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Friday, March 14, 2008

You Do Not Get What You Pay For

Did you catch it? A Front Page Story and they can't even get the title straight? It's supposed to say, OC Mayor rejects firefighters' proposal.

Maybe they'll get it right in their $1.50 edition on Sunday?


  1. The Times must not have filled the position they were advertising last week: proofreader for the paper. The applicant had to have a sound knowledge of grammar, etc. Since I'm a retired English teacher who could run out of red pens just proofreading the paper, I thought about applying, but I don't care for the 7-11 p.m. hours.

  2. OMG, I just thought of what you could do to this Blog? LOL

  3. I saw it as soon as I openned the paper ,,,,,they should be very embarrassed.

  4. Their Proof Reader is a graduate of "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND".

  5. Joe come on! Your spelling is horrendous too! LOL! But, I see your point. We're getting yours for free and the Disgrace we pay for. When I start remitting my payment for viewing your website, can I complain louder about your spelling then?!?!?!?!?! ROTFLMAO!

  6. What are they smoking over there at the Daily Grunt? Day smokin' dat Crack pipe?

    Looks like they are in need of an editor and a couple of proof readers.

    The mayor is probably too busy telling Bassett hound what to print for him to get anything done right. Or maybe he's just dysfunctional.


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