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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Some Street Sweeper Answers

"The county operates not one, but two street sweepers. This one was being driven to Maryland Industrial Truck on the other side of the Bay for repairs. The driver was employed by that company.

Our street sweepers serve 158 subdivisions here in Wicomico County. I’ll let you know when this one is back home and up and running."

Keep in mind Folks, I did call to confirm and or find out why the original photos showed this vehicle at this location and the Couty Employees I spoke with weren't even aware, (at the time) they had Street Sweepers. Too funny! A fun ending to a fun story.


  1. With the prices that Salisbury stores charge, can you blame the guy for stopping at the outlet stores in Queenstown (they are great).

  2. Hey at least you got straight up answers in real time! God forbid the city try that. Let you know in about a month.

    Kudo's to Jim and the county staff for settling that one quick. Doesn't hurt to ask, after all it is our money.

  3. City won't give answers to even council members about minor things like why the hell accounts are overdrawn.

    Good on the County for giving a simple answer to a simple question.

  4. The city can not answer any questions without Barrie's approval.

  5. Did Fineran really NOT know that there were Street Sweepers in Wicomico?

  6. Our street gets "swept" about once every month or so. Since there are a lot of trees in our neighborhood, dead leaves tend to collect in the drainage curbs and gutters, making quite a mess when it rains.

    This occasional sweeping helps keep the streets in half-decent shape.

    Our tax dollars at work.

  7. Hey Joe. Would you tend to agree that Fineran NOT knowing that the County operated street sweepers qualifies for a Dee Deeee Deeeeee award? I realize this is Wicomical County but geeezus, he's the PIO for godsake. He should have some clue about what's going on.

  8. Yeah, but he's really, really old, so you can't beat up on a guy like that. LOL

  9. The way it used to work is the Big Dogs used to go around the county and learn the nuts and bolts of the place. Now all they know is what is at the GOB. Thats what politics does. (executive form of govt) Their only worried about looking good to the public. Only problem is that in situations like this it comes back to bite them in the a$$. Like I commented before, Jim Fineran only works for the county because he worked on Rick Pollits campaign and helped him get elected. The guy makes 60k a year for basically nothing. I will say Fineran has only been around a year or two. I heard he didnt know the county had a landfill until....well you know (just kidding). It would serve him well however, before he puts his foot in his mouth again, to make a phone call and find out a correct answer before making himself and the rest of the county look even more like dumba$$es. Those of you that voted for an executive form of govt. You voted wrong, and it is costing you more money. Before now there were 7 council members to go through, now there is just one person holding all the cards. Boy that was smart.

  10. anonymus 8:04, you're wrong!

    Mr. Fineran knows more about Wicomico County than you probably do. And as far as the Landfill goes, back in the early 1970's, it was Jim Fineran who broke the illegal activities going on as he was a Reporter for WBOC, I believe?

    Your comment is completely wrong. So the guy didn't know the County had street sweepers, so what? I'll bet you didn't know that when you put your heat on "MIX" that you're also running your air conditioner. That being a FACT, not everyone knows everything, even in your own car.

  11. I'm sorry, the illegal activities at the LANDFILL is what he reported on in the early 70's.

  12. The comment about not knowing the county had a landfill was meant as a joke. I am merely stating that he doesnt seem to know anything about the "current" operations of the county. Quite frankly I could care less about what he reported on 30 years ago. The county has had street sweepers for 15 years or more. The new regime is clueless as to what really takes place in the county and I wouldnt take that bet about him knowing more because you would probably lose. The other part of my comment merely states that before he inserts his foot into his mouth when he disseminates information, he should get versed on facts. I guess you also disagree with the statement that he would be holding that position even if he hadnt worked with politt on his campaign. If Mr Fineran "Broke the story back in the 70's" then it seems to me he should be pretty knowledgable in how the MDE mandated changes. And Joe, I guess I misunderstood your earlier post, it seemed to me that you were a little suprised at him not knowing that and agreed to qualify him for the DEEE DEEEEEEE DEEEEEEEE award. You sound like your backpedaling. Is he going to cut you off of information or something?

  13. I'm simply stating that I think you're wrong. I'd also suggest, so you don't back peddle, throw a lol at the end of things you later want to call a joke.

  14. I said (just kidding) after the remark. It was meant to be humorous because of the recent events at our fine landfill. However, I can use lol in the future so as not to offend anyone.


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