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Sunday, December 09, 2007

ONE Salisbury Fire Fighter Is A Lying Sack Of Shit!

Well, first and foremost, all of you see my pic and know who I am. My belief...if you can't post something, stand behind your belief, and identify yourself, your words mean nothing.

This is a definite first but, it was brought to my husband's attention on Friday that it was believed he was posting on this site because of some alleged race issues within the department. Not that he doesn't care about anyone being allegedly treated unfairly, we just haven't had time to care, let alone comment...until it's concerning us!

I am unsure who has decided to "fight for a cause" by impersonating my husband on this site, but I'd have to say, WOW, you went to great lengths to have people believe it was him when it wasn't. I/we have never, nor ever intend to be the interracial spokescouple for race relations and it's acceptance within the fire department or lack therof.

Although Cor wishes not to entertain this drama, by continuing to not post on blog sites (which I believe is a wise choice), I just could not stand for this person disparaging the deparment, its personnel, or Joe A., when all we've done since our relocating to Salisbury is mind our own business, while enjoying this cute little town and our lives in it.

If anyone knows my husband at all, you would know that we have been together way too long to worry about saying such politically correct words as "african american" or "bi-racial" like this imposter says.

Yes, our children are beautiful MIXED kids and I am Cor's BLACK wife. Never has it been a problem, nor will we allow it to become one. People talk...they always have, they always will, and to all of those people who are talking about our mixed kids or me as a firefighter's black wife....thanks for making us important enough to be the topic of your conversation today.



Forgive me for the title Camille, it was necessary IMO.


  1. Not a problem, title completely appropriate...


  2. I knew it wasn't all firefighters commenting on this site. Imagine what you could do if you took your sick sense of being and used it towards something beneficial.

    You people accuse Joe of being sick? People in glass houses should never throw stones.

    Camille, you and your family are to be commended for rising above all of this.

  3. Oh Camille if you only knew what dirty secrets Cor has. He has all kinds of female "friends" if you know what i mean. I wouldn't be so quick to defend your husband.

  4. Come on Melissa are you jelous?

  5. Thank you for your kind words Anon 1:02...and to all others reading this who truly grasp the intent of my original post.

    Best Regards and Happy Holidays!


  6. Joe, I'm unsure if my last post thanking Anon 1:02 got to you successfully...so thank you kindly Anon 1:02.

    Also, just to clear something up, I do not get hostile or belligerent from accusations, especially online, so please don't expect that from me Anon 1:00.

    Just to reiterate what I said previously, all we've ever done is mind our own business....and if anyone truly knew either Cor or I, you would also know why Anon 1:00's statement makes no sense whatsoever. (But, thanks for playing...)

    Again, Happy Holidays and Kindest Regards...


  7. I'd just keep a eye on that cell phone bill and those ladies at PRMC in the ER if you know what I mean. I don't know what anyone sees in Barney Rubble anyway.? You can do much better than that baby.

  8. Ohhh, What a scandal! LOL

    Anyway, on a serious note, (Anon 11:12) I'm so sorry to see that you have such anger and resentment built up towards my husband.

    It's unfortunate that you're posting as anonymous therefore making it virtually impossible for either Cory or supervisory personnel to address your unresolved issues.

    Although it is apparent that you enjoy commenting back and forth and are needing someone to talk to, I must bid you farewell. I just can not dedicate a minute more of my time contributing to an unproductive dialogue, so my replies have come to a close.

    If ever you'd like to speak about something in a more positive light, you know where to find me. Remember, just to reiterate, I don't do hostile or belligerent...it's not my style.

    I do, however, wish you and your family all the best!

    Kindest Regards,


  9. Now THAT'S a classy woman! Thanks for sharing that Camille! Joe


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