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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Made In The USA?

Once a sign of pride, now a thing of the past. Made In The USA used to be monsterous to us manufacturers but now it means nothing to Americans. When's the last time you saw an Oil Company say, Made In The USA?


  1. When they talk about their profits

  2. Oreck vacuum cleaners are made in the USA. And they work GREAT.

  3. I bet you did not know that the USA has the 2nd highest corporate rate of the major industrial countries in the world. Then you add high state tax rates no wonder any business that can is going to move their production off-shore!

  4. I actually found something in Walmart today that was made in the USA. TOMATO CAGES. They were $1.23 and I bought every danged one of them. Only because I need them to stake up my peppers LOL.

  5. what is ironic is when americans in my neighborhood buy jap cars and trucks and ride rice burner motorcycles too! but have the nerve to fly a big ole american flag in the yard makes me sick to look at. they should be flying the rising sun flag who they support or just friggen move there.

  6. Some things that say Made in America are made in Puerto Rico or another territory of the USA.

  7. you all should of bought american products . Soon we wil be flying the jap flag and still buying hondas.
    good bye america it aint here no more.

  8. Too bad Japanese cars are just plain better than US cars. And the US knows it but continues to pay employees too much rather than invest in improving the product. The day US cars are just as reliable as Japanese is the day I will gladly buy one (however now I do have a Saturn, but it has a Honda engine - lol). How about toys? Clothing? Why is nothing made here anymore??? Did you realize that almost no flags are even made in the US? Ridiculous. Stop shopping at those horrible stores like Walmart, etc. and start supporting your local entrepreneuers and regional corporations. Start supporting your local farmers rather than going to the supermarket. Stop the bigoted comments about the competitor countries, and just look to support your own in a positive way.


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