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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ray Lewis Update

As every day passes, the WBI is fielding calls with tips of information expanding this case more and more.

Most want answers and as this is understandable, it's just not going to happen. This has to be the most complex case Wicomico County has ever experienced and it will take months, if not a year or more to complete.

That being said, everyone has "lawyered up" at the Landfill and getting anyone to give up information is just about impossible any more, so this is the stage of the investigation that will take time.

Oh, they're get to the bottom of everything but it will just take longer now. The good part is, the Grand Jury will be listening to much of what they already have, (Ray Lewis) in two weeks and then the ball will really start rolling.

So be patient and know that WBI & WCSO are fielding a ton of tips and doing everything possible to investigate each and every one of them. This too take quite a bit of time.

I had received rumors today that a local Rental Company was allegedly involved where stolen equipment showed up on a certain property but it could not be confirmed. Then I also heard allegedly human waste was being mixed with sand/dirt and ending up at the Landfill, (not where you might think) and the EPA was allegedly probing out there to see if it was true. Again, that could not be confirmed, I'm simply sharing what I heard.


  1. I hear its not just a rental company but also that a company in town with dumptrucks was buying tires from Lewis also...WBI will close in on these crooks and all of Salisbury will be suprised or not about the "who's who" croud thats involved!

  2. Allegedly, that’s your problem Joe you never get the facts. Instead you open your mouth based on rumors or accusations essentially stirring the pot.

  3. I'm no Joe fan but he's on it regarding this activity. This thing spans far and wide and what's been reported thus far has only scratched the surface. This was basically an organized crime ring and 'ol Ray was the Don. Stay Tuned.

    Oh Yea. Joe...ahhh...faggetaboutit!

  4. There's a lot of puckered up hiney holes in Wicomico County at this time. People are sweating bullets. This thing is going to blow up A LOT of people.

  5. I'm always puzzled by the criticism of the owner of the website on the website. If you clearly dislike what the man has to say, why put yourself thru the angst of reading it? Surely there must be someone just like you who has a blog you can read...one that won't irritate you? Comment on the issue if you want, but keep personal attacks out of it, or better yet, use his email address to tell him just what you think, without irritating those of us who want to read news and, yes, opinion.

  6. Joe you dont know swuat try trying to act like you know, like youre the man. well youre not. Just a know it all. opinionated and wrong. You need to stop the rumor mill and talk about facts and if you dont have any then dont post it. Innocent people get hurt with rumors. yes there are many innocent people at that landfill and their families. They have absolutely nothing to do with it. why hurt the innocent? Do you wnat your family drug into crap that they have nothing to do with? well give the same curtesey to others.

  7. Right on Anonymous 7:30, there are plenty of other blogs for people that have nothing nice to say and that don't know how to spell.
    Anonymous 8:30, get a dictionary or better yet an elementary school English book and learn some punctuation rules.

  8. What color are those dump trucks that you say is in cahoots with Ray Lewis?

  9. THIS CASE NEEDS FEDERAL PROSECUTION!!!!!!!!!The only way you will get all the crooks....

  10. ^5, anom 9:07, some folks mean well, but the spelling and punctuation is hard to deal with. anyway - Joe needs to stop worrying about being the first with so called news, and be the most accurate. there has already been some misleading about this ray lewis deal - and it seems that some people are more concerned with ray-ray-ray than the others who may have been involved. Joe, you gotta stiff one for ray or what? why aren't you saying a lot about the rest of the people who may have been involved? ray didn't take that stuff by himself. huh? print this, joe - let the people read it. and there are PLENTY of folks around who know damned well how far this stealing went through the county ranks. if you don't know, no problem. and this doesn't make make ray less innocent. but joe talks like ray went in there with guns loaded and took the stuff by force. My a$$! let's tell it all like it is. AND THIS IS NO DAMAGE CONTROL FROM RAY LEWIS, JOE!!! PRINT IT IF YOU'RE SO MUCH MAN!!

  11. I've known Ray and his family for MANY years and this is just devastating to his friends and family. We are just as blown away as the rest of you. But, there is absolutely no way that Ray was the only "big man on the totem pole". It is TOO big and went on for TOO long to be run by this guy alone. Everyone is gonna be shocked when or IF the real truth of who all was involved comes out. The goes farther up than most people realize. Let's hope that the public gets the real truth and not the bs they like to shovel at us around here.

  12. They should check into the Wicomico County Soil Conservation...I see their employees (Soil Conservation)driving ASAP trucks while conducting county jobs (most recently 1 week ago). I would think that if the county is conducting an investigation on ASAP they wouldn't still be using them to complete county jobs. If they are still using them to complete county jobs, maybe it's not Ray Lewis, but a county employee they should look at!


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