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Friday, March 14, 2008

The Drive In Theater In West OC Isn't Exactly Closed

As you can see, the Theater has been closed long enough to show some pretty serious growth of trees on the property but it would appear the homeless have found a decent place to call home.

There are tents up throughout the property and they look fairly new.


  1. Well, at least the property is being put to good use, if it really is for the homeless?

    A. Goetz

  2. These same type of tents are also where you get on the bypass in salisbury from zion road! Soon as you get on the bypass going up the ramp its on your right.

  3. They use to call them Hoovervilles, now they are called Tilghmanvilles.

    As far as the gas companies go on the earlier post, I can imagine they are going to need some really good security for them and their family if they keep posting record profits.

  4. Gotta hand it to the homeless. They don't skimp on tents. They look better than the one I use to go camping!


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