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Monday, December 10, 2007

Our Exclusive Monday Message From Congressional Candidate Andy Harris.


I wanted to talk today about being a true fiscal conservative.

There are two parts to being a fiscal conservative. The first is opposing all new taxes and the second is opposing wasteful spending. Most politicians only focus on the first part of being a fiscal conservative and ignore the second. They oppose new taxes, but they vote for every wasteful spending bill that comes down the pike. The result is an ever increasing national debt and the creation of a structural deficit at the state level.

I have a consistent record of fiscal conservatism. As a State Senator, I have opposed all statewide net tax increases. One of the first things I did when I decided to run for Congress was to sign the Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) "Taxpayer Protection Pledge" to oppose all new net tax increases while in Congress. After I signed the pledge, the president of ATR Grover Norquist said, "By signing the Pledge, Senator Harris demonstrates his allegiance to hard-working taxpayers nationwide, as well as dedication to taxpayers in Maryland. I applaud his leadership and dedication to the ideals of limited government."

As a State Senator, I have opposed wasteful government spending. I have voted against 6 of the last 9 state budgets including the budget offered by Governor O'Malley. As a member of Congress, I will oppose all wasteful government spending.

Despite their attempts in an election year to portray themselves as fiscal conservatives, my opponents have poor records on fiscal conservative issues. Both Gilchrest and Pipkin have voted for higher taxes. Gilchrest has voted for a 15 billion dollar federal gas and energy tax. Pipkin voted for the 340 million dollar "flush tax" on every homeowner in Maryland.

Both Gilchrest and Pipkin have also voted for wasteful government spending. Gilchrest has voted for every single pork-laden Democratic appropriations bill. He even voted to override President Bush's veto of one of the bills. President Bush vetoed the bill because he believed the increase in spending was irresponsible. Apparently, Gilchrest disagreed.

Like Gilchrest, Pipkin has voted for irresponsible spending. Pipkin voted for Governor O'Malley's budget in April. That budget stole 900 million dollars from the rainy day fund which gave Governor O'Malley the justification he felt he needed to increase taxes by 1.5 billion dollars in the Special Session. I voted against that budget, Pipkin voted for it.

When deciding who will protect your tax dollars as your congressman, I hope you will consider someone who will oppose new taxes and wasteful government spending.

Merry Christmas,



  1. How much tax money has Gilchrist spent on government paid mailers this election year alone just trying to stay in office???? I would like to know.

  2. Lets see, Gilchrist said he wouldn't use taxpayer $$$$ to send campaign flyers. I guess he changed his mind. Then he said he would not take PAC money. I guess he changed his mind on that one too. WAYNE GILCHRIST HAS NO CREDIBLITY!!!

  3. Andy:
    Our court systems are jammed with minor cases, that cost me the tax paying public a lot of money. What is your stand on cheap shot law suits, minor (marijuana) drug cases and such tying up our court system.

  4. anon 2:47 good question. Email the campaign on their website:


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