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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Panara Bread Opens In West Ocean City

You know, I thought for once, I'm going to copy some news from the Daily Times for once. Why, because I actually think this is ridiculous that the Daily Times has spent days announcing a Panara Bread will be opening. These guys must be expected to be some big time advertising spenders down the road?

Although I'm happy for our friends over in Worcester County, filling up free ad space for yet another "CHAIN" spells out what kind of community we've become. We had dances, coffee shops and all sorts of fun advertised here late last week for some "COMMUNITY" fun. That's what the Daily Times should be filling up their space with. Anne Taylor had a Art Show with live music last week, NOTHING in the Daily Times.

How about that Grapevine today, eh? You just can't stop kicking a man when he's down, can you Greg? That's OK, he'll remember that for life. I'm confident the Daily Times believes they have enough power to overthrow the States Attorneys Office with enough outcry and influence to sway the minds of the proper people who would make such a decision. It also shows the hatred from Mayor Tilghman towards Davis Ruark and how she'll stop at nothing to get people to send out hateful messages about Davis, yet she's been accused, (even in a Court Room) of drinking and driving herself. Hell, there's enough Firefighters out there that could allegedly back that statement too.

Nevertheless, the Daily Times was as thin as its ever been as they're back to normal after only one day of celebration. OK guys, I've been in the printing business for more than 25 years. My personal opinion, the paper sucked yesterday. You know it and I know it. Even the paper itself was faded, making it even harder to read. When you go to a News Stand the next time, look at the USA Today and then the Daily Times. Speaking of bread, after $6.5 million on a new Press, you guys have no clue what you're doing.

The only ones who don't care about the quality are my dogs who pee and poop on it each and every day. It's cheaper than piddle pads!


  1. Joe the paper sucks.Smaller size, smaller print,blurry pictures,and a friend of WWTP Tilghman. HARDHEAD

  2. How many times have we sen pictures of Alan Webster in the Worcester County social pages with a drink in his hand at Seacrets? Davis Ruark has done alot of good for this city--I can certainly forgive this mistake, I think it would be very difficult to find ANYONE who has not had a drink and driven , I know I have. I sincerely hope Davis returns and continues his hard work.

  3. It is legal to have a drink and drive-- it IS NOT legal to be drunk and drive. Rurak needs to go. I do know how anyone can look at the rampant crime in this county and think he is doing a good job.

  4. Joe. If you don't like the paper then don't read it. Your just an old man with to much time on your hands. Your not always right but your are always mean. Your just a nasty old man without a life.

  5. Joe, as a fellow Delmarian, I just want to say that for many years the only source of local news has been the Daily Times. Since I have become a daily reader of your blogs, I will no longer have to waste my 50 cents on their paper. Your blogs are timely, informative, and even entertaining at times. Keep up the great work!

  6. Rampant crime comes from having a police chief with his head up the mayors ass making statements such as "there are no gangs in salisbury" and most recently at a council meeting "crime is down in salisbury". Well of course you wont see gang activity in Salisbury if you're always in a bar in Ocean City. Crime is going to be down according to the stats if you are not making any arrests. IDIOT!

  7. Joe:
    Have you checked out the building permit for Barrie's deck?

  8. It is repulsive how much corporate chain restaurants thrive in this town. They dominate our local businesses with their endless financial resources and give nothing back to the community which supports them. But I believe that local consumers are mostly to blame. The dining rooms at Chili's and Applebee's stay constantly full, despite their gouged prices and sub-par food quality. However, when groups want gift cards for silent auctions or donations for their kid's little league team, they come to local-owned restaurants for a handout. These people need to return the favor, and start dining out at local establishments.

  9. The Daily times may be cheaper than piddle pads but what good is it when you buy it it is already full of shit


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