in my crystal ball must be somebody high on the food chain involved

  5. This isn't unusual and is typically done to make sure the case is solid prior to taking to grand jury. No conspiracy here.

  6. I would almost bet my savings that ray lewis walks away with not one day of jail time. This is why the rich get richer and the honest hard working man can't get ahead. In today's society it pays to be dishonest.

  7. What? This has been dragged out since February. At least one party in this is out partying, acting like he owns the world. It makes me sick, when he should be in jail for spending my hard earned money on his pleasures. This County is a sad place to live.....

  8. All I can say is "Good Luck". Ray and his troops are FAT CATS ! Living up life. All enjoying their new found
    Freedom and laughing all the way to the Bank.

  9. If they rushed ahead without all the ducks in line they would walk with your money, better to be ready than half cocked don't you agree go for the jugular with all your guns loaded. tony Tank? send him to jail get nothing but lawyer fees and money tied up, hold off get your money from the rascal or what you can recover THEN burn him in court, sometimes patience is a virtue

  10. Maybe the forensic auditors have not completed their investigation. Don't think for one minute the States Attorney's office, WCSO, WBI are going to let this one go. If it goes, it will be due to those higher on the food chain than them.

  11. Someone is refusing to testify on his own and a supeona is being processed.

  12. Word going around in Tony Tank is that an anonymous donor is giving the HOA $250,000. No official word from the President or Board. What does this make one think?????

  13. A new reader to this blog would, perhaps correctly, believe that this is a very corrupt city and county, if all they read were the comments and other postings today.
    I'm an old reader and I believe this whole area is corrupt. I hope I'm proven wrong. How long will I have to wait?

  14. Hey Folks, do you think the reason for the delay has to do with our own State's Attorney and his problems?

  15. as a county employee,i was told by one of the higher ups not to expect too much jail time for anyone. a big sentence will all but 18 months be suspended. also look for more contractors too be named.

  16. I've been here 30 years and it is the most corrupt city I've ever
    been around. The lawyers and
    business prople have been breaking the law for so long they think it's OK.Until this blog came along
    they crapping in high cotton!
    Good work Joe!!

  17. Why don't we just let the poor things off the hook? They steal our money, live life like a king while we work our ass off and we don't get the time of day when we want to know what is up with this Ray Lewis case. They have had MORE than enough time to investigate this crime. Hell if I done something of this magnitude I would have already been well in to my 50 years in prison.

  18. And everyone wondered how the commissioners office let these guys go wihtout bail. Its pretty damn obvious that the WBI doesn't have the case in line yet. Don't rush it guys, do it right and hang these bastards.

  19. It will be interesting to see if we really find out who all was involved in this. It certainly is looking like others are being protected somehow with the way it is being handled. If it was me who had done something like this, by now I would have been locked up and never see the outside world again. How do they get away with this? I have lived in different communities and never have seen criminal cases handled like they do around here. Between cases being dropped or delayed over and over again, then a jury trial and lastly they are found not guilty!!!!!!! It blows my mind!

  20. They are quick to indict an innocent person though. With no evidence just the criminal himself, it figures, does not surprise me. Just sit back and enjoy the show, I'm getting ready to call Dr. Phil along with other TV shows on a particular case someone will pick the story up, and hopefully it will put this little town in shame, I have artillery to back our story up. I can't beleive that half a mil is not enough, with all the evidence, PLEASE!!!!! ENJOY THE SHOW

  21. Anonymous 9:49 AM,
    This isn't unusual and is typically done to make sure the case is solid prior to taking to grand jury. No conspiracy here.


  22. Anonymous 9:20 AM
    This is so totally unbelievable - but yet it does not surprise me one bit! I am to the point IT PAYS TO BE A CRIMINAL IN THIS CITY/COUNTY - you get further ahead that way. Forget the days of being HONEST and doing business by the RULE!

    I agree!!! Perfect way to disribe ecxactly what I'm talking about.

  23. Anonymous 7:25 PM

    I've been here 30 years and it is the most corrupt city I've ever
    been around. The lawyers and
    business prople have been breaking the law for so long they think it's OK.Until this blog came along
    they crapping in high cotton!
    Good work Joe!!


  24. Its really too bad that the City of Salisbury and County have sunk to the level of the criminals way of doing things and allowing it to be "brushed under the rug".
    Just to protect the who's who's of this city and county.
    I am unfortunately not a who's who so quess I will never get ahead living here. Especially if the underhandeds know they can get away with breaking the law. They will someday though have to account for their actions - one way or the other. Things do have a way of catching up to them.

  25. Anonymous 12:51 AM

    I am with you on your comment, I am so glad that our family is not the only ones sharing your feelings.
    But the truth is WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND, if you believe in the Bible, which I DO, it states that the truth will surface, not in those words but it does, it all states that, GOD forgives us for our sins, but also wants us to tell the truth so that we can be free from our sins, so guess what, to bad for those that conspire, lie and deceive!!!

  26. The lowest man on the totem pole will bear the brunt of this escapade.

  27. Must be the good ole boys club.

  28. I have learned along the way that it is impossible
    to fight the good ole boys. Just not possible.

  29. If Rick Pollitt expects to be reelected again he had damn sure better pick up that phone and make sure the judge hammers them to the fullest extent of the law. Remember Rick, people in this county have very long memories.


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