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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Wicomico County Landfill Update

There have been several people asking what the most recent update is on the investigation going on in Wicomico County and the Landfill.

WBI & the WCSO have interviewed most of the people they feel necessary for the moment. One of the main problems has been, man power. These interviews and investigations require many Officers traveling to individual houses and even returning to get even more answers to their questions.

Once completed they have to regroup at the Sheriff's Department and compare notes and see where everyone's stories bring them. No doubt they'll look at these notes and have to go out and interview these people again.

That being said, considering the size of this investigation, nothing is going to happen overnight. I want to make this very clear as well. I am NOT an investigator and I simply spoke to one individual referencing this matter and this is the IMPRESSION I got from that conversation.

I wanted to bring something to the table to let everyone know that this will take time. No one is going anywhere and they want to make sure they cover all their bases. When I come to learn more I'll certainly share it.

I had a brief conversation with Jim Finneran today and Jim used to be a Reporter back in the 70"s in Salisbury and he said, we had more happen in one weekend here in Wicomico County than we used to see in an entire year back when I was a Reporter.

I started thinking about what he said and all I could think of was how the Salisbury Police Department has the same amount of Officers on their Staff then they did back in 1984! Things are a bit ass backwards in Salisbury AND Wicomico County. As the population grows and these municipalities expand, so does the tax base. This means we should have a Police Officer for a certain amount of people, similar to a Congressman for every 450,000 people.

Find a happy medium and simply set it in the taxpayers minds that this is what's necessary and crime will go do. In the mean time, Salisbury and Wicomico County are simply a glutton for punishment.


  1. That police officer / population ratio goes for the fire department also. In 91 there were 6 on the engine. Now there are 3, more work not enough people not enough pay. Officers and Fire Fighters should be treated better than they are. No Im not talking about the ones you target, Im talking about the ones on the front line doing the work.

  2. Look in today's paper at OC EMS' base salery's. Its almost double what SFD pays

  3. Maybe the county should take over all jurisdiction of the city, to have a county wide government. Mike Lewis would certainly get a hold on the crime in the city. The citizens of the county wouldn't put up with the crap from Barrie Tilghman or Allen Webster.

  4. and so does the fire department grow.

  5. WBI & the WCSO have interviewed most of the people they feel necessary for the moment. One of the main problems has been, man power. These interviews and investigations require many Officers traveling to individual houses and even returning to get even more answers to their questions.

    I sure do wish that all investigations in the county/city took this procedure, I guarantee you that we would have less criminals in the street. This the correct procedure but they need to follow this parodical on all cases instead of jumping the gun then realizing, opps we got the wrong guy, but what the heck, we don't want anyone to know we messed up.

  6. Please everyone start thinking out of the box. Yes, the population,
    and growth has change dramtically.
    However to compare manpower today
    to 1991 is ridulous without comparing the technology as well.

  7. Since when does technology walk and drive the city streets looking for trouble makers? You say camera's? The suspects are gone before anyone shows up.

    Takes long enough for a response just calling, you think camera's will get them there faster?

  8. Maybe we should cut staffing to do away with overtime. Technology has it covered right?

  9. "Since when does technology walk and drive the city streets looking for trouble makers?"

    The only place the SPD jerk offs could find a crime scene is if it was in the Ihop parking lot.

  10. With budget cuts everywhere do to
    miss management I'm afraid we are
    going to see more reductions of services.

  11. Joe:

    You are speaking logic to the government.

    If they did what was right the fire station downtown would remain AND they would build a new one to service the new growth areas.

    If they did what was right in trying to sell 'surplus property' they would hire a competent real estate auctioneer.

    Pocomoke City has 18 full time police officers, yet one can 'score' refreshing crack cocaine anytime day or night right in front of X-Councilman Honiss Cane's bogus business.

    You have a good idea...

    If I have to pay taxes, and I do then getting some service for my money is what I want...

    Kind of like your story about trash cans on the old main street.

    I have been interested in opening a business there for years, but the only business would have to be on-line cause there ain't no foot traffic.

  12. Damn I missed the part where the Police Depts. started using ROBO COPS to arrest the bad guys.
    Technology for police work give me break. Might carry a few more bullets or a tazer. It isn't the Ford plant.

  13. Feed criminal info into a computer, watch what kind of profiling you will get.

    Nothing can replace human instinct.


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