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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

It's All About Who You Know

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  1. Joe:

    This seems outrageous to begin with, and why are they spending extra money to do a quick fix for 50 more units ("EDU's")? How much will that cost and how will the extra capacity be allocated? Will those who get the units pay for them or does the public pay?

  2. Another example of the gross mismanagement and lack of good judgment from the leaders. Why do these "surprises" keep popping up for these people, who have been charged with keeping the city straight? It's either corruption or stupidity from these people.

  3. What part of that means is that they are going to give away EDU's that once belonged to a now closed business. Once they transfer the EDU's the building that isn't occupied won't be able to rent or sell to someone that wants to open a business there because the city is giving their rights away?

    If the owners are still paying taxes on the property how does the city justify this maneuver? Get in line for lawsuits against the city and be ready for another double digit tax increase next year.

  4. Inquiring minds want to know:

    If, as Bubba Comegys says, "gropf paiz fur gropf," how much money did the City make those developers who now want the sewer service contribute to upgrading this "infrastructure" to accommodate their projects when they were allowed to have their land annexed into the City and when the site plans were approved?

  5. I'd like to blame planning and zoning, however if they were provided misinformation really can't blame them, it should be a crime

  6. When the City adopted its sewer and water impact fee a few years ago, some projects that were then in the planning "pipeline" were exempted. How many were in the service area for this pump station - what about those named in the City memo that you have posted?

    It could be that some of them will get the benefit of the upgrade and service without making any payment.

  7. Gail Bartkovich of County Council has been warning of this for years--Barrie chose not to listen or heed the warnings. This City administration should all resign.

  8. That memo lists about 1,600 residential units, so if the developers would pay the City $1,000 per unit, it should just about cover the new lift station, I believe.

  9. The only way to handle this gross mismanagement by the city administration, is to make the developers pay their own way for this new pump station. We also sure do need a new city administration in place very soon, or we will be suffering this kind of non-control over and over again, like we have these past ten years!

    A. Goetz

  10. When developers pay for something, it just increases the prices that they must charge for the home. There is no longer enough "fat" in the margin to pay for all the things required, i.e. impact fees, engineering fees, improvements to infrastructure, etc.
    The buyers end up paying in the price and the government ends up benefiting from taxes being charged on a home rather than an empty lot. In a market such as this, the typical buyers, first timers usually (because they did not have to sell their last house in order to be buying now), are the least able to afford these costs. It's a real dilemma.

  11. 12:21 --

    You assume that we really need a lot of new growth, which is a fallacy because (despite Comegys' mantra) it does not "pay" for itself when done like it is in Sprawlsbury. If those developers want the additional capacity now, they should provide the capital funds required to build the station. Otherwise they should wait for that to occur with public funds.

  12. When he said Growth paid for Growth he must have been talking about his waistline : )


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